
Part One

Part One

Thinking about it more densely the idea of alien life forms on earth shouldn't be something seen as normal, yet it's one of the most normal stuff that is happening. It's as if everything else normal that has been happening doesn't compare to how normal aliens are now.

"Yes, the town of Middleton has become largely more famous because, of its defenders, the alien heroes and because of the rise of the new organisation; The Peacemakers, their most recent win was against the all powerful cult, apparently they were behind the Dixx incident of last year. There is so much being revealed lately, and to add on that note, there's a theory going around that the alien heroes might be working with the Peacemakers. But of course that's only a theory- oh! Would you look at that, one of the alien heroes has been spotted on Camera in Middleton."

The fame he was receiving was a bit harsh, but in a way amazing. Brushing back to the topic or back to the situation. BurnOut was caught soaring through the skies of Middleton chasing after a man on a scooter.

The man clearly lived in the town because the way he was taking his turns looked as if he knew the town, like he knew the back of his hand. The man was making even BurnOut look stupid when it came to directions.

BurnOut obviously being Cameron should have known the town well, but the person he was chasing knew it better, the man even knew some shortcuts that not even Cameron knew of, nonetheless Burnout was still able to make quick work in catching up.

He exploded down to the height of the criminal and pushed in past, before stopping in front of him. Sure the idea didn't seem genuis since this was a criminal who could easily just knock him over, but BurnOut thought smart about the situation, his entire body heated up as he bounced a fire ball in his palm, when the scooter neared the point of turning he threw the fire ball against the tire of the scooter.

A strong explosion appeared near the wheel of the scooter as it got thrown over BurnOut who had a cocky smirk on his face. The man crashed besides his scooter and like an idiot he tried escaping from BurnOut , but of course that didn't work, with a simple laser fire from his hand, BurnOut stopped the man.

"Speak about a job well done."

[   M i d d l e t o n  ]

Nothing really cools someone down than a great rest after chasing down a criminal while using the body of an alien, it sounds weird, but that was the normal for Cameron. A weird normal, but it was his normal and dear god did he love it.

Though as they say, heroes never rest, and that proved true when Camerons mother kicked his door open with an entire cake in hand.

"Happy birthday!" She exclaimed. Which made Cameron jump from his bed, and pull down his watch arm, but he couldn't fully get the extension since he remembered he chained his arm to to his bed to avoid any accidental transformations.

"Seriously mom..." Cameron groaned.

"Don't be like that, the entire family is downstairs waiting for you to come."

"I saved the entire town of Middleton and I still can't get a good nights rest."

"Yes, yes, but you also broke my number one rule, and that is to never use the omnitrix during the school week."

"I've been breaking that rule." Cameron mumbled.

"Excuse me? What was that?"

Cameron sighs, "Nothing mom..."

"Awesome!" She smiled, "See you downstairs in an hour, and wear your best clothes, specifically the ones I bought you okay dear."

And just like that Cameron's mother left. Being a hero comes with its perks, but being a teen hero takes time for the perks to actually be taken note of.


: Universal Extinction


Katherine wearing a blue dress turned over to Marcy who was wearing a yellow dress. The two weren't big dress people, but they wanted to look pretty for Camerons birthday this year, and this year in specific since he's been through some hell.

"You think birthday boy is gonna feel appreciated?" Katherine raised a question to Marcy.

"Why don't you ask him yourself."

Right on time; Cameron walked out from the backdoor rubbing his left eye socket wearing his black top with long white sleeves and blue jeans, in basic his classic attire. He made his way over to the family who all started waving and greeting him.

"Happy birthday you." Léla gave Cameron a present. "I hope you enjoy your day."

"Léla... I want to say I'm sorry for how I left off-"

"Hey it's okay. I understand that you had something important to take care of."

"Look I get it was a bit rude how I left, but you have to understand that the reason I left was super personal and important... anyway thank you for the gift I appreciate it."

"It's not from me."


"That gift is from Ruby, she didn't want to give it to you in person since she's kinda still mad at you."

"Should have figured... so I'm guessing you didn't bring a gift then."

"Yeah-" Maddie bumped Léla into Cameron.

"Sorry you two. Happy birthday you goat." Maddie winked before walking towards Abbie and Ruby.

"Maddie is such a character." Cameron laughed lightly.

"Actually. I just remembered I have a gift for you."

"What is it-"

Léla moved her lips closer to Cameron's face and pressed them against his cheek. She stepped back and ran over to where her friends were while Cameron watched with a surprised expression that gained a smile.

"You look so fresh!" Evelyn jumped. "Well as fresh as you can be."

"How are you feeling cuz?"

"Decent. Cool. Awesome. Fine honestly, just I've been hecka tired, I think it started last weekend or something. There are like mutants that are still running about in this town."

"A Heroes job is never done."

"The Peacemakers can deal with it." Cameron shrugged, "Though, I've been thinking, when will I ever get the chance to visit you guys?"

"You can do that like anytime." Evelyn noted.

Katherine approaches the group, "When you say i-"

"-yes I mean the both of us. We have to visit our cousins once in awhile you know."

Moving on from the sweet brother and sister moment Cameron and his blood were having, Cameron's mother made her way to the front and used her fork to knock against her glass grabbing the attention of everyone, this was a classic smart move. She smiled as she prepared her speech.

"My boy Cameron is finally turning 14... Next thing he will be 15 and a man- oh my god I can't do this right now-"

"-it's okay." Camerons father ran up to the front, "I'll take care of the rest. Okay, so- right, Cameron is finally turning 14, and wow am I shocked, like I get i haven't been around that much, but 14, seriously? Like what the hell? How is he turning 14, the last time I saw that kid he was 10 years old and I saw him a week ago. But jokes aside, Cam you deserve this day, and I know it's kinda sucky that dad or grandpa as you guys call him wasn't able to join us this year for your birthday, but we can lightly excuse him since he's dealing with issues, anyway, we all tried to make it here for you, we're busy, but we're willing to drop all of that for our little hero... Cameron you're amazing..."

A light blue flash glowed besides Cameron and then everybody froze. Paradox appeared besides Cameron.

"You owe me."

Paradox disappeared and with him went Cameron. Katherines eyes glowed a bright white while everybody around her unfroze and continued on with their day.