
A Hunger for Blood and Magic - DxD

A soul, fresh after a 1st degree encounter with his afterlife gets tossed into a universe where a group of teenagers that have trained for less than a couple of years get stronger than beings that have lived for millennia. That's right, welcome to DxD, a place where the boob reigns supreme and the vampires are either feminist lolis or mysoginistic old bastards. How does the world behave when a true fuckmothering vampire comes into being? Let's find out. ------------------------------------------------------------- This is a Fanfic... I don't own anything!!! All the characters except the MC and all the Worlds belong to their original owner ------------------------------------------------------------- A/N: First of all I want to declare that English is not my first language, so if you cannot overlook a few mistakes then this fanfic is not for you. Also, this is my first fanfic so keep that in mind. There is also a MC that will sometimes be good, sometimes be evil, it's all about his perspective and how he feels like Feedback is appreciated. Last warning, in this fanfic some characters will have a different attitude than the canon or the original version so please note this warning before jumping into this.

Khalderas · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 24 - Gangsters and Bird Problems

Yasaka arrived about half an hour later, she probably had to first deal with the other team, then came the yelling and worrying for Kunou then, finally getting the tyre's message and coming to us.

When she arrived at the warehouse, she didn't know what to expect. Kunou's emergency way of contact only sent Yasaka the location and nothing else. She didn't know what she would find out there, would her daughter be safe, would she be injured, would those bastards do something to her? She knew that Kunou would probably be scared and frightened. She wanted her daughter back.

Countless scenarios rushed through her mind as she and her men rushed to the location, each one worse than the one before. While she imagined a lot, what she found when she arrived, bustin down the door like the FBI going after a lolicons hard drive, wasn't anything like she expected.

She found her daughter, yes, but not in the way she thought, Kunou was sitting and laughing on a young man's lap while that man was sitting on a stone throne.

"But what do I do if someone doesn't back down after the threats?" her daughter hadn't even noticed her arrival and was still talking excitedly with the man.

'What the hell is going on?' were the only thoughts running through her mind but seeing that her daughter was safe and sound, she calmed down a bit and chose to continue observing.

The young man seemed to have noticed her for he sent a quick glance, smile and nod towards herself before turning his attention back to her daughter and answering her question.

"Well, if that someone doesn't back down after repeated attempts, you strike where it hurts most. You don't directly go for him, dear, that's a rookie mistake. If he has a big business, go after that, go after his organization but don't go after his family if they are innocent. That's just bad manners. Non-players of the game should be left alone. But, if he goes after yours, then it's no holds barred" finished the young man.

'Threats? Business? Innocents? Game?!' what was that young lunatic teaching her daughter? And why was she smiling, giggling and noting it all down? As a matter of fact, where did she get that notepad? And what was up with the red bandana around her head? And finally, what was up with the mummified impaled corpses far I the back of the warehouse? So many questions were going through Yasaka's mind but she would get her answers and her daughter.


She mock-coughed, trying to get her daughter's attention, but it righteously failed. Kunou was still attentively jotting down notes and nodding her head.

"AHEM!" once again, louder but this time working as Kunou turned her head abruptly while looking a bit annoyed that someone interrupted her time.

Once she saw that the interloper was her mom, her face lit up and she jumped from that man's lap and began running towards Yasaka.

But, when she got about halfway, she stopped and looked at the man.

"Boss! May I?" she asked the man with an uncharacteristically serious look on her face.

'Boss?! What the f#$#?' Yasaka was so perplexed that not even her swears were getting registered.

The 'boss' let out a little laugh, nodded, and made a shooing hand-motion.

Kunou's enthusiasm came back and she continued her run, ending up with Yasaka getting engulfed in a hug by an eager little fox.


Yasaka hugged her back and began to gently pat her head.

"Are you okay? Are you injured anywhere?"

"Un, I'm fine now. It was scary at first but then boss came and saved me!"

"Boss? What is going on with that?" 'Should I be worried?' Yasaka mentally adds.

"Yep, at first Shina caught me and-"

"Wait! It was Shina? When I get my hands on the bit-*cough* when I get my hands on her…"

"No need to say mom, she is a rat and rats deserve what's coming to them!"

"Kunou! Watch your language! Where did you learn all of this?!"

"I was getting there mom! Anyway, she caught me and brought me here and…" Kunou proceeded to tell the whole story from her, albeit limited, perspective.

"... and I could barely hear but it went like BAM and WHOOSH and screams" She got a little bit too excited at that part so Yasaka shot the young man a look that meant business.

"Then what happened?"

"Then Hiro" *point* "that's Boss, asked me if I was afraid and I said yes so he began teaching me how to deal with traitors and my gang"

"That's great, wait, gang?!"

"Uh-huh! I'm going to become a gangster, no, wait that's wrong, how was it Boss?" she asked, looking at Hiro.

"GangSTAR" he promptly responded with a serious nod followed by a grin.

"Yeah! Gangstar! I'm going to be the best gangstar out there!" said a visibly excited Kunou.

"Aaah, that's great dear, why don't you go with Kujou while I talk with Hiro here"

Kunou nodded and went to a crow tengu and proceeded to excitedly tell him about her gangstar path.

Yasaka arrived in front of Hiro, who until now just sat down, just as he got up from his throne and did a little bow with his right hand placed on his chest.

"It's good to meet you, Lady Yasaka. My name is Hiro Zeltris"

"You as well, 'boss' Hiro" she said with a little grin.

"Thank you for saving and taking care of my daughter"

"No problem at all, my lady, she's a great kid"

"Oh, no, no, no, that won't do, please call me Yasaka~"

"Then just Hiro, please"

"Okay, 'just Hiro'" she said while smirking "I wanted to ask you, what's all this about gangs and bosses and what happened here?"

"Well ~Yasaka~, those people kidnapped your daughter and wanted to use her small connection with the leylines in order to activate a bomb that the one called Shina left in your castle and kill you alongside your council" at this point, Yasaka's eyes widened and Hiro promptly added "Yeah, you should probably have that taken care off"

"Then I must thank you again, my oh my, you are really a hero, Hiro"


"Hehe, what happened after?"

"Yeah, so the group, it was formed by strays belonging to the fallen and the youkais alongside a group of devils, they started to backstab each other. You should have seen that, it was marvelous, hahaha. Anyway, I swept in and killed them all, oh, I left the leaders and that Shina gal for you to tor-interrogate"

"Mmm, such a thoughtful hero, but why and how were you here?"

"Well, I collaborate sometimes with Azazel in order to take care of instances like this and he had sent another team here, you probably know about them" *nod* "They were active at the other location and found about this place but had no time to actually come, so, here I am"

"I see, it seems I need to have a talk with both the devils and the Grigori"

"Seems so"

"Anyway, thank you once again for saving my little girl. Would you mind coming over to the palace and...discuss… some more about this?"

"I wouldn't mind at all, Yasaka, but it will need to be tomorrow, some of my...friends… are waiting for me"

"Girl friends?" She asked with an inquisitive look.

"Yeah, girl friends"

"So young and already with two women, what am I going to do with you?~" she mischievously asked.

"I can think of a few things" came his answer with an accompanying wink.

She came closer to him and bent down a little while putting a hand on his chest, letting him see the massive cleavage that she was displaying, it was like a beautiful ravine, the Grand Canyon of breast enthusiasts.

"Ah, a pity, but it will have to wait for tomorrow then" she then quickly retreated back with a wink.

"Such a pity indeed" he came closer and whispered in her ear "but the wait will make it worthwhile"


Their back and forth teasing, a little game that both of them came to enjoy, was cut short by a cough from the crow tengu. They turned to him, both looking a little miffed with the interruption.

"Ahem, Lady Yasaka, perhaps we should return to the castle and take care of the...bomb?" he asked sheepishly.

Kujou the Crow Tengu knew and learned many things in his life and one of the things he knew was that you don't interrupt the lady's funtime. The funtime would usually entail her taking a bath or enjoying some mani-pedi hair salon time and interrupting THAT was a fifty fifty chance at a shortened lifespan. Interrupting the madam's flirting, this time seemingly being genuine, was a new territory that Kujou the Crow Tengu had never set foot or claw upon so Kujou was scared.

Understandably so, as his madam's glare, while mild, promised him a visit to the old lady doctor. Something Kujou the Crow Tengu would not enjoy, not since the old lady started to find his feathers extra shiny and his beak luxurious, curse his family's heritage of shiny. Kujou wanted to save himself for Becky, the shiny birb that he noticed a couple of months ago, she liked blue but Kujou was afraid that the bitch Ron would try to go after Becky. Ron used to be his friend but, since Becky, they are enemies now.

Kujou the Crow Tengu got lucky this time as the young princess' saviour seemed to notice the fear taking root in his soul, nodded with the calmness of a fellow sage, and put a comforting arm on the lady's shoulder, calming her down. Kujou the Crow Tengu would still have a chance of saving his first smash for Becky.

The group soon left the warehouse with Hiro promising Yasaka that he would visit tomorrow. He was a little conflicted though, already feeling the headache that tomorrow would promise but that was alleviated by the promise of flirting with the absolute milf.

Hiro arrived back at the hotel and was welcomed with a grand sight, both Valerie and Rias were laying on the bed, wearing matching white and red sexy underwear.

He promptly forgot all about tomorrow and went to take his rightful place between the gorgeous ladies.

"Good hunt?" asked Valerie.

"Good hunting, though tomorrow I'm going to need to have a talk with Sona. It's going to be a long day" he sighed.

"Leave that for tomorrow, tonight it's about us" said Rias gently. She knew they couldn't do anything for now, not with the engagement still on. She couldn't let the family back home find out that she had lost her virginity right now. All of that aside, she was doing some *ehem* research on whether the alarm system placed on her would monitor only vaginal or other types of virginity.

She would eventually figure it out and she would make it glorious.

But, for now, they just slept and cuddled with her and Valerie, inevitably ending up naked. She, because of being used to sleeping like that and Valerie, well Valerie did it because Hiro would end up blue balled and would take it upon her when they had some time alone..

Faction problems could wait.

Yasaka arrived home and then realized that Hiro had gone around the whole gangster business so she went to Kunou only to find her reading the 'Thug Code 101 written by Hiro Zeltris'. Under the title she found an addendum 'Exclusively for Kunou, the future Gangstar'

Yasaka's smile promised both pain and pleasure, it was a good night all in all.



Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

First of all, apologies for not posting for 2 days. Irl happened, first I went to watch Spooderman with a buddy and ended up crashing after an alcohol-fueled bender.

See you next time

Author out.