
A Hunger for Blood and Magic - DxD

A soul, fresh after a 1st degree encounter with his afterlife gets tossed into a universe where a group of teenagers that have trained for less than a couple of years get stronger than beings that have lived for millennia. That's right, welcome to DxD, a place where the boob reigns supreme and the vampires are either feminist lolis or mysoginistic old bastards. How does the world behave when a true fuckmothering vampire comes into being? Let's find out. ------------------------------------------------------------- This is a Fanfic... I don't own anything!!! All the characters except the MC and all the Worlds belong to their original owner ------------------------------------------------------------- A/N: First of all I want to declare that English is not my first language, so if you cannot overlook a few mistakes then this fanfic is not for you. Also, this is my first fanfic so keep that in mind. There is also a MC that will sometimes be good, sometimes be evil, it's all about his perspective and how he feels like Feedback is appreciated. Last warning, in this fanfic some characters will have a different attitude than the canon or the original version so please note this warning before jumping into this.

Khalderas · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 2 - Waking up and Arrival


Pain was all that he could feel. He didn't know how much time had passed since he blacked out but he knew that he couldn't stay here. Can't die on your first day in a new body.

Heavily sighing, he tried to stand up but stumbled.

"Dam-AGH!" He tried to speak but even that hurt more than he cared to admit.

'Who would've thought that a couple of broken bones and an arm pointing the wrong way hurts this much' he mentally sighed while trying to figure out what to do.

'Okay, think, I'm in a forest, it's currently getting dark, could've sworn that it was bright and early when I sto-crash landed in this body. Gotta move a bit, check the damage. Can't think properly when I'm the equivalent of a crime scene outline' looking around he saw a tree that was quite close. Mentally preparing for the pain, he rolled on his front and started to slowly crawl towards the tree using his one good hand and his legs.




Needless to say, he looked like a fish, gasping for its last breath.

'Fuck, damn, shit, bitch, I swear I've seen this in the opening of MGSV, fuck this is annoying' swearing was the only thing he could do, it helped, barely.

After what felt like hours, but let's be honest, it was minutes at best, he succeeded in propping himself with his back against the tree.

'Ookay, that feels much better, I can think now. First, let's inspect the damage. Legs feel relatively fine, aching but it's probably just some bruises. Chest feels tight and it hurts to breathe a little, either cracked or broken ribs. Liveable. The big problem is the arm, it looks as if I'm waving hi to myself and I've not reached that level of crazy yet.'

Sighing, he closed his eyes to rest a bit and fell asleep almost immediately.


Waking up with a jump, he noticed 3 things.

It was night outside

His major wounds started itching quite a bit

He finally smelled himself and he stank like swamp-ass

'It seems my wounds are healing, and relatively fast considering how sluggish I feel, probably a lack of energy or something similar. Ugh, the smell I could do without, damn has this guy- well not this guy anymore, have I been in a sewer? Questions for later, now let's get moving on.'

At first, he wanted to inspect his new body but that could wait a bit until he found a safe place to stay.

Slowly but surely, he rose up with the balance of a ballerina after a three-day bender and began to look around. At first, he didn't see anything out of the ordinary, the trees were trees, the grass was green and the birds were mocking him. It was either the birds, his exhaustion or a concussion that he just found out about. The mystery of life.

Walking around without a direction seemed foolish, idiotic even, something only an unbalanced lunatic would do.

And that's precisely what he did.

He walked in what he felt was a straight line for a couple of hours until he reached a clearing. Taking a minute to catch his breath and check his wounds he rested against a tree and saw that the healing was still ongoing.

While resting, he started to sift through the body's memories and what he found shocked him.

Nothing, he found nothing.

'Hm, interesting, there seems to be nothing here. I can't remember anything that this body experienced, nothing besides the word I heard when we smooshed bodies: revenge. Interesting indeed.' He thought that he would have to do the usual transmigrator stuff, you know?

Get stronk, strong-arm some people, get revenge.

And then proceed to dance on their graves.

That sort of stuff.

'Guess revenge is gonna be on the slow cooker for a while. Neat.'

'Well, first thing first, I need to make a list with priorities. Ah, gotta love my education from my former corporate overlords.'

So he set up to making a list, checking it twice.

Finding out who's been naugh- wait, wrong track.

Moving on.

The final list looked like this:

Number 1: the challenge, demand satisfaction, if they apologize - no, wrong, bad list again. (A/N sorry guys, just had to do it, if someone recognizes the reference hmu, I'm lonely)

No, the list went on like this:

Find civilization and a place to sleep, either temporary or permanent


Find where/when I am

Find out which world this is

Check out the new body

So, following this highly complicated and convoluted makeshift plan, he first looked up at the night sky and there he noticed something.

'Over there, up in the distance, lights, those may be either street lamps or house lights, gotta check it out' and so, he strode out once again through the forest.

The trip took longer than he expected, he was exhausted.

'Damn, I'm getting tired, who knows when was the last time this body got anything to eat'

Tired, hungry, and exhausted, he strode forever onwards.


By the time he reached the town he noticed that it was approaching daybreak, the sun was slowly rising over the horizon.

'Huff, huff, almost there. Now, what am I going to do, I don't remember anything, I don't have any idea who I am. Do I plead insanity?' He wondered.

He slowly journeyed through the outskirts of the town, looking around for someone but not finding anybody.

'It's probably too early for anybody to move around yet, it must be like 5 A.M. have to keep moving'

He moved through what seemed to be a relatively calm neighborhood, searching for someone. His energy was getting lower and lower, the healing process drained him. He moved around a corner and there he saw her.

A smiling granny was taking out the trash. He started slowly hobbling towards her while trying to get her attention.

"H-hello" he weakly called out to her and she looked at him.

Then, he promptly fainted and everything went black.


A/N so, here it is the second chapter.

You probably noticed the switch in pov, writing it in 3rd felt different, certainly. Any thoughts on it?

Anyway, feedback is appreciated, as always.

Join me next time for the continuation of the story.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Khalderascreators' thoughts