
Ch1 Addiction

Ok here are the ground rules. No two Naruto worlds are the same and its a big multiverse. This one is close to the original timeline but not quite. This one features an OC who's part of a sect called the Mars Sect. There are other sects out there and there will be interactions. This is a gamer cultivation fic so there are elements of both. This first Naruto world will be a short one. But I'll make it as sweet as possible.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any other anime or games that i'm useing for settings or characters.

When I was dropped into the world of Naruto, I had some expectations. After my system finished its update and I chose my cultivation class, I was excited. This was the world of Naruto after all. Ninjutsu, battles, and hot kunoichi everywhere, what's not to love. The only place better was a harem anime world.

I'd save that for my next world. Only 999,999creds to go before that's affordable. Most of my credits were used to unlock the fighter cultivation class. Everything in the multiverse cost money and as an outer disciple of the Mars sect, I had to earn my keep. Most of the random dungeons left in this world had exceedingly common drops. Those that didn't were too high level. I was barely farming enough drops to make my sect dues.

Well my spawn point was just outside a town in rice country. The nearest dungeon had low grade slimes. Besides a bit of quick leveling of my only technique, it was worthless. The slime candy it dropped improved my skill leveling in the short term. But after a technique reaches level 10 the candy is worthless. Even in bulk its 10,000candy to 1cred. It isn't worth it.


I looked at my profile.

Username: SepherothPussyDestoryer101

Nickname: Seph


Mars Sect: Outer Disciple ID: C933769343

Rice Country: Vagabond

Hard Assets

Rice Country: Shack and 5 acres of farmland

Rusty sword

Peasant clothing

Liquid Assets

Creds 1

Ryo 2000


Fighter lvl5 – a fighter's cultivation is based solely on the physical body. Each foe slain bolsters the fighter's bodily potential. That potential requires harsh training to then realize. Fighter is considered the most basic bodily cultivation path. It is known for preparing the body for greater classes.


Blade Stream lvl12 – Interconnected sword techniques that produces a small amount of water qi.


It made me feel particularly pathetic to see the truth. My body was stronger than a civilian but nowhere near an academy student. I had no chakra reserves and no chakra coils. There was no way to really join a hidden village as I was then. But there was a light at the end of the tunnel. It was the Chunin exams.

Lines of people stretched as far as the eye could see to get into the village. This was a once in a life time opportunity and I was on the pay roll of a powerful merchant.

I stood beside my charge looking tough. A few of the ninja actually chuckled when they saw me. They looked me up and down and saw a civilian that wasn't a threat. That was fine, when I entered the village, I'd make a beeline for the secret dungeon.


Secret Dungeon House of Pain 908m


It was finally going to happen; I was going to enter a real dungeon and get stronger. A ninja looked me up and down as we entered. When I saw his eyes, I realized it was a Hyuga. He looked me over then relaxed his eyes.

"You're clean enjoy your stay in Kanoha." I walked through the gates with my merchant friend excited.

"Alright here is your room key. I'm going to the bar and I won't need a body guard while here. Stay out of trouble and meet me at the gate in three days." The large merchant said.

"Gobi sir, where is the hotel and are you sure?" I asked. I still needed to eat and working for him was a cushy job. I'd only had to kill a few bandits. Thankfully none of them had any ninja training.


Secret Dungeon House of Pain 735m


It was so close. Once I was there, I'd finally get stronger. Then things would start falling into place. I followed the marker through some odd territory. "Do you need help finding something?" One of the ninjas said from behind me. I leapt five feet in the air and fell flat on my face.

"What, I didn't catch that during the heart attack." It was actually a red eyed Kunoichi with a hot body. I immediately stood to my feet and shook off some of the dirt.

"Oh my, I'm sorry I forgot that there were civilians from out of the village here. Are you lost and looking for your group?" The woman asked.

After holding my poor chest for a second, I calmed down. "No, I should have expected a surprise in a ninja village. My name is Mars Seph. I'm working as a guard for a merchant. I'm not sure if he's here to see the chunin exams or to get drunk and say he did. As for being lost. Well not yet but I have no idea which hotel I'm supposed to go to. What may I call you miss?" I said. Just seeing Kurenai in the flesh was worth coming here for. Her eyes were so red and her hair was smooth as silk. She had a lithe body and the bandages were adorable.

"You may call me Kurenai, everyone does. That's the direction of the hot springs and a few of the more expensive hotels. May I see your room key." Reluctantly, I handed it over. She nodded her head. I couldn't help it my eyes kept going from her face to her wire mesh covered tits. She was fuller than she looked in the anime.

"Just follow that sign and you'll reach your destination. May I see your sword?" She asked.

"Um wouldn't it look bad to draw it in the middle of a village full of people." I said.

"Nonsense, I'm a Jonin it will be fine Seph. Slowly, I drew my blade as I'd done many times. A small swirl of sword qi swirled around the blade. Her breath hitched and I felt something stab deep into my leather armor.

A kunai appeared at my throat and the smell of dog piss filled the air. "Kiba enough, I asked him to show me his sword. Do you really think I can't handle a civilian with a blade?" The kunai slowly pulled from my neck as I fell on the ground again. I reached back and pulled a shuriken from my back.

"Oh, sorry I guess I'm a little jumpy. What was that swirling water around the sword though?"

"I know a single sword technique and I've used it so often that I go through the beginning motions every time a draw it." Kurenai's eyes brightened at that.

"There aren't many water samurai left. How are you using the technique without chakra?" She asked. I thought up a reason and threw it out the second I met her eyes. They'd shifted into what I could only call Jonin mode. The lie died on my lips.

"I really can't say." I handed her my sword and she inspected it.

"I'm no specialist but this weapon is poorly kept. The blade is blunt and there are chips everywhere. It won't last much longer." Her assessment was correct. I hoped a new sword waited for me in the secret dungeon.

"Well thank you for your time miss Kurenai. I have more exploring to do." My armored grieves and under cloths were damn tight around the crotch now. This was what they called Kunoichi fever wasn't it? I turned my head to see the most beautiful girl I'd seen yet. Her hair was a beautiful shade of blue and her pale eyes were simply breath taking. It was Hinata, it had to be.

Never before was I more jealous of inner sect disciples. They were privileged with their own worlds. Their harems were legendary. That's what I read anyway. I was far off from the inner sect. This was my first world and the sect dues were eating me alive.

A few hours later I saw her. Sakura Haruno, her pink hair was luscious. The way her red dress showed off her curves was to die for. Not just that, she was looking right at me. Just seeing her made me envious enough of Sasuke to kill him.

The hot springs were up ahead. I could feel it the presence of a powerful dungeon. It wasn't really a high tier secret dungeon but it still had rare items that sold for creds. Then again, he wasn't ready for high tier dungeons of any kind. This one would take him from fighter lv5 all the way to max if he played it smart. What that meant on the outside world was anyone's guess.

"Hey you're from out of the village aren't you." I turned around to see the sweet smiling pink haired Kunoichi. My words caught in my throat. This was everything I dreamed about.

"Yea, I'm from rice country." I said. My words felt barely intelligible to my ears and I wanted to groan. "Sorry, I'm a little busy, do you need something miss Kunoichi." I relaxed, I hadn't slipped and used her name. "The skin on your forehead looks beautiful." I blurted out.

"Th thank you; I was going to ask if you needed any help with directions." I shook my head.

"Sorry you must be a fuinjutsu specialist because you've enchanted me." She snorted. My face fell. "Damn that sounded better in my head. Can I try again miss kunoichi?" I asked.

"Sorry you seem sweet but I'm not interested." I nodded. She smiled and looked relieved.

"Do you want to hear another one anyway? I'm Seph Mars by the way." I said.

"Sakura Haruno, and sure um it was funny." She said.

"Are you from the hidden Star village because I think I'm falling for you?" I said.

"Have any of those ever worked?" Sakura asked.

"Of course, it broke the ice between us. That's all that matters.

"Well I'll see you around Sakura, maybe in the stands." I hinted hard.

"Sorry but shinobi and civilians have separate seating." Sakura said. I cursed my bad luck and waved good bye to her. I had plans of my own and they involved the secret dungeon.


The Hot Springs were just down across from the singularity. As I approached it, I turned my head to see naked kunoichi in the hot spring. My eyes widened and my pants tightened more than ever. Their lithe bodies, the way some had little tufts of hair on their quims, and the erotic passion they made me feel was too much. It should have been obvious what the forums were talking about. I had Kunoichi fever. The only cure was lots of bodies.

I tapped the portal and felt myself get pulled away.


I stood in a cut off location. Behind me nothing but darkness forever. In front of me was a mansion of epic proportions. Story after story of luxurious building stood in front of me. Qi of the darkest nature pulsed from the mansion like a heartbeat. This place was exactly what I needed to complete the fighter class and gain more techniques.

From the corner of my eye one of the denizens of this place made itself known. A flutter of black feathers brought an angel flayed from head to toe at him. In its hand it wielded a short iron spike. It screamed as it attacked. It struck with the iron spike aiming for a quick kill.

I parried the incoming spike and cut deep into the angel's thigh using water qi to club the wound. Water splashed about as I stabbed for the angel's throat. It screeched and fell upon me. On occasion the water that coated my blade shot up slapping the angel. My body was covered in sweat after a few exchanges. If my blade was still sharp this would have been over already. I moved seamlessly from one slash to a stab or parry.

The angel didn't let up stabbing and screeching. I felt it when my blade finally broke. I'd been expecting it for a while. This just happened to be the worst time it could have happened. The angel dog piled on me.

It drove me to the ground and stabbed its spike down with all its weight. I caught the implement and struggled against gravity and the tortured angel's strength.

Just as I let go my hand shot up and I pushed my thumb in the angel's eye. It didn't take long to hit brain matter as the creature raised its arms to protect itself. It also dropped the spike. I it smashed down slicing my cheek open and weakened my strength.

The now one-eyed angel reached down for its weapon. I shot my head up smashing my head against its face. This time when my hands wrapped around its face, I noticed how light it was. Once on the ground I punched it. The angel wailed even as it broke every tooth in its mouth. It wailed when its jaw was a mess. And it wailed as its lungs filled with blood.

A small vile of angel tears appeared in my inventory. I felt its qi leave its body and small portion of it entered me.


Fighter lvl10

New Skill

Earthly Fortitude lvl1 – A stable of the fighter class. Earth qi is channeled through the body to increase defense.


More shrieks filled the once quiet night. From the sky another flayed angel stuck out with a iron spike. This time I was ready. I'd seen the other one's moves. I kept myself still up until it seemed like the spike would plunge into my chest. When I twisted, I felt the spike scrape against my skin. I punched the monster with all my might. Earthly qi filled my body for the first time and I felt sturdier. My fist connected shattered the angel's once beautiful face. It fell shrieking.

I dove on the creature before it could bring its spike to bare. My blows rained down hard. If I gave this bastard a second it would turn the tables. Best of all my blows kept getting stronger as they rained down. Only when it died did I feel like kicking myself. I still had some slime candy.


Fighter lvl13

Earthly Fortitude lvl3


Angel tears x4

Angel iron ore x1


I tossed back some slime candy and felt invigorated. My mind felt more receptive to the flows of qi and I knew learning to channel earth qi would be a little easier. Of course, once a skill was lv10 I'd receive diminishing returns. I shook my head min maxing was the name of the game. It's what kept people alive in these dungeons.

Two more flayed angels flew off of some pillars leading to the mansion. I threw one of the iron spikes I collected to drop the speed of one. When I heard a satisfying cry of greater agony, I knew I'd done more than delay it. Its pain was my gain. I brought my sword up to parry the spike and delivered a punch with everything I had behind it. Teeth shot out from my blow and I took the skinless hand of the angel. I jerked it closer to me and drove two fingers through its eye sockets. It died soon after that.

When I heard a noise from the other one, I lifted the corpse and threw it on the rising creature. I ran at the other angel leapt up and landed on its skull. Weak bones crumbled under my weight. More angel tears and angel iron ore fell into my inventory.

I took out a vile of angel tears.


Angel tears x1 – A forbidden substance filled to the brim with dark qi and a well know demonic aphrodisiac. Drink up when you have a demoness and get ready to fuck. It is highly recommended that the user has at least mid-mastery over a tier 2 body cultivation class.


Each vile was worth 5creds or 50,000 slime candy. I needed to get stronger and this was the place. I counted out 7 test tubes of angel tears. Ten was a case and they were sold for 40creds each.

I cursed myself when I saw my updates.


Class Fighter lvl16

Skill Earthly Fortitude lvl14 – A skill built for the fighter class. Earthly qi fortifies the body increasing both physical combat and defense. One of the most useful low tier skills to have.


I read over the new skill description. My body was feeling much sturdier. I could feel the slight trickle of earth qi. It was always there passively making my body just a little bit sturdier. My muscles felt more powerful and the extra weight to push around helped.

More angels waited this time four stood atop the main door like gargoyles. I collected the four iron spikes and flung them one after the other. Then I shot forward. One flew out before the iron spike could hit it. Unfortunately for it the trajectory was off. I leapt up and captured the monster by the leg and smashed it into the ground. Then I snapped it up for a quick smash to its head.

An angel smashed into me just as its fellow died. The iron spike sliced through my leather armor and pricked my skin. I smashed my head down on the angel. Its head came away dented in the forehead. It reminded me of a smashed pumpkin. Its skinless face went slack as the creature began to drool. I pushed it into the way of the next iron spike. My fists rained down like falling boulders.

Their frail bodies broke apart. Wings snapped like twigs and bones dislocated through the skin.


Fighter lvl20

New skill

Leaf on Wind lvl1 – While Earthly Fortification is a stable of the fighter Leaf on Wind keeps a fighter alive. Wind qi flows through the body quickening the user's reflexes.


Like with Earthly Fortification, leaf on wind was passive and the knowledge flowed into me seamlessly. I felt faster than ever before. Not only was I heavier, I could move even faster now with that weight.

I approached the door only to freeze. The door's knockers were angel babies. Their skulls were gilded with brass and made into the knockers. They were connected to the little wings and I stopped to wonder what kind of sick fuck designed this place. That's when I realized just how over my head this really was. Those flayed angels were weak malnourished. Something about them wouldn't let them truly feed off the qi within this place. The pain and hunger made them little more than mindless monsters. In the mansion itself would be different. The angels would be much stronger inside.

With a gulp, I opened the door. The smell was the first to hit me. I'll never forget it as long as I live. I turned my head and puked my lunch all over the red carpet. It was tongues, the red carpet was fucking tongues. I could tell by their shape, the color, and the damned taste buds. There were so many of them sewn together and stretched across the room. There was a couch made from a series of spines and upholstered with angel skin.

I took a step further in the room and heard a sudden cackle. My head turned to see a skinless angel giggling as her tits were ripped off. Yellow fat, remaining skin, and flesh fell away as she laughed. Tears of agony rolled down her face as she was torn apart. But still she laughed all the same. I threw a spike at one of the white robed figures. It turned and leapt forward.

The creature growled raising a metal pole. I punched the creature feeling a solid opponent. The pole smashed against my face sending me crashing into the couch. A face raised up when I hit the couch and groaned in pleasure. I turned to see an angel attached to the furniture piece. Twisting, I lifted the couch and threw it at the white robed figure.

The female angel was nothing more than bone. I watched the other white robed figures bring pieces of her flesh to their hoods. Even from the far side of the room, I could hear them chewing. The other one leapt at me its hands no more than muscular claws.

I flung an iron spike and ducked under the claw. The staff still caught me on the back sending me tumbling. I grabbed ahold of the monster's leg and pulled bringing it down to a knee and staff. I leapt at the creature punching it with everything I had left. It lasted a little longer than the others. Its body was stronger. The monster was better fed. As adrenaline and cortisone finished putting me in the zone, the monster was a smear on the ground.

I turned to the other monsters. The monster's staff was in my hand. They seemed hesitant to join the fray.


Fighter lvl28

Earthly Fortification lvl20

Leaf on Wind lvl15

Items Dropped

Angel's Cut x1

Crystalized Angel Tears x2

Angel tears x5


I charged the three remaining white robed angels. I tossed an iron spike to buy half a second before I had to fight three. A staff came down missing the side of my head by millimeters. I threw spike slammed into one of their legs. While I parried one of the iron rods the other yanked the iron spike out of its leg. I kicked the wound and it stabbed me as its knee snapped. Instead of attacking me the fresh one attacked its fellow.

After two more blows exchanged, I pushed my opponent's staff low and jabbed it hard enough to daze the creatures. Once behind the creature, I struck out with everything I had. The monster's head took more blows than I thought it would take, but not many more. The last one had just pulled the black heart of its fellow out and devoured it.

It quickly began to radiate dark qi. From its back bat like wings emerged. I took my iron staff and smashed it into the creature's head while it transformed. Repeatedly, I smashed the monster's head. It wasn't fancy or heroic. I kept slamming the staff until it stopped moving.


Fighter lvl40

Endless Blaze lvl1 – While the wind and earth make the body faster and sturdier endless blaze gives the user endurance. Fire qi acts like fuel in an engine promoting higher endurance.

Certain Tide lvl1 – Fires go out, the earth breaks off in the waves water qi grants the body the certainty of power. The tide will always come and so too will the users force.

Earthly Foundation lvl80 – Earthly qi courses through the body entering the final stages of the technique.

Leaf on Wind lvl70 – Air qi flows through the body quickening reaction time and increasing agility.


The closest room was labeled basement. I tugged on the handle but the door didn't budge. There was always the option to break the door down but it wouldn't be appreciated. It would raise a red flag and the locations of other secret dungeons would be lost to me. The door clearly had a key hole and I found a note on the wall.

'Search through the rooms on the second floor.' That sounded rather simple. It wasn't, the second floor had hundreds of halls with varying rooms. Every room was a fight.

That's how most of the early fights in the mansion went. It was all nightmare fuel. For days I wondered the mansion beating to death everything I came across. Eventually on my travels, I found a key to a locked door.


Basement key x1


The item didn't vanish instead it sat comfortably in my hand. The higher floors couldn't be opened because of a closed gate. One that had wires leading to the basement. After three days of clearing room and eating up most of my rations, I took a trip back to the entrance and unlocked the door to the basement.

Before I traveled down the stairs, I checked my weapons. I had 999 iron spikes, an iron staff, and a hooked chain.

I sold off most of the item drops.





The iron weapons here were useless to sell. Raw angel iron sold more than the cheap iron weapons in my inventory. I needed more rare drops. Nearly 15,000creds sounded like a lot but it really wasn't. The multiverse ran on money and there were many niche markets. The Mars sect had more tech than most but it was the Ten Pointed Star sect that had the most bloodlines for sale. They had a bundle with the Mars Sect. Once purchased a temporary auto doc performed the surgery. Renting an hour with the auto doc was 25,000 creds. Something like the sharingan was another 250,000 Creds. A set of mangekyou were well over 10,000,000creds. The rennigan was well over 100,000,000creds and only in stock a few hundred each year.

I shook my head at that thought. Without chakra special eyes were just dreams. Even that wasn't a problem for today. No it was better to focus on what I had. There was time to get a puppy milled sharingan later. It was an interesting market maybe I'd get into it later.

I purchased a bargain bin holy enchanted long sword. 2,500creds later it went into my cart. Then I snagged an evil banishing talismans for 1000creds. I went over the list of power armor and couldn't find anything below 50k. Instead, I snatched up the on sale road to dark paladin class set and two booster packs of summon cards for 10k creds. Afterwards, I purchased my stuff and watched my inventory fill.

The fastest way to Dark Paladin was to learn the mage class after this one, then monk, and finally normal paladin. Dark paladin was still tier 2 but it had some nasty skills. I merged my talismans with my iron spikes in my inventory. A glowing rune riddled anti evil iron spike came to my hand when called.

The stairs led me through darkness. Until, I reached the creature in the basement. I screamed when I saw it. My mouth opened and I drooled as my mind tried to break to save me. Even years later I struggled to come to terms with what I saw. I sometimes forget what I wore one day or another, what I had for lunch, and how long I trained on a Wednesday 100s of years ago. This gave me nightmares for years to come.

A sprawling bloated mass of angels were sewn together wires and cables connected them to a mass of wombs ripped from their bodies. They were kept alive on tubes that shot dark materials through their bodies. A massive gaping vagina spat malformed infant angels onto the ground. They cried to no answer. Only the rotting corpses of other infants were there to give them company. The smell hit me and it stood there screaming. More infants fell from the thing and I screamed. Some of the larger ones had managed to survive and picked up one of the freshly born and began eating her. My wail went unanswered there was no god to right the wrongs here.

This was just a game. I told myself that despite the smell. Despite what the glowing fluids illuminated. My sword left my scabbard and I approached this hell. The children rushed me mad, covered in rot, and hungry. My sword flashed as I moved forward. This was what I wanted to be stronger. Wasn't this a fun game. My inventory was filling up with so many rare and valuable items.



Angel Children's tears SR x 10 100creds each

Angel Girl Child's ovaries SSR x 4 1000creds each

Angel Boy Child's testes SR x 10 100creds each

Angel Child Fractured light cores UR x 10 3000creds each

Angel Child Immature light core UUR x 1 25,000creds each


I laughed as I killed them all. They were no match for me, I was strong. This was the power I was gaining, no matter how desperate they couldn't stop me. After the mad ones died the desperate ones hid trying to stay alive beneath the corpses of their brothers and sisters.

I killed them too. I laughed and killed. My holy sword was still clean. My water qi made sure to wash the blood away as I killed them all.


Fighter lv60 – The fighter tier breaks the boundaries of the normal human body and greatly increases physical power in every way.

Earthly Foundation lvlmax – A skill built to prepare the body for more powerful skills. The transformation is complete making the body forever sturdier.

Leaf on Wind lvlmax – A skill built to prepare the body for more strenuous skills. The transformation is complete making the body forever swifter.

Endless Blaze lvlmax – A skill built to prepare the body to endure more skills. The transformation is complete making the body forever enduring.

Certain Tide lvlmax – A skill built to prepare the body to deliver more burdened skilled. The transformation is complete making the body forever stronger.

Steel Will lvl10 – Metal qi floods the body changing it in mysterious ways. The mind become less susceptible to fatigue increasing rationality.

Lightning Tribute lvl1 – Lightning qi floods the body changing it. Qi can be felt and manipulated.


Killing fed the system and in turn the system rewarded me. It was the carrot and the dues the stick. If I didn't do as I was told the qi would dry up and I'd die. Without the system, I couldn't leave this place. I didn't free those suffering because I was worried about myself. I looked at them and saw the agony and awareness of their situation. My sword found itself in my sheath. It was time to activate the later parts of this dungeon. I sold everything but the light core. It was something to remember.

A machine waited for me to turn it on. It had been shut off for a long time. I pushed a simple lever and lights turned on all over this place. That's when I saw the eyes of a monster open wide. They were yellow and so full of hate. Chains covered the creature keeping it chained in the basement. The infant bodies made a slurry that slowly dripped into the monster's mouth. It was sucking on what I realized was a giant funnel. When the monster looked at me my breath hitched.

For a moment, I knew it could obliterate me with a thought no matter how chained it seemed. After a moment it looked away and continued to suck on the funnel. I raced for the stairs and climbed them. Then I continued to run until, I reached the gate to the third floor.

From that point the monsters grew tougher and the memories of the basement fell to the back of my mind. I killed and killed, the system pushed the qi I needed into me and I was finding joy in it. So much power was coursing through me and all I had to do was kill. I knew it was addictive. Warning signs appeared in the system and I stopped. Somewhere on the 9th floor I stopped killing.

I wanted to keep going. Every death made me just a little bit stronger. After a weak in this place, I was getting so much stronger so quickly. It was amazing everything that I thought a game should be was in this one. It was like the most addictive virtual reality ever and it didn't even need a story. It was just a farming institution. Right or was I wrong was the killing still getting to me. I looked at my stats and realized, I had maxed out fighter hours ago.

More power was just beyond the next door. Only warning signs were flashing everywhere. There was a tier 2 boss in the next room. There was literally blood on the wall warning against walking into the next room.

'I'm writing this quickly because I'm the only one who escaped. Don't go into the next room. We were blood drunk, I stayed behind to change out my equipment when my team died. We had just maxed out our paths and thought we were invincible. This place changes people it prays on the systems reward program and turns people into kill addicts. If your reading this I hope these words bring you to your senses. I can't help myself, maybe my team weakened it. I can take the kill and become even stronger.' The words trailed off from there. Killing brought an endless stream of rewards. It was fun and made me stronger. I was hurting people. They were innocent and I killed them.

I made my way down the floors. Not a soul was left here to stop me. I made my way down to the lobby and stood there looking out the way out. I closed my eyes and sucked in a breath.


Fighter lvlmax

Fighter Skills complete – The skills of the fighter are meant to prepare the body for more strenuous classes and skills. Once fighter is mastered along with all of its skills the user is ready for a tier 2 class. Warning cultivating a tier 2 class is more arduous than a tier one.


Mastering my first class had seemed like such a difficult thing to do. It was my goal while I worked myself to the bone killing weak slimes that hardly rewarded any qi. If I had continued the slow path what would I feel now. Killing slimes didn't feel the same as killing angels. I should feel guilty but that too was taken. I wanted to kill more. It was free power more than I'd ever had. I pulled at my face. The wound from the first spike had long since healed. Light's Grace had given my body a healing factor.

I sold most of his drops.

398,000creds were my reward for my bloody work. I needed to do something. The killings I'd committed were beyond redemption. That didn't mean I couldn't do something to make up for my sins a little.

As I made my way back down to the basement, I remembered there were other paths to power. Some far less bloody. The fighter class could have been improved from sparing. I could have gained qi from being near the elements. Fire qi can be gathered in large quantities near volcanoes and even fires. Water qi was the easiest to gain from rain, ponds, or the ocean. At the same time light qi could be gained from the sun.

The system didn't want him killing for pleasure. It wouldn't have flashed warnings of excessive dopamine if it did. What I'd done was wasteful.


I made my way back down to the basement. The giant shadow creature deep below barely paid me any mind. From the womb another infant fell. I threw myself into the air and caught her before she could touch the ground. I held her gently with my hands that killed tens of thousands of her brothers and sisters. Slowly, I made my way out.

She looked up at me with large blue eyes. After taking a quick breath she started coughing.

She coughed up blood and I could tell she was dying. No, I'd just saved her from the hell behind me and we were almost out of here. I turned her over my shoulder and patted her back.

When I looked at her next, she was gasping for breath and her face was turning purple. From my inventory, I pulled out the light core and pushed it into her tiny chest. Her eyes widened and she coughed once more and dislodging something. Her breathing began to return to normal and I closed the door behind me.

I stepped into the darkness and the world cleared away. No time seemed to pass and I was back in Konoha. Nothing had changed since I'd left. Well, I was more powerful than ever and I had an angel infant in my arms.

I had an angel infant in my arms in a village of paranoid ninja. More than likely I was already spotted. My clothes resembled the ones I had on before. Only, I was a little taller, broader of chest, and I could probably shatter the Hokage Monument with my fists.

"So, where did you get the baby?" Kurenai asked. A group of chunin were backing her up.

Author's Note: This darkness is to set a precedent. There are powerful individuals in this multiverse and morals mean less than shit to them. They consider themselves to be basically gods and if you don't like them then do something about it.

Alright it will take some time before the next chapter enjoy.

Ultimatedaywritercreators' thoughts