
A Journey Unwanted

A world filled with magic, God's, Goddesses and more. A fantasy world if you will, most would relish and prosper in a world such as this. Who would not want to live out their fantasies? Not Mikoto Yukio, a young boy with a simple life. A simple life he was content with as long as he had his family. But the world is an unfair place and he finds himself in this new absurd world with something special. Now he must search for a means to get back home and to the few people he held dear. How shall this unwanted journey unfold. Can he remain himself in such an unfamiliar place?

PocketCat2 · Fantasie
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145 Chs

Prologue: An unwanted start

"You know, I really wish you wouldn't waste time and visit me like this."

"Please, I'd hardly call visiting my mom in the hospital 'a waste of time'." Mikoto shot back as he put new flowers in the basin next to his mother.

"You know what I mean. I'm not randomly croaking on this hospital bed, you know? You heard the doctor; she said I'd be fine to go home in about a week or so." His mother started. Despite her 'health' problems, her beauty was not diminished as she sat upright on the hospital bed, her long jet black hair cascading down her shoulders perfectly sculpting her heart-shaped face where not a single wrinkle could be found. She had a pair of plush and kissable lips with oval-shaped eyes. Two intense grey orbs stared him down. For a woman in her forties, she looked well.

"You are still young, honey. You should be out partying, bringing home girls, and living a little." Hearing his mother's words, he just gave an exaggerated gasp.

"An Asian mom encouraging her son to do something besides studying? Mom, I think hell just froze over." The only response he got was a chuckle and a lazy punch to the arm. "Child abuse now too? Oh, how you have fallen." He said it in a dramatic voice.

"Watch yourself, young man. Keep talking like that; I might actually take you over the knee." She joked.

"Ooh, scary." Mikoto threw both his hands up in mock surrender. "But seriously, it's good to see you so lively. When you had that heart attack..."

"C'mon, I may be getting old, but a little heart isn't going to do in your mom. Besides, I'd like a more dramatic death." Mikoto could just sigh at his mother's words.

"Dramatic? What's that even entail?" He questioned.

"Obviously, to go out with a bang. Like those manga characters." His eyes widen at the mention of manga.

"Hold on, have you actually read the manga I left for you?" He was bemused.

"Of course, even mommy here gets bored. But did you seriously have to leave me something as disturbing as that 'Berserk' one? I mean, it was cool, but no wonder you're so edgy."

"Well, hehe. I thought you'd appreciate the darker stories, seeing as you like that Game of Thrones show." He said it with a sheepish laugh, but realization quickly hit him. "Hold. I'm not edgy, though! Where did you even learn that word?"

"Well, little Hinata told me all about these 'slang' you youngsters use. I thought I'd educate myself so I could understand you better." Mikoto just sighed at his mother.

"I don't think you could properly incorporate 'slang' into Japanese." He muttered as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. "Damn...it's 2 already?"

"It's fine, Mikoto. Just make sure to bring your sister next time, Kay? I miss the little munchkin."

"Alright, I'll make sure to drag Hinata's lazy ass here." He said as he gave his mother a kiss on the cheek.

"That's 100 yen in the swear jar."

"Yes mother." He shot back in an overly professional voice as he exited the hospital room. Moving down the hallways of the hospital, he took the first elevator to the ground floor, waving a few nurses goodbye. The young man exited the hospital and walked onto the streets of Tokyo.

Tokyo was a bustling metropolis located on the eastern coast of Japan, known for its vibrant culture, neon lights, towering skyscrapers, and unique street fashion. As one of the world's most densely populated cities, Tokyo offerd a visual feast of sights and sounds, from busy streets and crowded subways to serene parks and traditional temples.

The skyline of Tokyo was as always dominated by high-rise buildings, including the iconic Tokyo Skytree, the tallest tower in the world at 634 meters. Other notable buildings included the Shinjuku Minami Building, Mori Tower, Roppongi Hills Mori Tower, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building. Each of these buildings offerd remarkable views of the cityscape, with floor-to-ceiling windows providing uninterrupted panoramas of the sprawling metropolis.

One of the most striking features of the city was its colorful neon lights, which illuminated the cityscape brilliantly, especially at night. The bright lights of Shibuya Crossing, Ginza, and Shinjuku provided a surreal atmosphere that was unique to Tokyo. The cityscape was a mix of modern architecture and classic Japanese design, with towering skyscrapers coexisting alongside traditional shrines and temples.

The streets of Tokyo were always bustling with activity, with people hurrying to their destinations and cars and buses zipping by. The bustling city was home to a vast array of street vendors, including food stalls selling traditional Japanese cuisine such as sushi, tempura, and ramen. Street fashion in Tokyo was also rather unique, with colorful, eclectic outfits and accessories that attracted the attention of locals and tourists alike.

Aside from the modern skyscrapers and vibrant streets, Tokyo also boasted many serene natural landscapes, including cherry blossom trees, gardens, and parks. The Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden, for example, offers a peaceful escape from the bustling city with its picturesque ponds, bridges, and walking paths.

Even with him having lived in this city for year's now, Mikoto still could not help but take in the sights. It helped that he was in such a good mood; his mother was finally almost ready to be discharged from the hospital. Of course, a big surprise party was already planned for his dear mother; everyone was going to be there. All his aunts and uncles were there to welcome her back. So of course he could not help but feel giddy; there was even a spring in his step.

Things were finally looking up.

*BEEP!!!* *BEEP!!!*

The sound of loud beeping assaulted his eardrums, as well as the sound of scattering pedestrians and a roaring engine. Looking to his side, he saw a large black truck barreling towards him at frightening speeds. It cut right through the railings, separating the side walk from the road, and it seemed to have no intention of slowing down.

Despite the speed, it was still a bit far away, so he had time to run away. But before any such action could be taken, he heard an odd noise behind him, as if something were scraping against the confines of reality itself. What followed was someone pulling him at the back of his shirt. This mystery person seemed to have absurd strength as his feet involuntarily left the ground as he was pulled back. A strange sensation washed over him as his eye's grew heavy as everything blurred, not long after his eye's shut as his world was engulfed in pitch black darkness.


*Cough!* *Cough!*

*Fweh!* *Fweh!*

"What the fuck!?.....what the fuck!?" Several things were realized at once as he spat all the dirt out of his mouth. Everything was so much darker now, a stark contrast to things a moment ago. A putrid smell had assaulted his nostrils in no time; he had never had the displeasure of smelling something so foul. Not even rotten meat came this close. And lastly, his voice was different. Vastly different, too different. It was not as if he was talking with a sore throat or that his voice cracked. No, it sounded more softer and boyish.

He also took note of how loose his clothing and shoes felt. He was wearing a black long-sleeved black button shirt along with black jeans and dress boots. All of which felt slightly baggy and overgrown. Confusion did not quite justify just how he felt as of right now. Raising a hand to his face to wipe away the remaining dirt, he was promptly stopped as he stared at his hand in befudlement.

It was so slender and dainty in size. It had a graceful appearance with delicate fingers that taper towards the tips. His skin tone was smooth and unblemished. The nails were well-trimmed and neatly shaped, adding to the elegance of the hand. This hand was a hand he was not familiar with. Another 'what the fuck' sat at the tip of his mind, but he was too busy trying rationalizing the whole situation.

("C'mon, deep breaths, deep breaths...") He spoke as he took his own advice, inhaling and exhaling slowly. ("Now....first off. Why the hell am I here?") He questioned to himself as he glazed over his current location. It could only be described as a barren wasteland of dirt, made to be more gloomy by the cloudy sky.

("Was I drugged and kidnapped?") He thought to himself.

That would make sense to some extent, but that did not explain his other problems.

Mikoto lifted his shirt as he stared at his stomach—his new stomach. Smooth, slim, and pale—like a woman's. Luckily, the sicko who captured him had the decency to not change him all the way, as his 'little friend' was still there. Though it was a tad smaller than he remembered.

"Not important right now..." He muttered, still feeling uncomfortable speaking with this new, unfamiliar voice. ("So I was drugged, and then plastic surgery was done on me?") He mulled over all of that in his head as he stood up from the ground.

Pulling out his phone, he was relieved that he still had it and that it was still one piece. Of course, there was no signal, but he wanted to use his phone for something else. Fiddling around with the device, he entered the 'Camera' app and switched it to the selfie mode, only for his eye's to bulge out as he stared at his own apparent appearance. He stared at that boy.

The boy had red eyes and tousled snow-white hair.

His hair was thick and luxurious, with strands that seemed to almost glimmer in the little apparent light. Its texture was soft and yielding, like fine wool spun from the snow. The boy's face was delicate and ethereal, with sharply defined cheekbones that lend an almost otherworldly quality to his features. His skin was pale, as if carved from alabaster, and seemed almost translucent in places, revealing the slight blue-green veins that run beneath. The boy's eyes were the most striking aspect of his appearance. A deep, vivid red, they seem to glow like two coals in the darkness. The pupils were large, giving the impression of a predator poised to pounce. Yet they are also somehow warm and inviting, seeming to be able to pull people in with their intensity. His lips were full and lush, with a hint of pink that contrasted sharply with the icy pallor of his skin. They were soft and inviting, curving into a natural, gentle smile.

This boy was him.

"Just what the hell is going on here?" His hand with the phone dropped to his side as he stared at the darkened clouds.