
Late Nightz

➜➜The comment at (Design) is where the pictures of the aliens are shown ➜➜

Cameron looked ahead in the distance spotting Aiden laying by himself underneath a tree. Aiden had on his casual calm expression. Cameron looked around making sure nobody needed his attention before approaching Aiden.

"So is this what you do, during your free time?" Cameron asked with a smile.

"You're making it sound like my life is boring, because I'll have you know that I have seen blood before."

"Is that so? because I remember seeing blood as well a few months ago when I cut my finger."

"You're probably going to say you cut it with something like a paper."

"I could've said anything."

"Aiden Stewart."

"Stewart, seriously?"

"Please don't question the surname man, unlike some people including yourself I actually kinda like it."

"You seem bored Stewart, where's your girlfriend at anyway?"

"Probably with yours."

"I know you're referring to Ruby when you say that, but she is not my girlfriend, we are just good friends."

"Does she know any of your family members?"

"Well... she knows my half sister Katherine, and obviously my parents well mother, but that's nothing over the top though."

"Half sister? What's that all about?"

"Long story, I don't want to bore you with the details you know."

"That's cool dude, did you hear about the big exam tomorrow?"

"Did I hear about the exams tomorrow?" Cameron mocked, "Who didn't hear about them, if you fail the exam then there's no way of you going on the field trip."

"So you're coming tomorrow?"

"School on a Saturday isn't ideal for me, but if I missed Ruby's big nerd Olympic moment then she'll kill me for sure."

"Girlfriend vibes."

Cameron rolls his eyes, and takes out his phone "Just shut up and give me your number you loser."

➜ Lenardo Residential

Cameron's phone buzzed repeatedly on the counter besides him he pulled his body up and turned to his phone and picked it up to check the time.

"3:00 PM... Wait 3PM?!"

He jumped up from where he was and wanted to take his phone out the charger then later realised that there was no charger. in fact there was no bed, it was just trees.

"Fuck! where the hell hell am I? Damn and school starts in 2 hours." He exclaimed.

Cameron paced up and down the forest feeling awful at the fact that he will be missing school which meant he would not be able to go to the Olympics. He could already see the disappointment on Ruby's face when she finds out he wouldn't be able to watch her compete in the nerd Olympics.

"Um... think, think, think... right that Paradox guy, he probably know- no he'll just give me some stupid advice and disappear again." Cameron thought to himself, "He'll say something like, 'if I were you I would be using the watch to make time slow down.' "

"True I would be saying something like that."

Cameron jumped at the sight of Paradox in front of him.

"You're here?! How do you always know where to find me?"

"Don't worry about that, what you need to worry about is finding a way to get out of this situation you put yourself in."

"Y- what do you mean I put myself in this situation?!"

"How else do you think you got here? You think you just teleported?"

"Yes probably."

"No, Mr Lenardo I've been watching you, you got yourself in this situation."

Paradox tapped his staff against the ground creating a small circular mirror in front of himself and Caneron. The mirror showed a playback of a dark blue alien with a visor covering its face racing into the forest.

"That's me?!"

"Indeed it is."

"Damn that alien is going overpseed, what the hell?"

"Overspeed indeed, the alien is pretty fast I have to say."

Cameron sighs, "So how do you suppose I get myself out of this situation?"

"The same way you got yourself into it, by using that alien of yours."

Cameron pulled up the watch and twisted the dial searching for the alien that got him in the entire situation.

"I think I found the overspeed guy, but he looks a lot different on this thing."

"Then it might not be him."

"I know what you're doing. This is him."

Cameron slammed his palm onto his wrist releasing an explosion of green light.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

His arms became thin and his ring and middle finger sunk down into his palm leaving his pinky, thumb and index finger with a gap between the pinky and index, a green color coat covered his body and his rectum stretched out and widened, he knocked his head down while bending his legs and the top of his head stretched out then when he sprung up from the bend he also raised his head and the side of his eyes were stretched as well, when he sprung up his legs had morphed into zig zags, two monstrous claws broke through his shoes at the front and one at the back, he landed hard and three spikes popped out from his legs and three by his arms.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((( )))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Design - High Jumping Alien (Comments)

The light deemed down and a grasshopper alien stood in front of Paradox.

"I think you might have srewed up a bit."

"Sure I did."

The grasshopper got into a running position and pushed forward, but instead of running went up in a straight line.

"What The Hell?!"

The grasshopper alien found himself springing further into the forest. Paradox appeared infront of him with a headshake.

"Where's that speed?"

"You're the wrong alien."

"I'm the wrong alien? How? Your miss leading hints are always the opposite of what they mean why were they right now?"

"Because they weren't hints."

"Then how the hell am I supposed to get out of here now?"

"Don't worry this alien can still be of use to you in its own high jumping way."

"High jumping?"

"Yes high jumping."

"I don't trust your hints anymore."

The grasshopper stepped forward, but then suddenly felt the urge to squat down. The grasshopper squatted a bit then sprung up into the sky and crashed down with an explosion.

"What the heck? This guy crash-springs?"

"Excuse me did you say crash-spring? Because the alien first springs then crashes."

"I'm shocked alright, and crash-spring was the first thing in my head."

"Crash-spring... let's just hope in your future events you won't say stupid stuff like that."

"Look man Crash-spring- you know what my bad.. springs and crashes, there."

"This is going to be a long day for you, I'll see you later."


Paradox opened up a portal.

"Wait where are you going?"

"To see you."

Paradox walked into the portal and ended up in the same area. Cameron turned around to face Paradox before the watch glowed green.

"Whoa, what did you just do? And Where Did You Go?!"

"I traveled a couple of minutes in time to where the watch was fully recharged."

"Oh- wait you can do that?!"

"I'm called professor Paradox for a reason. Now dial up the alien we need in this moment."

"Right I got you." Cameron said starting the watch, he turned the dial switching through his aliens until he heard paradox cough, "This guy!"

Cameron slammed the watch and a green field surrounded the area.


His body started vibrating, everything around him was shaking, he fell onto his knees as his fingers morphed into sharp claws. A dark blue and black coat ran from his wrist all the way up to his shoulders, his neck thinned out and his jawline moved forward and became sharper than usual, the same occurred with the back of his head it became sharper and pointer, his legs started vibrating harder than the rest of his body, his leg moved to the back and his foot stretched forward his toes curled down and created a black ball beneath them, he squinched his green eyes that had black strips running down and gripped his claw hands as his body vibrated to the point a tail popped up and after that he looked up and a visor fell down on his face.


Design - Speed Alien (Comments)

The green disappeared and the dark blue fast alien stood before Paradox.

"It's time for me to go overspeed, bit first let's check if this guy is legit."

The fast alien raced forward and stopped at the entrance of an empty town.

"That was quick, I kinda feel nauseous for going that fast so I think I should hold it back a bit, and it seems like I finally lost that Paradox-"

"-You wish."

"What the hell?"

"You can't beat time..."

"You're forgetting that speed is technically what creates time, if I go fast enough I'll go further in time."

"Okay sure."

"You think I'm joking? Watch me reach Middleton before you mister time."

The fast alien disappeared in a wink. Paradox sighed and entered his portal. He walked out arriving at the entrance of Middleton where he was able to see the fast alien speeding its way to the town.

The fast alien stopped right in front of Paradox shocked.

"What? How the hell does that make any sense though?"

"Who's your friend?"

"What do you-"

A metamorphic small human like bat shot multiple lasers at the speed alien who was able to dodge all the lasers before transforming back four seconds later.

The metamorphic bat turned away and started flying off.

"So that's what's been messing with me while I was speeding."

"You let it into the city, I think you should start investigating that issue."

"I can't go alien in the-"

"-I didn't say anything about going alien, all I just said was that you should just make sure it doesn't mess with Ruby or anyone you might know."


"It seems that bat takes a strong liking to that speed alien of yours for some reason, you might have to run it out."

➜ Middleton High

Cameron watched the clock tik by the minutes awaiting for his class to end, but it felt like a never ending round of minutes. The class felt like it would be going on forever, but finally the bell came through.

Cameron and the rest of his class left for recess. Near the school building Cameron spotted Ruby's friends without Ruby.

"Have you tried calling her?"

"Have I tried calling her? of course I have, countless of times, but she's not picking up."

"I've never seen Ruby this late for something in my life, if she doesn't come to school then that would count as a absentee day."

"It already counts as a late day, the first late day she will ever experience."

Cameron ran up to the two girls, "What do you mean Ruby is late?"

Ruby's friends gave Cameron a look before nudging the other to speak.

"She's not at school." The two said at the same time.

The two girls turned to one another before lightly laughing. At that second Ruby came running in tired and sweaty

"Ruby where have you been?"

"It's a long story, but I think we might have a infestation of bats or something."

"Bats?" Cameron repeated.

"Yeah I was running away from this bat thing and I swear it shot something at me."

"It's gone now."

"Yeah, but it has my bag so that's a loss for me. I'll have to explain to the teachers the situation."

"Your bag had all your work in it right?"

"Everything, I'm gonna have to do something I've never done before and that's copy."

"I have to go to the toilet quick."

Cameron ran to an isolated area in the school. He activated the Omnitrix raising the dial and the watch was at the stock image of the skeleton alien.

"This thing really burns me up!" Cameron commented pushing down on the dial of the watch.

A green explosive surrounded the area. The green deemed down and the Skeleton stood in place.

"Now I'm gonna clean the streets."

Omnitrix Notes:

Speed Alien: Nameless

(Omnitrix center)

Grasshopper Alien: Nameless

(Omnitrix stomach)

Fire Alien: Nameless