
A Guardian Angel, A Friend, A Stranger.

A soldier in the revolutionary war in 1775 was about to lose his life when he prayed or wished for his life to be spared. To his surprise a strange man comes to his rescue. They share a meal and soon become friends before his mysterious friend disappears once again.

DaoisthQzscq · Geschichte
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1 Chs

part 1

My feet pounded on the ground pushing through the snow as I tried to pick up my pace. The crunching of snow as boots hit the ground behind me was not slowing down either. My unit was gone, my teammates dead at the hands of the men behind me. I don't want to die! I just have to make it to that grove of trees and maybe I'll be able to lose them. 

    My thoughts were cut off by the sound of a musket in the air behind me. I ducked, grabbing my head. Big mistake on my behalf, the momentum caused me to trip, hitting the ground hard. I could tell I was bleeding from the fall but that was the least of my worries at the moment. Knowing they would catch up at any minute I used my last resort.

I cried my eyes out and prayed to stay alive, I really don't want to die! I rolled onto my back to look at my ever-approaching enemies. There were five of them, two of the heathens stepping vacuously closer with smug looks on their faces. 

    If my pathetic prayers are answered and my life spared I would change the way my life has been spent and get stronger so I can save others unlike how I couldn't save my comrades or myself. I would do all I could to make sure no one would be left behind again, just don't let me die! 

     I closed my eyes, getting ready to accept my fate. The gunshot was loud and ringed in my ears. Yet there was no pain, no pain at all, did he miss? I opened my eyes slowly to see the first man closest to me fall to the ground next to me.  Red covering the snow next to me. The other men looked just as surprised as I did at the action.

    "Who fired?" The remaining man close to me spoke to the other three. None of them spoke. "Who shot him?" He looked back pointing his musket at each one of them. 

    "Him…'' one spoke, pointing behind me. I turned and at first, I couldn't see anyone but then I noticed a horse and a man atop it. He was roughly 1000 yards away, too far to have such accuracy. That must have been one lucky shot. Before I had time to process the horseman shot his musket again but this time I could tell that this was not luck, the second man fell to the ground dead. Shocked, the other three ran in the direction of their camp. 

     Too scared to move I just sat there in the snow watching the horseman ride up to me. He was definitely a traveler if the packs on his horse said anything. The musket that he had shot at the two men was strangely shaped, much thicker and shorter than what I was accustomed to. It was now resting in a scabbard on the right side of the horse. 

     "Didn't seem like a fair fight, though I'd even out the numbers." The man spoke, I wasn't familiar with his accent it almost sounded like he was slurring his words. "You ain't hurt right?"

     "Oh, no I'm fine. Thank you for saving my life just then." I said slowly standing up. I couldn't help but stare at the strange man.

      "Are you my guardian angel?" I asked hesitantly. 

     The man looked at me as if I said something really funny. The man's laugh was rough but deep. Unique and special as I did not recognize his accent.

      "No," he said. "I don't believe in that kind of thing." How come he was at the perfect place and time to save me then? God must have sent this stranger my way when I had prayed.

     "Guardian angel or not, I'm glad God put you in my path. You saved my life, how can I repay you?" I stated. 

     "It was just a coincidence that I saw you in time. And just that." he said bluntly "but if you want to repay me you could tell me how far I am from the nearest city?"

     "It's less than 2 days north of here. What's taking you that way?" The longer I looked at him the more I noticed how odd he was dressed. His boots were short with odd metal pieces on the heels. He had stips of leather covering his trousers. I had never seen such clothing before. 

     "A wedding." His answer was gruff and short. This left me more interested in this stranger. Who could possibly be getting married at this time?

     "Are you getting married?" I asked, the surprise not hidden from my voice. The man looked so rough I had not assumed he had a fiancee.

     "Ha ha ha, no my sister. You best be on your way too, your friends may come back." The mention of my so-called 'friends' coming back put me on edge.

     "Maybe I could tag along with you to North." Spending more time with the stranger was probably dangerous but I wanted to know more about the man that saved my life. I definitely wasn't staying here for my 'friends' to find me. My suggestion seemed to make him think. I thought he wasn't going to let me at first.

    "Fine." His tone was unreadable.