
Chapter 162: Lost in Gold (2)*

Cameia pulled herself out of my womb with a soft grunt, allowing her semen to pour out of my pussy as she sat off to the side.

We had been going for an hour or so at this point, and we had to take a break to get something to eat and drink before resuming, or else we'd likely pass out.

My silent lover seemed to dislike that fact though, and she kept pounding into me for a few minutes after I suggested we take a break, filling me another two times before pulling out.

With a quick cleanup and airing out of the room, I stumbled out of the room with Cameia holding onto my shoulder, steadying me.

Many of the others seemed to have similar ideas, and as we exited the room I glanced towards the side and froze, seeing someone I had never thought I'd see again.

A short blonde woman glared at someone in the room beside us, her teal colored kimono doing little to hide the giant breasts she had, while the violet diamond tattooed into her brow shimmered slightly with extremely potent chakra.

"Oh, stop being such a damn stingy bitch Jiro! I definitely cleared my debt with that!"

The sound of a woman clicking her tongue sounded from the room, before the door closed as she said "Fine! You're back to a clean slate Tsunade!"

Rolling her eyes, Lady Tsunade looked over towards Cameia and I with a frown, before her eyes landed on the Hitai-Ate that we both wore, making her sigh.

"Can I help you two? You're not here for me, are you?"

I had to blink in surprise as I stared at one of the legendary Sanin, meeting her once more after multiple years...

"O-Oh, no, we just finished a mission is all, Lady Tsunade..."

She grinned at that, approaching us and gesturing towards the stairs.

"Say, how about a drink? I might not want to go back myself, but I still do want to hear about the happenings of Konoha, y'know? Though..."

I wrinkled my nose slightly as I realized that her breath stank of liquor already, but I could smell another really familiar undertone as well, which made her smirk at me.

"You'll be buying~! Come, come~! Time to drink and make merry~!"

She led us down into the bar area, and we took a seat at one of the open tables before ordering our meals and drinks, which made the Senju rather happy when I placed an order for a few pots of wine.

"So~! What's been happening back home? Anything crazy?"

The woman spoke like we were trading gossip and rumors, and I could only flinch as I realized just how much had changed since her departure.

"Well... there's a few things, but some of them would be best spoken behind closed doors, Lady Tsunade."

That made her grin stiffen a little, the Kunoichi in her understanding instantly that something terrible had happened, before she just sighed and waved her hands.

"Fine~! Tell me what you can then; I'm rather curious since neither Hiruzen nor Jiraiya have sent me any letters, and... well, the last person I met from Konoha was Orochimaru, and we spoke sparingly..."

I nodded, looking down at the plates in front of us as they were served before taking a few bites from the grilled fish.

"The clans are all working together well, and the village is slowly becoming more prosperous through the combined efforts of everyone. Even the Hyuga are making moves to better work with their peers."

"Really? Hiashi is allowing them to swallow their pride? Huh... Things really are changing... And you said all the clans are working together?"

"Indeed. Lord Hiashi was the one to ask for help first on creating an improved technique for some of the Hyuga shops, amongst other things. Additionally, there has been a rise in the quality of students applying for the Academy."

Running her finger around the edge of her drink, Tsunade was quiet for a moment before giving me a small smile, asking "And I bet only one or two of those students are looking into healing?"

I returned the smile as I nodded, though I said "Of my class, a few are dipping their toes into it to learn the basics, but only a few expressed direct interest in wanting to become healers. The ones who have all cited you as their motivator, Lady Tsunade."

Her smile widened for a moment, before fading as she took a sip of her drink.

"I'll be surpassed soon enough most likely... Always improving upon the things us older folk learned, kids do. So you're a teacher? Why are you on mission then?"

She shifted the conversation slightly away from herself, and I went with her flow.

"Needed to... stretch my muscles a bit. I don't want to lose my edge by remaining in the village for the rest of my days..."

"I understand that. Skills lose their potency quickly, but take forever to train up. Now, I just need to ask... where are you from? You don't have the looks of any of the Five Nations, nor do you... feel like someone from here."

Tsunade looked towards Cameia, who was quietly picking at the fish as she withstood her baser, more lustful needs.

Sensing that she didn't care to speak about anything, I said "This is Cameia, my wife from the Land of Demons."

That made Tsunade raise a brow, and she inspected the tall, muscular woman for a few moments before returning to her cup, draining it.

We made some more small talk about everything else before we finished our meals, and I quietly apologized to Cameia as I told her we would need to wait for now, since I needed to tell Lady Tsunade about what had happened with Danzo, about finding other Uzumaki's, and most importantly...

Hopefully convince her to come back and look after her 'last remaining' relative Naruto.



This has been something I wanted to do for a long~ time now, so...

We have Tsunade now in the book, but she WILL NOT be a wife; I don't plan on adding anyone else to Kokoro's family besides new children lol~

I have plans for Tsunade though, which I hope will make sense and flow well with the plot?

We shall see though!



Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts