
Chapter 14: Inopportune Secret

Sapphire was exhilarated; her body trembled with untapped energy. She was high on the disbelief and the astonishment in the atmosphere. Whispers and rumours were flying, people crying and stumbling in shock, and Sapphire could scent their fear growing. Kara’s wolf whimpered beneath her, ears pinned and her tail between her legs. Sapphire had long since wanted to show herself to these bastards, and her host couldn’t have planned it better.

‘That’s not possible!’ one of Kara’s shrews yelled.

‘Aria was a shiftless omega,’ another said. Sapphire couldn’t raise an eyebrow like her host, but she glanced at her human mate. Chase was too stunned to interpret the question in her eyes. Sapphire snorted instead, not impressed. She faced Kara’s wolf when she growled and prowled around her. Sapphire’s right ear twitched in Andrew’s direction when he chuckled; Aria was also laughing inside her.

‘Ruin her, Saph.’

‘With pleasure,’ Sapphire growled. She moved counter-clockwise against Kara, teeth bared, hackles and tail raised. Kara’s wolf lunged first, Sapphire dodging with a burst of speed. She turned sharply, attacking Kara from behind. Sapphire’s canines sunk into her scruff, shaking Kara around and throwing her to the other side of the field. She landed with a yelp, favouring her left front leg as she stood. Kara snarled, saliva dripping from her teeth. Sapphire admitted she had spunk, but she lacked proper training. Kara didn’t know what to do with her teeth or claws. She proved it with her next move. Kara took off at a run, planning to gouge her canines into Sapphire’s chest. She had the height advantage, sure, but Sapphire merely leapt over her.

‘Oh, fucks sake, Aria, stop playing with her,’ Declan yelled.

‘Leave her be,’ Andrew said. ‘This is four years in the making.’ Sapphire was too focused on Kara to notice the wince Justin and Chase gave, but she knew Kara saw when she growled. Neither Aria nor Sapphire appreciated that. Sapphire ran at Kara’s wolf, biting into her neck and ploughing her to the ground. She released a startled bark, paws effortlessly kicking at Sapphire’s underbelly. Kara’s wolf tried biting Sapphire’s ears, but couldn’t reach. She twisted and turned, but couldn’t shake her off. Kara used her claws, but Sapphire’s fur was so thick, she couldn’t penetrate the skin. Desperate, she howled for help. Someone knocked Sapphire off a few seconds later.

Andrew growled as Sapphire turned to snarl at the grey wolf. Kara snarled and pounced on Sapphire back, sinking her canines into her neck. Another two wolves ganged up on her, attacking her hind legs. Andrew was about to shift when a black wolf raced passed him. Chase jumped at the intruder, shocked and enraged that the patrol didn’t tell him there was a rogue. He went to chase after him, but Andrew stopped him.

‘Andrew, that—’

‘Quite,’ Andrew ordered, relaxing at the sight of the black wolf barrelling into one of the greys.

‘Bullshit, Drew. He’s—’

‘I know him. Relax,’ Andrew’s tone was so harsh, it stopped Chase and Justin from arguing further. Andrew never took his eyes of Sapphire and the black wolf as they worked together to get rid of the wolves surrounding them.

Neither Sapphire nor Aria knew where the black wolf came from, but she was happy to see him. Sapphire was even delighted when she heard the tell-tale crunch of bones breaking. The grey wolf howled in pain, yelping when the black wolf tossed him into some packmates. Sapphire growled when Kara managed to sink her teeth in enough to pierce her skin. Sapphire twisted around, grabbing a portion of her scruff and ripping Kara’s wolf off her. She threw her into one of Kara’s cronies as the black wolf threw the other grey wolf at the same person. They landed in a heap, blood pouring from the two the black wolf attacked. Sapphire growled and shook her coat. The black wolf grumbled, bumping his snout against hers. He licked her cheek before he placed his front legs on her back, checking on her small wound. Sapphire looked at Chase then, seeing the jealousy swell up in him was satisfying.

‘Kaage,’ Aria yelled, laughing as he nipped at Sapphire’s ears. Sapphire huffed and nipped at his tail. Kaage hopped down and shifted, Drake kneeling beside her with a smile.

‘Hey, sis,’ he said.

‘Hey, yourself,’ Sapphire replied as she nudged her side. Sapphire shifted and immediately invaded Drake’s haven to find Kaage for a proper greeting. Aria stood and held out her hand to help him up.

‘Not that I’m not glad to see you, boys, but what are you doing here?’ Aria asked as they hugged. Drake pulled back surprised, glancing at Andrew and back to Aria.

‘Drew didn’t tell you I was coming?’ he said. Both of Aria’s eyebrows rose, looking at her twin with astonishment and anger.

‘No, he didn’t,’ she said and made her way towards him.

‘Oh, shit,’ Andrew muttered, running a hand through his hair. ‘I’m dead.’

‘What? Why?’ Justin asked.

‘He forgot to tell me someone was coming,’ Aria said.

‘I thought you would tell her, Drew,’ Drake said.

‘The opportunity never seemed to come up,’ Andrew said nervously as he shrugged.

‘Dear lord,’ Drake muttered.

‘Drew,’ Aria scolded.

‘Maybe this conversation should be discussed inside,’ Declan said before he nodded to Drake. ‘Hey, Drake.’

‘Hi, Dee, how are you doing, mate?’ Drake said. Chase could detect a British accent in his words, and now that he’s gotten a closer look, he and Levi feel threatened. His hair was as black as his wolf’s fur, eyes as green as emeralds and his skin as pale as ivory. He was roughly the same height as Justin and the same build and fitness as Andrew. Chase wasn’t comfortable with Drake standing so close to Aria, but he didn’t dare say anything.

‘Bloody well, thank you,’ Declan said with a terribly, fake accent. Drake laughed at the attempt.

‘Still terrible,’ Winter said.

‘Winnie, darling,’ Drake said as he hugged her waist and spun her around. Aria ignored the rest of the greetings as she stared at Andrew, waiting for an explanation.

‘I was worried,’ he said. Aria sighed, knowing what he was talking about instantly. Chase stared between the two, jealousy forgotten and his worry was increasing when Aria pinched the bridge of her nose. He frowned as she sighed, glancing at Justin in confusion but he was just as confused.

Aria went to answer when Kara screeched behind them. She turned just in time to see a dagger flying towards her. Drake caught the hilt before she could catch it herself, his eyes now blood red and furious.

‘Now you’ve done it,’ Aria muttered as Drake growled. He stalked towards her, fangs dropping and claws lengthening. Andrew went to intervene when Aria placed a hand on his chest.

‘Don’t,’ she said.

‘But he could kill her,’ Andrew replied.

‘…there’s a downside to that?’

‘Aria,’ Justin exclaimed.

‘What? The whore deserves it.’

‘Ari,’ Declan warned.

‘Oh, fake sakes, Declan. I’m going to let him kill her…yet, but I do want him to scare her,’ Aria said. Kara screamed as Drake lunged at her. The people around her fell suddenly by an invisible force. Kara landed on her back, and Drake wrapped around her like a vice. He trapped her arms under one arm and held her head to the side with the other, Drake’s fangs repairing to strike at her jugular vein. Kara screamed and bucked against him.

‘Aria,’ Justin yelled.

‘Drake,’ Aria called, and the man froze, his teeth scraping at Kara’s skin. Aria didn’t say anything more, staring at Chase as he watched Drake with fascination. Aria frowned when he was startled to her staring, but his growing blush had Sapphire thinking of making him flustered in a different situation.

‘Not the time, Saph,’ Aria said.

‘Come on, Aria, don’t tell me you’re not thinking of making him submit as well.’

‘I said not the time,’ Aria repeated, but she had trouble fighting back a smirk. Instead, she focused on Drake. She walked over and crouched in front of him, ignoring the sobbing woman as she stroked Drake’s hair. He relaxed under her touch, emerald green piercing through blood red.

‘That’s enough, brother,’ she said. Drake scrutinised her for a moment before releasing Kara. She dropped like a sack of potatoes, trembling in shock. Blood trickled down her neck but not excessively; they were only scratches.

‘Would someone help the baby to the doctors? We have a training to assess here,’ Aria said.

‘Maybe we should postpone that for another day?’ Declan asked as Kara was carried away. Drake stuck close to Aria as they walked back over, linking their hands together tightly.

‘Stay close to me,’ she whispered before speaking louder. ‘We can do that if the alpha is okay with it?’ Everyone turned to Chase for his decision. He looked around nervously, uncomfortable with the weight of the stares.

‘Um…yeah, let’s postpone,’ he mumbled. Drake raised a brow at him, glancing at Aria.

‘That’s your mate?’ he asked.


‘He doesn’t seem like what you described. He looks…?’

‘Lost, timid, fearful? He is. Long story short, he’s not the alpha and his behaviour lines up with abuse victims.’

‘Any signs of physical abuse or just emotional?’

‘Only emotional so far, but supernaturals, Drake,’ Aria said, glancing at him perilously, ‘if someone wanted to hide physical abuse, there are certain exiled magicians they buy from to achieve that.’

‘True. You’ve gotten yourself into a shitty situation, though.’

‘Don’t encourage Andrew; he’ll call the rest of the team…if he didn’t already.’

‘That, I don't know; he didn’t tell me anyway,’ Drake replied. Aria only hummed as the verbal conversation continued, idly following as they walked back to the house.

Chase kept peeking at Drake and Aria, his jealousy returning at how close they were. He knew they had a mental conversion; Chase wished he could hear it, he didn’t like not knowing what was going on.

‘Your office, Chase?’ Declan said.

‘Not the office,’ Aria said, still looking distracted.

‘Why not?’ Justin asked.

‘Is there another room where we won’t be overheard?’ Andrew asked. Chase had to think about it for a minute before nodding. He gestured for them to follow, leading them to the gym. Aria could see the anxiety in his shoulders, and he kept glancing left and right, checking to see if anyone was following. Aria did the same, but she didn’t see anyone. Still, Chase was frightened, and she didn’t like that.

‘Alright, why are we meeting in here?’ Justin asked.

‘Drake, you’re ears are more sensitive; make sure no one listens in,’ Aria said. Drake glanced at Chase and Justin before nodding to her. He stood by the door, arms crossed and right foot against the wall. Aria held up a finger when both Justin and Declan opened their mouths, removing her ring and pushing the secondary circlet free on its hidden axis. Chase frowned as Aria threw the ring across the floor, his brow raising as sparks shot off it. He watched as she smirked as it bounced once, twice and it stretched to an oval shape large enough to fit a person. Aria beamed as a beautiful woman with natural skin tones, and bright copper hair stepped through. Aria squealed as her arctic blue eyes found hers, bouncing as the woman rushed to hug her.

Chase frowned as the women embraced each other, briefly glancing at Justin in confusion. Justin shrugged for the umpteenth time that day, not knowing who the woman was either until he saw the silver circlet upon her brow. He made a noise of surprise as Chase’s brow rose when the realisation struck them. Chase didn’t need to see the circlet to know this woman was royalty; everything about her screamed it. Her high collar, long-sleeved corset dress was coloured with various shades of blues and black. The skirt had two splits, exposing her decorative black leggings and her knee-high boots. The embroidery on Serenity’s pants and the hem of her dress and sleeves suggested she was nothing but royalty, and Aria knew her.

‘What the hell happened in the last four years?’ Justin asked.

‘Your guess is as good as mine,’ Chase replied.

‘You zealot,’ Serenity yelled, cupping Aria’s face as she beamed at her. ‘I don’t hear from you for months only to get a call for a favour yesterday, and the portal opens today? I feel special.’

‘What can I say? I like playing Miss Disappear,’ Aria replied, and the woman laughed.

‘You can say that again.’

‘Serenity, as much as I would like to say this is a social call…’ Aria trailed off.

‘What have you gotten yourself into now?’

‘Long story,’ Aria glanced at Chase and Justin, alerting Serenity of their presence, ‘one I would gladly explain, but could you charm the room for me, please? I don’t want anyone hearing us.’ Serenity frowned before waving Drake away from the door. Chase was stunned as her eyes began to glow, azure energy flowing from her hands. She whispered archaic words onto the walls, the blue energy seeping into the paint and the plaster.

‘Done. Now, tell me what is going on?’ Serenity said. ‘Hi, Drew. Hi, Drake.’ Aria only nodded, grateful before she held out her hand. The portal suddenly closed and the ring flew back into Aria’s hand as Andrew and Drake greeted Serenity.

‘Before I get into that, let me do the formal introductions,’ Aria said. ‘Serenity, this is Declan, Ian, Amy, Max and Michael from White Warriors. These two are the infamous Chase and Justin, my idiot mate and older brother. Everyone, this is Serenity Argus, Queen of the Magicians. Chase, Justin, the imbecile who showed up unannounced this morning is Drake Jones, the secondary alpha to my warrior team. To explain his earlier behaviour, he’s a—’

‘Um, actually…’ Drake interrupted hesitantly. Aria faced him, ignoring the Chase’s and Justin’s wince to focus on Drake’s cowering form. She narrowed her eyes at his nervous gulp, shoulders tensing as he struggled to keep eye contact.

‘What is it, Drake?’ Aria asked, her tone soft and comforting.

Drake glanced at her before taking a deep breath, standing tall and regal before he said, ‘It’s actually Prince Drake Jones Dracula, surviving heir to the Dracula clan and vampire throne.’ Jaws dropped at the announcement, including Aria’s and Andrew’s. Even Serenity covered her mouth. She wasn’t surprised as she knew of Drake’s heritage, but she was shocked that neither Aria nor Andrew knew. Drake has been with the twins for four years; he trusts them with his life. Serenity couldn’t understand the reason why he never told them until now, and judging by Aria’s expression, she was displeased.

‘…I’m sorry, what?’