
A hero's rise to demise

Vincent is your typical round about hero. He is an orphan raised by a church in the land in Lesidnia. He is adopted by the head priest and eventually becomes the holy sword wielder. He trains hard and is eventually able to conquer the demon lord of Crimora. But not all is as it seems. After he conquers the demon lord and kills him the kingdom sees him as not useful anymore. They now see him as a nuisance and find a way to get rid of him. he is stripped of everything and left with nothing. Will Vincent wallow in despire of will he eventually rise up and take revenge? Will Vincent live long enough to see himself, the hero become the villain?

Number_2_4 · Fantasie
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4 Chs

1. why?

I don't understand why the king made such remarks. Ever since I was young, I had sworn loyalty to him and helped him secure his throne and the church. I never thought they would abandon me, even the church I loved dearly, even after the head priest's passing. But now they are throwing me away after using me. Why? Had I not been loyal and faithful to them? I put them first before my own life, and yet, why?


When I was young, the head priest took me in as I was left by the church doors one evening. The maids and attendants always fawned over how adorable I looked, as the head priest said. He then adopted me and raised me as his own flesh and blood.

When I began to crawl, I somehow would always head to the forbidden grounds where the holy sword was located. The attendants always caught me on the way there and therefore told the head priest. The head priest had never seen this before, so he had an insight that maybe I was to be the next holy sword wielder. But after a thousand years, it was highly unlikely.

Unlike other children, I became quite a troublesome child. I would always cause trouble for my maids when I was five and always found a way into the forbidden zone. After quite a while, the maid told my father, so he told the head mistress to punish me if I ever headed towards the forbidden grounds again.

When I turned 7, I would always pick up a wooden sword and swing it. That didn't mean I left the holy sword alone, but I was afraid the head mistress would punish me. So I practiced swordsmanship, day in and day out. I, therefore, was titled as a sword maniac. The head priest then thought to ask one of the holy knights to teach me swordsmanship.

When I turned 12, I and other children of nobles were presented before a congregation of people. They made us stand on the altar before the goddess Suprina. The head priest said an incantation, and a bright golden light shone on all of us and mostly on me. Then, the light on me turned blue, and the blue light spread towards the heavens. The head priest and the whole congregation shook and were shocked.

"My goodness gracious, how can that be?"

"The young one has been chosen."

"There is no such thing; my son was to be the hero, not that commoner."

I was quite dumbfounded and afraid because I had no clue as to what just happened. Right when I was still in the midst of processing the event, the head priest held me up and laughed haughtily.

"My dear boy, you were just chosen as the wielder of the holy sword. I always knew since you had just learned to crawl. You were a troublemaker, but my dear boy, the goddess Suprina has blessed you and our kingdom. She mostly blessed me with a lovely son like you. Sing praises to the goddess and her beloved after a thousand years; our hero has come."

I was so glad and relieved as father said that.

The previous king of Lesidnia then hosted an event on my behalf upon hearing that I have been chosen to be the holy sword wielder, their hero.

"Hahaha, it's been a thousand years, and the goddess Suprina has not abandoned us. No, not at all she has indeed graced us with her favor. I hereby declare a royal ball shall be held here for our new young hero."

During the ball, the nobles looked at me scornfully. I can't blame them; I am an orphan after all.

"All hail the king of Lesidnia," said a royal attendant as the king and his two children entered the hall. All the people bowed respectfully. The king then summoned me. The head priest walked with me towards the king's throne. Six meters away from him, "I, Fredline von Deliré, the head priest of the goddess Suprina's church, greet your royal highness, King David de Lesidnia I, the rising sun of the kingdom of Lesidnia. I come before you to present my adopted son, Vincent von Deliré, and the new wielder of the holy sword that was gifted by our gracious goddess Suprina before you." I bowed respectfully before the king after the head priest introduced me.

"Ah, young Vincent, so you are the wielder of the holy sword. Raise your head, boy, so I can see your face," said the king. I slowly lifted up my head as the king commanded. "You must use the power bestowed upon you by the goddess wisely and for the betterment of our kingdom. Now let me introduce you to my beloved son and daughter. This is Christina de Lesidnia, my precious princess, and this is Alfred de Lesidnia, the crown prince." Oh, how I wish I had never met them.