
A Hundred Souls for One

Have you ever wonder how's it like to live peacefully and happily. Well I did I that's why I'm stuck with Queen Emory , She's The Queen of Life, She can give and take lives , I'm here because when I was 3yrs old my grandpa Died and My world shattered when my mom told me he's gone at a very young age my heart was black as a black hole deep, dark , and mysterious.

Queen Emory : Why are you just standing there!? what do you want? why did you came here? and how did you got here ???

Ace : Life

Queen Emory: Life? what do you mean? be more specific!

Ace: I want you to bring my grandfather back to life I know it's been 20yrs ago but pls bring him back to life pls

Queen Emory: And why should I do that? who are you to command me? I'M A QUEEN! A GOD!

Ace: I'm sorry to disrespect you my queen forgive me , I just miss him so much and My world is nothing without him pls I'm begging you pls

I crawled down and keep begging until ...

Queen Emory: Fine , But in one condition you shall make hundred girls fall in love with you and marry them after that you can go back here and I shall give you what you wish

Ace: But? how? I know I can kill but date? dude you gotta be kidding me I don't know how to flirt, and u want me to make a hundred girls fall in love with me? no I ain't doing that give me another one

Queen Emory: Deal or No Deal?

Ace: pls give me a different one

Queen Emory: Deal or No Deal?

Ace: Deal