
What a college experience

➜ [ North-College]

"I think I fixed it guys." Cameron informed his family.

He looked up and they were ahead of him walking to the entrance of the collage, he quickly ran ahead trying to catch up with them.

Note: I love clothing being part of the story.

- Marcy wore a black leather jacket, with a red shirt and black jeans

-Cameron stayed wearing his classic black T-shirt with white long sleeves, and blue jeans.

- Katherine stayed with her long sleeved folded white shirt and jean shorts.

"So why are we here again?"

"Were you not listening to me when I explained why I was tagging along?"

"I don't know, it was a while back."

"We're here to pick up some stuff from my dorm room dummy" Marcy explained, "Katherine wanted to check the place out since she wants to come here when she is old enough for collage."

Cameron shakes his head, "Remind me to never ask you for something to do when we're bored."

"It's never too late to start thinking about your future." Katherine phrased with a smirk. "That is if you have one."

"Fuck you dumpshit."

"Marcy!" A shortish old man with freaky grey hair wearing a lab coat and glasses exclaimed with open arms.

"Professor Phys."

"Of all my students I would have never thought you would be the one returning to check the collage during the summer break."

"I'm just here to pick up some stuff, my little cousin is the one who is here to check out the collage."

"Katherine Lenardo here." Katherine introduced with a wave.

The professor gazed at her for an uncomfortably long time before clearing his throat and turning back to Marcy. "I'm guessing she wants a tour?"

"A tour up to my dorm room."

"Let the boy handle that work, I have things to show you both."


"Here you go Cam." Marcy tossed her room key into Cameron's hands, "Room 709 top floor."

The three walked away continuing with the tour. Katherine before disappearing from sight turned to Cameron with a loser sign. The dark skinned boy sighed and looked for an entrance into the dorm room section.

"Room 709... Yeah that's not happening..."

The dial popped up and he pressed the buttons on the dial in a way that seemed like he was a professional button presser, until he reached 0verspeed's silhouette then he slammed his palm down onto the dial.

Green bubbles floated around him.

"CrashSpring?" Cameron questioned the choice, "Not the alien I was asking for, but I could work this."

[ Moments Later ]

"Now that I'm done. I should search up how it's like to be a freshman in highschool, I have to prepare for next year after all. "

CrashSpring was ready to hop over to the Sienna when he was almost blasted off the wall by the same bat like human creatures from before. There were four of them and they all seemed charged up for another shot. "What are you guys doing here?"

The alien shot up into the sky avoiding numerous laser beams and landed on the exterior of another building in the collage facility. "Last time I checked this place was for collage students, not human looking bats."

The humanoid bat fired off a barrage of laser blasts that CrashSpring started dodging by jumping from one building exterior to the other. The alien hopped from building to building swerving passed a dozen laser beams while still keeping hold on the exterior platforms he would land on.

CrashSpring hopped onto one of the bat humanoids shooting it down while he landed on the roof of one of the collage structures. The three remaining bat aliens swooped down for closer range attacks, this made CrashSpring smirk and following the smirk he started going hamm on the aliens. One more bat remained when CrashSpring reverted back into Cameron. The bat started flapping off.

"Is it bad that you're offline now? it's just one bat and you take like five or so minutes to come online... so yeah it's cool.

➜ [ Meanwhile ]

Katherine and Marcy followed professor Phys strongly as he pointed out the many areas of the college to Katherine while on the way to the place.

"Of course professor! I'm just so syked about life beyond college."

"Of course you are, you've always been my most adventurous student. I will never forget the field trips we've had."

Katherine lowers her phone, "You guys get field trips here?" She raised a question.

"Yes, but they are more of physical nature stuff and a lot of science, not your type of thing."

"Actually Katherine is-"

"-Marcy my dear girl, what are your plans after this holiday?"

"My plans? Nothing of course, I'm going where life takes me. At times we should learn to chill out and relax."

"Yes chill out and relax, you know I have this special project that I would like you to be a part of Marcy-"

"I would like to be a part of it as well."

"Look. Katherine young girl you don't really seem like the type of person to well you know want college."

"Excuse me?"

"I'm just saying your type of people aren't exactly the ones who we would account to be witty."

"Professor I d-"

"-hey if you want to say I'm stupid just say it, I've heard it enough from others, I'm not afraid to hear-"

A misformed bat came screeching their direction.

[ Moments Later ]

"Where the hell are they? I've been looking for like hours now."

Cameron watched as Katherine took a turn into the corner and made her way to him. She quickly sprinted and stood behind him.

"What's up with you?"

"That!" Katherine pointed at the bat.

"You're such a diva you know."

"What am I supposed to do against a freaking bat mutant thing."

Cameron raised the dial of the omnitrix and slammed his palm down onto the watch. A green flash covered the area and WoodWorks stood in front of Katherine who took a step back.

"What... The hell..."

WoodWorks groaned. "...C...ool..."

The bat fired multiple lasers at WoodWorks who punctured the ground with his fist sending out from beneath a fist that blocked the attack and then punched the bat human in the face.

The humanoid bat shook its head and pushed in after WoodWorks. The woodenlink alien plucked their body into the ground avoiding the tackle of the bat. WoodWorks pulled out from behind the humanoid bat shocked.


The bat turned and was met with a punch that stretched the bat into one of the college buildings.

"Watch where your fighting."

The bat shook its head and started flying off.

"We have to follow that thing!"

WoodWorks turns to Katherine confused, "...Why?.." He groaned.

"Because it will lead us straight to professor Phys, he took Marcy."

WoodWorks with Katherine holding tightly onto him stretched his arms forward amd wrapped them around trees and pulled himself forward. Even though following the alien was just a hunch it felt like the best lead they could get at the time.

The bat led them away from the collage grounds and into the forest area near the collage. WoodWorks continued stretching after the bat, the journey was long since the alien he was wasn't the best at chasing.

WoodWorks was unable to make good closure between himself and the alien before timing out. The red flash caught the attention of the bat so they quickly jumped into a bush where they hid away until the coast was clear.

Cameron and Katherine slowly followed behind the alien bat letting it lead them to the base of it's master.

After navigating passed the coverage of trees and bushes the two found their way to the outside lab. Professor Phys stood near a bunch of wired computers and started tapping buttons. Besides him were a bunch of pods that had many students including Marcy inside them, then there was a blue pod that had a weird alien looking human inside.

"We have to get Marcy and all those other students out of there." Katherine whispered.

"We're gonna have to find a way to do it without the watch, because it's offline right now."

Katherine nodded and threw a pebble. The remaining bat alien turned to the direction the pebble was thrown to and followed the sound.

"Hey Phys!"

The professor turns and groans. "You two? You three will be a simple issue to deal with, neither of you serve the capabilities to fight especially you girl. My minions attack!"

Nothing happened.

"What happened to my aliens?"

"Took care of them myself, I'm pretty resilient you know."

"You were that interference my alarms warned me about? You broke a priceless window!"

"Is that seriously how you deal with destructive kids? You call your bat stuff for them?"

"Those windows are incredibly tough, I didn't think a mere child would've been able to break them, I thought a mutant or something."

"Well I'm not a mutant and I'm gonna stop you from doing your master plan... Whatever it is..."

"It's too late the machine is about to start up and then my plan will be in full success!"

Katherine knocked the professor down with a log.

"You know we could have forced him to help us turn the machine off right?"


The human bat came firing at the duo, Cameron and Katherine quickly jumped out of the way avoiding the blast. The alien came in and tackled Katherine to the back, it then flapped up and released a strong screech that pushed the two teens back.

The bat swooped in again, but this time Katherine saw it coming and jumped out of the way coursing the bat to knock itself into the tree.

Cameron picked up Katherine's log and tried to knock the mutant out, but it noticed and flapped out of the way. Before it could go higher up Katherine caught it, Cameron turned around and slapped it down with the log.

"Now the controls."

The two ran to the machines controls and tried to find a button that would maybe turn it off or lead to the process of doing so. The watch beeped on coursing Cameron to groan. "Now you turn on."

"I think it turned on at the right moment." Katherine pointed at the large number of bat and birds that were flying their way. The professor now awake disconnected the blue pod from the other pods.

"Forget this, you can all blow up and die!"

The machine switched from a loading screen to a self destruction countdown. The alien bats and birds all swooped down and lifted the blue pod and the professor from the ground then flew off into the distance.

"Oh no this is bad."

"Don't worry I got this." Cameron pressed the buttons on the watch, "Static-Brain!"

A green flash shined and the crab like alien appeared.

Static-Brain's head opened up and a storm generated as he started tapping buttons on the machine. After a couple of button twists and system checks the countdown stopped and the pods all opened up.

"Yes! You you did it!"

➜ [ Moments Later ]

Marcy sighed in the drivers seat of the Sienna. Cameron and Katherine were both sitting in the back.

"Did I actually miss that?"

"Yeah, and you missed him escaping."

"We beat him so badly, that he had to runaway with his bats or whatever."

"I'm gonna have to take note of that, he could be a possible threat, do you have any items that belongs to him?"

"I brought the log along." Katherine added.

"What's a log gonna do, when I have this thing on my wrist and when we have agent Marcy."

"You forgot to mention me." Katherine voiced.

"Katherine, you don't count as a hero."

"You don't need powers to become a hero."

"I don't have powers, I have the omnitrix."

"This roadtrip is gonna be one hell of a trip." Marcy said to herself.

These chapters were made a longtime ago so I'm still trying to fix a few stuff that I changed when my plan for the story was complete. There might be some inconsistency that I forgot to fix up.

OutWrit3creators' thoughts