
Chapter 71: A baseball bat under the counter

He was still smiling to himself when he got back to the car.

'I was considering coming down and dragging you off,' Joe said.

'It does the soul good.'

'Doesn't happen that often you can afford to pass it up.'

'Speak for yourself,' Robert told him. Joe grinned and started the engine but Robert put out a hand. 'Wait.'

Loud voiced, Remo was gesticulating at Karen, attracting attention, embarrassing one young family close to. But not Karen. Reuniting her front with the warm sand she nestled her body into a comfortable position and turned her face into her arms, ignoring him. Cut off like that Remo's shoulders sagged, he took an uncertain step towards her, stopped, turned, and dragged his feet along the beach to return to the house.

'Okay,' Robert said, 'Let's go.'

Joe steered the car onto the road, but not before saying, 'They've got us by the prick, mate.'

'Coming and going,' Robert said, more to himself than Joe.