
A guide to the Monsters of the Apocalypse

The hospital yard was silent. A few empty medicine boxes, blown about in the wind, tumbled down the corridors and fell silent in a corner. A DOOR AT THE END OF THE CORRIDOR WAS OPENED. Lin Shuang stretched out his head from behind the door, looked around, and came out. Then the little girl held her nose and jumped out from behind the door. The little girl to the corridor, then loosen the hand holding his nose, hard to breathe a few mouth, hand in front of the nose fan, then buzz buzz airway: "Oh, stinky, you strange uncle, choose what window is not good, do not want to choose the toilet window, inside the stinky, shout, stinky......" Lin SHUANG smoked A NOSE, some helpless way: "Do you THINK I WANT TO CLIMB TOILET? But this is the only window open in this hospital. What can I do?" At this time, the small white also ran out from inside the toilet, and then ran to the little girl. Only, it had not run to the little girl's side, it was a little girl to kick away. Small...

weimin_li · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: old four

The balcony of the dormitory of the University of science and technology is extremely unreasonable. As long as someone dares to turn outside the balcony railing, he can easily grasp the balcony railing of the next bedroom and climb to the next bedroom. This design provides great convenience for thieves.

With the help of this feature of the balcony, Lin Shuang quickly climbed over several bedrooms and came to the last one cleaned up yesterday.

Lin Shuang checked the bedroom and doors and windows, and found no abnormality. There were no zombies in the room, which was very clean.

Lin Shuang knocked on the wall with his hand and made a series of "Dong Dong Dong" sounds.

"Ha ~ ~" a deep roar came from the next room, and then several more roars followed.

Listening to the roar from the next door, Lin Shuang's face became somewhat ugly: "peat, I won the grand prize this time. It seems that there is more than one."

The dorm next door is the dorm of class 3 of the same department. People in the dorm love to play games. Many people often come to the door to exchange game experience and open the dark. Therefore, there may be a lot of zombies in this bedroom.

The roar of the next door is getting louder and louder, and the zombies in other places also roar. It is very dangerous. We must shut them up as soon as possible, or the zombies on other floors may come to this floor.

Lin Shuang tightened the steel pipe in his hand, rolled out of the balcony, grabbed the balcony next door, and jumped down.

Lin Shuang just jumped into the bedroom next door. Before he could stand still, an ugly big face roared and rushed at Lin Shuang. At the same time, his hands like chicken feet were stretched out to Lin Shuang.

Lin Shuang quickly stepped back and ducked his face's claws. Then the steel pipe spear pierced his jaw.

Before Lin Shuang's steel pipe could be pulled out of big face's head, another dwarf pushed forward from behind big face against the corpse of big face. His hands like chicken claws stretched out from the armpit of big face and grabbed Lin Shuang.

Lin Shuang hurriedly pushed the steel pipe forward, pushed away the corpse with big face, and then threw away the steel pipe. He pulled out the machete with his backhand. The two knives were in his hands, and one of them was lifted up. He only heard "click" and "click", and the dwarf's hands immediately turned to 90 degrees.

Lin Shuang's right hand stabbed into the other side's eyes as soon as he gave it away.

Lin Shuang took advantage of the situation and pulled out his machete. The bodies of big face and short man were kicked down at the door of the bedroom leading to the balcony, and their bodies knocked down a zombie who was just about to rush out.

Lin Shuang took a look inside and couldn't help but burst out a rude remark: "I... fuck."

There are also five or six zombies standing inside. Fortunately, the door connecting the bedroom and the balcony is not large. At most, only two zombies can come out at a time. If five or six zombies rush up together, Lin Shuang feels that in such a narrow space, he has only one possibility except to jump off the building and die.

The zombies in the room gave a roar, and then rushed to Lin Shuang.

Lin Shuang flipped his hands and opened a pair of his hands with a machete. Then he cut the neck of a zombie with his right hand. The machete was caught by his neck and could not be pulled out. Lin Shuang quickly threw away his right hand machete.

Another zombie rushed out of the door. Lin Shuang waved a machete with his left hand and blocked his hands. Taking advantage of the gap, he pulled up a steel pipe gun on the ground and "puffed" it into the other side's open mouth.

Lin Shuang kicked the other side, pulled out his long gun and stabbed another zombie at the door.

The corpses of several zombies piled up at the door, forming a certain obstacle. The zombies in the door rushed out and tripped to the ground. Lin Shuang lifted the steel pipe spear and stabbed the other party's head. It was very easy to deal with several more zombies.

At the end of the zombie at the door, Lin Shuang looked into the bedroom and found that the zombie that had been bumped by the dwarf was still fluttering on the ground. He didn't get up. After a closer look, it turned out that he was crushed by the corpses of other zombies. He had no place to help him and could not get up. He could only wave his hands and yell and toss blindly.

Lin Shuang took the steel pipe and took two steps forward. He wanted to put a gun in his head to solve the last battle.

However, after approaching, Lin Shuang's expression was somewhat complicated, and the steel pipe spear he raised could not pierce any more.

Lying on the ground is Lin Shuang's fourth roommate.

There are four people in Lin Shuang's bedroom. Lin Shuang is the oldest and the eldest. The second is from Henan. He is tall and majestic. He likes playing basketball, but his feet are extremely smelly; The third is from Gansu. He studies well, looks handsome and plays a good guitar; The fourth is a local. He is not tall and untidy. He likes playing games. In the past three years, he spent about two and a half years on games. He is rarely seen in the bedroom.

In recent days, Lin Shuang has made a lot of assumptions, but he never expected to see the fourth in this situation.

The fourth man's eyes were red with blood. His hair, which had not been cut for a long time, covered half of his face. His mouth was covered with dried blood stains. His hands were like chicken claws. His nails scratched on the ground and made a creaking sound, making people's scalp numb.

Lin Shuang put away his weapons and sighed helplessly: "Alas, fourth brother, although we haven't seen each other many times in the past three years, we are still brothers. If I stab you to death, I can't do it. You should seek more blessings for yourself."

After that, Lin Shuang took out a handful of Fuzhuan from his arms and planned to try his own Fuzhuan.

Lin Shuang didn't know what kind of seal characters were useful for zombies, so he randomly took out one of them and looked at it. "Imperial beast? I don't know if it's OK. I don't care about him. I'll try it first to see the effect."

Looking at the fourth man like a wild animal, Lin shuangyun has a trace of physical vitality, which inspires the seal character. The seal character becomes a rule.

The seal script was stuck to the fourth man in the air, and a faint yellow light flashed by. The fourth man was obviously stunned for a moment, and then began to roar and flutter.

Obviously, this Taoist seal script failed.

Lin Shuang took out another piece of seal script and looked at it. It was a gold amulet. It seemed that it didn't work for the fourth. Lin Shuang put the gold amulet back and took out another piece.

To exorcise evil, Lin Shuang felt that this seal script seemed to be very good for the symptoms of the fourth generation. It was printed and made into a Dharma.

The exorcism amulet was stuck on the fourth man. As a result, the amulet seal did not stop the fourth man, but the fourth man made more trouble.

Looking at the disappearing seal characters, Lin Shuang looked displeased: "I'll go and waste another one."

Lin Shuang took another piece out of the seal script. It looks like a soul calming charm.

Printed and legislated.

The seal character was pasted on the fourth man. The seal character disappeared with a flash.

When Lin Shuang thought that the talisman seal had failed, he found that after the talisman seal was pasted on the fourth man, a yellow light flashed, and then spread like water waves, finally returning to the fourth man's forehead.

A rune appeared on the fourth's forehead. The fourth immediately stopped struggling and fell to the ground.

The rune card worked.

Looking at the motionless fourth man on the ground, Lin Shuang's unhappiness was swept away.

Finally, there is a talisman seal that works on zombies.

Due to the realm, the Fu and seal characters made by Lin Shuang in recent days are all low-level. It is difficult for these Fu and seal characters to have an immediate effect on the zombies. However, the effect of the soul calming Fu is greatly unexpected to Lin Shuang. If this Dao Fu and seal character is used well, it can definitely survive in the evil end of the world.

Lin Shuang went into the bedroom and carefully checked it. After confirming that there was no threat in the bedroom, he moved a table to block the bedroom door, sat down with his knees crossed, and began to absorb the smell of the zombie.

This time, Lin Shuang solved nearly ten zombies at one time, and gave off a lot of breath. It took Lin Shuang more than ten minutes to fully absorb it.

After the absorption was complete, Lin Shuang felt that his vitality had reached a saturation point. In line with the principle of waste and shame, Lin Shuang hurriedly made two more soul calming amulets.

After making the seal characters, Lin Shuang starts to clean up the next bedroom. Lin Shuang wants to clean up more zombies as soon as possible to raise his level to the third level.

It took Lin Shuang two days to clean up the whole bedroom on the seventh floor. His strength was naturally promoted to the second level. After his strength was improved, Lin Shuang took the opportunity to make a batch of seal characters. Today, Lin Shuang's seal characters have accumulated 30 pieces, but most of them are soul calming talismans. At present, only soul calming talismans can defeat the enemy with one move.

Just as Lin Shuang was cleaning his bedroom, a helicopter flew over the bedroom. It seemed that it was an army helicopter. From time to time, there were gunshots from above

The helicopter flew very low, almost close to the roof of the dormitory. The sound of the helicopter attracted many zombies. Many zombies roared and ran with the helicopter, and the helicopter seemed to attract these zombies in one direction with a purpose, and then walked away.

After the helicopter flew away, the number of zombies downstairs in the dormitory of the seventh park has been much less, and now there are only more than ten.

Lin Shuang felt that he should take this opportunity to leave the dormitory building and go north.