
the start

hello, I bet you are wondering how I become a preacher well this is my story of finding christ

I had a terrible year which accumulated to me almost dying and I asked the lord if he can deliver me from my enemies. and he did so I started my walk in christ the next day by reading the gospels specifically mark when Jesus got baptized in water and god sent the holy ghost down to show his love to his son.

I thought it was beautiful and it showed how much god really loved his son and he still gave him so that we could have a chance at salvation

so after I tried street preaching in a dangerous city around an extremely powerful evil family and I had to flee the city so that was kind of a scary first preaching experience but it didn't defeat me

I'm tired of hiding my faith so I'm going to write it some will read and listen some wont I will admit I haven't lived the best life but god has forgiven me and he can for give you to

Mrgalaxycreators' thoughts