
I'll Never Leave You

With a fierce roar, Archer unleashed a torrent of violet flames, reducing the followers of the Church of Light to ashes that floated away on the cool breeze.

Scanning the garden with his eyes, he searched for Janna, finally spotting her at the back, comforting his sisters. Archer nodded his massive head in her direction.

With a mighty flap of his massive wings, he gracefully ascended into the sky, soaring higher and higher.

His gaze remained fixated on the distant silhouette of the Church as he closed in on the sacred structure.

His mighty wings beat with intensity, propelling him forward at increasing speed.

Drawing closer, he slowed to a stop, hovering just above the Church. At that moment, Teuila's voice broke through the silence.

"Arch, what are we doing here?" She asked.

Without a moment's hesitation, in a deep voice, he replied, "Destroy."