
A Killer Can't Change

A psychotic killer with a kill count numbering in the thousands. His methods of killing that can make anyone vomit with just the sight of it. With every body found is a picture of his face with a bright smile posing with the head of his victim. And despite having his identity exposed, His killing spree continued for 33 years. Finally after decades of searching and chasing, He was now caught in the middle of decapitating his last victim. Judge: "With the amount of evidence gathered here today, this court sentences John Dweller to death! Any last words you despicable monster?" John: "...Thanks for this judge, I was getting bored here on earth anyway so a change in scenery in heaven or hell might be a good change. It was fun playing you people." those were the final words John left for the world. John Dweller, Age 56, dead on September 29, 2013. ====== Somewhere in a land of clouds... God: "Who's next on the list? Hmm let's see here.... John Dweller..." Reading through John's book of life, God's face changed from boredom to worried. God: "Oh cosmos... This one seems to have had quite the life down there... Welp on you go then little one. And with those words and a flick of his finger, God sent whatever was left of John's existence to a different world for another god to worry about. ==WARNING== This story has some screwed up stuff planned to give the MC some trauma to really ease him into being a killer. And one of those are child molestation so if yall aint into that then this might not be a story for you. =====FOR THE ARTIST===== I DO NOT OWN the art on the cover, I couldn't find the owner of this picture anywhere I looked. So if the artist sees this and want's it taken down just email me at bertingsburger@gmail.com (Yes i know the email looks like a joke but its what i actually use for anything that isnt involved in my personal life) Also my eyes are kind of screwed up and i end up pressing on "a" alot, so please be patient if you see words that just had a random "a" in it. i'll fix it when i find it.

MisterClaps · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Chapter 3: My Name Is John Dweller


Without asking what just happened, John did the test again and sent in some magius. Everything was going fine for awhile, the rod was sending out a blindening rainbow of colors but then it would just suddenly disappear.

"John maybe you should take a break for now."

"No! I want to know my class! I want to know my class!" Going into a tantrum, John stubbornly kept redoing the test but even after 3 more tries the results remained the same.

And without warning John ran out of the room sobbing. Chelsy who was waiting outside noticed John and was angered.

( A mere tutor dares to make my little brother cry in his own home!? ) With that assumption Chelsy barged into the room to demand the reason why her brother ran out with tears.

Although they were of the same age, Chelsy felt like an older sibling since her brother was just a weak nerdy bookworm in her eyes that she ends up protecting him like a mother cat would do for its litter of kittens.

When she passed through the door, she found Devor inspecting the rod that John just used awhile ago while mumbling words that were too quiet for her to hear.

"You! How dare you make my brother cry! Even if my father told you to be strict, he will not be so lenient when he hears how his son was seen running around in tears!"

Annoyed by the sudden screaming, Devor was never the patient type and couldn't control himself anymore so he decided it was time to finally teach Chelsy the things he has been meaning to teach her the moment he laid eyes on her, and so he raised his left free hand and pointed it towards her. Runes and symbols started to form around his fingers which shows that Devor is a Type 2 Runic caster that can enchant living beings.

"[Mute] and [Restrain]"

Chelsy's loud shouts and aggressive foot stomping were immediately stopped. Caught off guard by the sudden change in her body, Chelsy was very confused and scared of what was happening.

What's happening? Why is he doing this? Am I gonna die? Save me someone please! Chelsy's thoughts went crazy as she panicked in silence.

"Now now Chelsy, there's no need to be scared. I'm just doing my job as your tutor to teach you some things and those things include teaching you about the human body, and about your brother there was a malfunction in the device so he wasn't able to know what class he was and thought he failed but before I could tell him that he just ran off as you saw awhile ago."

Now that they were alone, Devor had no need to control his expressions and words.

"Now this is my favorite part of the teaching process." Devor slowly made his way towards the restrained Chelsy on the ground with the smile on his face growing wider and wider.

With every step Devor took towards her, Chelsy panicked and struggled even harder. She hoped someone would come save her in time, but sadly for her this story isnt as innocent as it is.

"MMMGHMG!" Hearing her muffled screams made Devor even more excited.

"We have atleast an hour before lunch Chelsy."

Chelsy kept shaking her head in denial, her eyes filled with tears that kept pouring down.

'Save me John...'


Inside John's room...

On a large bed, John can be seen clutching onto a pillow while sobbing. Tears, saliva and snot stuck onto the pillow that shows just how much he cried.

His dreams of being the strongest Magic caster or being the man that revolutionizes the current world of magic.... gone. He felt empty, that his life is meaningless now. He felt like dying...

{ Oh come on John... You shouldn't think like that when you've only been alive for only 6 years, atleast let me experience this world of yours for a bit longer }

Snapping John out of his dangerous thoughts was a voice, an old man's to be specific.

"W-Who's there?! If you hurt me I'll call my papa and he's very strong! He told me that he can kill a dragon with just his left toe!"

{ Hahaha! You are indeed just a child John, only children could be so gullible to such obvious lies }

Again an old man talked but no matter where John turned to look he couldn't see anyone.

{ Don't bother looking around your room John. Unless you can look into your own head, you wont be able to see me at all }

"S-So mister voice is in my head?" John calmed down a bit but still remained on guard incase he was lying.

{ Indeed I am, I have lived in this tiny head of yours ever since you were born. I was very confused at first and i barely had any of my memories but after awhile I slowly recovered some of my memories while getting used to living like a spectator. }

"If you have been in my head for that long why are you only speaking to me now?"

{ I dont know. Maybe its because your mind is weak right now that I was able to speak with you. }

"I see..."

With that, the awkward silence between the two began but only for a moment as the voice spoke again.

{ Are you not interested in asking me any questions John? } The voice asked.

"Oh! Uhm... Uh... What.. What is your name Mr. Voice?"

{ My name is John Dweller, we both share a first name.} Dweller chuckled at the coincidence of living in the head of a person with the same name. {Have you heard of my name perhaps? I am quite famous in where I used to live. }

"Oh! We have the same name! That's cool! Oh right your question, no I have never heard of a John dweller from the servants and my family or from any of the books in the library." John was excited to talk to this mysterious voice that has been with him for a long time. His interest and curiousity was at its peak now.

{ Oh what a shame... Anyways let me ask you a question this time John, is that alright? }

"Yes sir!"

{ What do you think about your tutor? }

What did he think of his tutor? Out of all the questions John thought John Dweller would have asked, this was not one of them.

"Uhm... I think he is a good tutor and a good person." Giving his honest impression of Teacher Devor, Dweller began to chuckle in his head.

{ Hehehe... You really are too innocent and blind John but that makes sense since you are still a child. }

John was confused about his words. What does being innocent and his eyesight had to do with his teacher?

{ Oh they have many things to do with your teacher John. While you only see a kind and caring teacher, I see a disgusting human being. I should know since I too am a disgusting human being but in a different way from him of course. I only go for adults because I think children are the purest living being, untouched by the greediness and dirtiness of the adult world, of course sometimes i end up hurting a few kids here and there but hey, I atleast dont have the same hobby as your tutor so that's a plus. }

"Hmmm... I dont get it but at the same time I think I do." Suddenly he realized something from John Dweller's words "Hey you can read my mind?! That's so cool!... cool unlike me that didnt get a class..." Tears started to build up again in John's eyes. Because he did not want to deal with another episode of this kid just crying for 30 minutes, Dweller stepped in to help.

{ No need to be sad John. You are also cool in my eyes. Cool as a cucumber! }

"Sniff... I'm cool? And what's a kyookamber?"

{ Uhh... Cucumber is very strong hero from a story in the place where I lived. }

"Like a knight?"

{ Yes! Definitely like a knight but stronger, probably stronger than your father. }

"Hmm... I like it, I am gonna try hard to be a Kyookamber" John raised his arms with his newfound determination to become the strongest cucumber.

{ Hehe its fine as long as your happy. }

Inside John Dweller's thoughts 'His sister should have gone in to confront Devor about what happened to John. Seeing the impatient look on his face I wouldn't be surprised if he made a move now.

John couldn't see it but the smile on Dweller's face began to widen, as if he has something "Fun" planned. { Hey John. Would you like to see who your kind and caring teacher truly is? }

John couldn't help but be curious about what Mr. Dweller meant by that. Isn't Teacher Devor a kind man? He taught me and Chelsy many things about magic, it feels wrong to suspect him.

{ I know you saw the expressions he gave off whenever he talked with your sister. Will you not go even if it was for the sake of your sister? }

With those last words of push said by Dweller, John began to think of what he should do. In the end his curiousity on why Dweller is suspicious of his teacher won over his gratitude towards Devor. Information and knowledge is truly more effective towards curious bookworms like this kid.

"Ok Mr. Dweller you win. I'll follow your suggestion."

{ Good choice... I promise you wont regret it. The moment you see your teacher's true self will be the moment you see the world differently. }

With that, John hopped off his bed and went out into the hallway walking back to the classroom.

Midway towards the classroom Dweller asked John an important question.

{ I have a question John, let's say someone causes any of your family members pain or makes them cry. What would you do to that someone? }

Dweller was hoping to see it again, the moment when John Velmont and John Dweller would mix.

"Hmm.. I would be very very very mad at him! I would hit him and make him cry back to his mama!...." Just as Dweller hoped, John's eyes began to blur just like the time Chelsy threw grass at his eyes. "And then I'll follow him back to his home and butcher his entire family while he's bound to a chair and forced to watch every second of it and when I'm done with his family, I'll grab the head of his mother and bash his head in with it." As he finished John's eyes went back to normal with his memory of that last part disappearing.

{ That's right John... It is only fair to hurt those that hurt the people close to us. }

"Is that what a kyookamber does as well?"

{ Huh? Oh right uh.. yeah! A cucumber does that as well. }

"Ok!" John accepted that as fact without question, it seemed that he might be starting to develop an obsession towards cucumbers.

While Devor was enjoying his disgusting hobby, a natural disaster was making its way towards him with Mr. Dweller acting as the devil on its shoulder.