
Chapter 16 Consequances

A/N: This starts off at the exact moment the previous chapter ends.


Bellatrix felt a sweat drop go down her head as she stared ahead at the other person, opposite her, mirroring her position. She was crouched on all fours, hands trembling above the runic scripture. She turned her attention away from Crouch, turning her face down to the intricate wording running in a circle, her on one side with Barty on the other. One would call the whole thing a farce if it weren't for the dark smoke emanating from the centre.

"Can you feel it!?" Barty's excited voice rang through the air. "Can you feel the dark mark respond!?".

Bellatrix simply turned her attention towards the centre, eyeing Voldemort's five Horcruxes, it had taken them 14 years to collect them, 14 long and difficult years but it had finally paid off.

"He's coming back!" Barty's voice rang in her ears, the mans face glowing as he stared at the smoke slowly formed a shape.

"You were right!" His voice echoed.

She was right... She had shown the man a supposedly better way to give their dark lord his body back. Britain had thought her family dark for their acts... if they had seen what the Black family truly knew? The thought sent a thrill down her back... The fools had no idea. One such secret was the way historic Black family members who'd sought eternal life through a Horcrux had used to quickly and effectively bring themselves back to the world... As close to themselves as they could've ever been... Well? Sane. Bring themselves back Sane. However, she had failed to mention to the ecstatic man opposite her that the ritual had been used for those who'd only created one Horcrux... Not five.

Her vision blurred from the dream, Bellatrix blinked a few times, remembering how that had turned out... A shudder going through her, the horrors they'd witnessed. She should've agreed to Crouch's method. She had certainly not known that once the ritual completed the Horcruxes would disappear, no that was the wrong word for it, the Horcruxes had essentially apparated to Merlin knew were... The only wizard capable of finding them? Harry Potter! And boy... Did that kid make them go through hell whenever he'd found one... She quickly opened her eyes, 'That was a memory... a time long gone,' She thought calmly, as long as they didn't lose the Horcruxes this time... As long as Potter didn't find them, as long as the dark lord didn't find one of his Horcruxes being auctioned off they were safe.

Bellatrix took a look at her surroundings.

"Where the hell am I?" She yelled off. When she took in the bars and grey walls around her. Plus the sudden desire to feel depressed. She screamed. Azkaban, she was in Azkaban!

"That freakin' idiot failed! What the hell happened this time!?" she vented off to no one. She shook her head, Merlin she didn't even know how long she'd been locked up for, she could still remember the ministry cell she'd been held in like it was hours ago.

'Barty! What the hell!?' She sent the frantic thought through their cursed link.

'Barty!' She sent another.

'Barty! I know you can hear my bloody voice if you can hear those imaginary ones!'

No response, the silence dulled her, Bellatrix could slowly feel one of the Dementors closing in towards her. She calmed her self quickly before she removed the false fingernail on her ring finger. Casting the silent reversal charm, she sighed in relief as she watched her wand reappear in her hand. Azkaban's transport system was surprisingly low security, they figured if you had anything up your sleeves you would have already used it up escaping the ministry cells. The need for a wand to apparate also meant there was no real need to place an anti-apparition ward around the prison as it was unplottable.

Plus you sort of needed a will to live to use magic.

As far as the former Black daughter felt, however, her mental state was as clear as a river.

Her body didn't agree.

With a pop, Bellatrix Lestrange was outside of Azkaban and in front of Crouch manor. She cast off a Scouring charm over herself before following through with an Enervate, wand held up ahead. Normally such long-distance travel had high chances of fatally injuring a person, she, in particular, had nothing to really worry about as far as that was concerned... The woman entered the empty manor, knowing she was already keyed into the house's wards. As she took in the manors somewhat dusty look, she was surprised, she couldn't see any witches nor wizards, only house elves seemed to occupy the place... 'Weird...' She scoured the place before using a point me spell to find Crouch junior. When she took in the state he was in? Aside from his position, sprawled out all over his bed, under an invisibility cloak, a dazed look in his eyes.

Her laughter scared off the birds perched outside of the manor.

Barty was under an Imperius.

She called for Winky idly wondering if the elf was still alive... She watched to her relief as the house elf suddenly appeared at her call.

"How long has he been like that?" she questioned, pointing towards junior.

Winky looked frantically between the two before deciding it was safe enough, as the wards hadn't kicked the woman out.

"10," The house elf simply said with a bow, suddenly remembering to greet the guest.

Bellatrix's laughter howled through the manor once again, the woman unable to help herself.

"Wake the hell up!" She yelled off suddenly realising they'd lost at least 10 years of time if the house elf was to be believed. She quickly fired a stinging curse at the idiot.


Rodrick simply stared ahead, past the three Slytherins, past the Hufflepuff, His eyes glued to the two unconscious bodies and for the first time in his life, Rodrick's Occulemency broke. He wasn't sure why, but he knew that was somehow going to turn into some sort of major problem. It wasn't difficult to try to force his mind back under control, to try to get his Occulumency back up but for some reason, he knew it was too late. He knew the damage was already done, even if it had only been for a split second...

"Huh?" Cedric Diggory remarked, blinking as he found another Slytherin on the other side of the room. He winced as his shield charm broke before sidestepping the second curse. He had been about to retaliate before he stiffened. The atmosphere in the room had suddenly gotten thicker... He could feel some sort of aura emanating ahead of him. When he locked eyes with its source he felt a shudder go down his back.

Rodrick, unlike his Occulemncy, couldn't control his magic, he simply allowed it to flow freely, completely encompassing Warrington's group. The boy's in question slowly turned around at the approaching footsteps before quickly getting stunned, causing them to freeze.

Cedric furrowed his brows at the incoming third year, the boy had a calm expression on his face and yet he was releasing so much pressure.

The only sound to be heard was the boy's footsteps as he made his way towards Diggory.

Cedric seeing the three sixth years opted to return his wand to its holster, Rodrick didn't bat an eye as he crouched onto the floor. His hand hovering just Astoria Greengrass's cheek. His eyes widening as he took in the curse. 'It was stronger... Far stronger...' His anger growing at the thought. He waved his wand over Luna, "Ennervate," he whispered before to his relief the girl's eyes slowly opened.

"Rodrick?" She whispered as a look of relief swept over her face, she was about to add on before Rodrick put a hand to her mouth. "Later... Tell me later," he whispered to the girl before asking if she could stand.

The girl got onto her two feet with his help, she swayed slightly before clearing her head and stood up on her own. Rodrick simply nodded at the action. He turned towards Diggory.

"Could you do me a favour and take Miss Greengrass to the infirmary, I fear she will need Madam Pomfrey's immediate treatment," He spoke in a passive voice.

Luna narrowed her eyes slightly before realising why, her gaze turned towards the three still petrified Slytherins, all of them, a terrified expression on their face.

Cedric looked about to argue before Luna's stare seemed to catch him off guard. The girl had decidedly moved to Astoria and made an attempt at lifting the girl before sighing, unable to.

Cedric stared at the black haired teen, "What about them?" He indicated the three Slytherins.

"They're stunned, what can they do?" Rodrick questioned back passively.

Cedric frowned before turning to the unconscious girl, "As their friend, you ought to take her back to the infirmary yourself," he remarked disapprovingly.

Rodrick shook his head, "As their friend, I need to make sure it doesn't happen again."

"Nothing illegal remember," Luna idly remarked before urging Diggory to get a move on.

"W-wait!" Cedric stammered.

Luna simply put her hands on her hip, "You're not acting like a prefect and you're certainly not acting like a Hufflepuff!" She remarked with a huff.

Rodrick's attention was on the three Slytherins.

Cedric took a deep breath in before turning to the other boy, "Don't kill them," he remarked shaking his head.

Rodrick was quite surprised, even in that state, to hear a Hufflepuff talk so openly about such a thing.

Luna shook her head, "Come on, don't give him any ideas," she deadpanned, though clear worry was shown on her face, before a small smile took over, "You should've heard what he said to those three..."

Cedric actually reddened at the words, "You were-"

"Just stunned, I could still hear everything."

"Later," Rodrick remarked, glad to see Cedric had decided to levitate the girl. The Hufflepuff stared at him for a few seconds before he turned towards the other way.

The moment he watched Diggory and Luna disappear, his expression changed. He turned towards Warrington, a predatory look in his face as he undid the stunners he'd hit the sixth years with. Raising his wand he cast off a shield charm and slowly walked forward.

"This brat is insane!" Warrington heard his friend say. Before he could reply he made a last minute dash to the side at the incoming spell before watching to his shock as his friends took a hit each. 'How many spells was that!?' he thought in shock before turning back towards Rodrick in time to hear the boy cast off another spell.


Warrington put up a shield in time for the curse only to see it create several cracks. Before he could react he felt the full force of a banishing charm hit him in the stomach breaking through his shield. His vision dazed as he stared at the ceiling, there it was again, he hadn't seen the boy cast that second spell... The thought came in time to see his friend get knocked out with the third spell.

'So that brat can cast three spells? What of it!' The sixth-year got up off the ground. He raised his wand, casting off another Protego before following with a Reductor towards the third year. He was irritated to see it crash into the boy's shield. His still conscious reinforcement fired off his own curse only to watch it hit one of Rodrick's counters.

'One,' Warrington counted before his eyes widened at the incoming stupify, 'Two,'

"Eclatur..." Rodrick cast off. his wand sparkled for a second.

Warrington glanced back before he made to block the incoming curse only to see nothing appear.

Upon seeing no curse appear, Crowley whipped his wand in an arc, casting off the disarming charm.

Rodrick sidestepped the incoming charm before he raised his wand up in a straight line and lowered it in a V shape.

"Protego!" The two sixth year's quickly cast off before to Cassius's shock, Crowley grabbed hold of his ears as he fell to the floor. He screamed in pain.

'One,' Warrington simply thought before blocking the second non-verbal spell with his shield.

"Expelliarmus!" Rodrick remarked firing off the disarming charm.

'Three!' Two non-verbals and one verbal! Warrington thought before sprinting to his feet intent on reaching the boy currently five feet away. Intent on grabbing the brat's wand. Then his body refused to respond, leaving him standing in place frozen. Rodrick two feet away.

"W-what?" Warrington remarked confused.

"You miscounted," Rodrick's voice was calm as he stared at the boy.

"When..." he remarked before he felt something slither down his back. He would've shuddered if he could. He idly eyed the snake that seemed to have appeared behind him... 'When did he summon that...' He thought frantically. 'Why can't I move...' His eyes widened in horror as he stared at the snake, wondering what kind it was. It had bitten him...

"I wonder that as well to be honest," Rodrick remarked having assumed the boy's thoughts considering his sudden fixation with the snake.

"You don't know?" Cassius remarked forcing his head up to meet the boy.

"Not a clue," Rodrick lied, "For all I know... It could have you dead within minutes... Who knows what the antidote is..." He had an evil grin on his face.

"A Beza-" Cassius started before to his horror he found no words escaping his lips... When he took in the boy's widening grin, he knew it was on purpose.

"Well... if you're going to die... we might as have some fun," Rodrick remarked, a dark glint in his eye.

Cassius screamed as the Reductor hit his arm, breaking a bone.

Rodrick did the same to the Slytherin's other arm. As Cassius cursed, he could feel his head lighten a great deal... His vision blur, his mind to dizzy to concentrate. He could barely make out the words of the other boy.

"You don't look so well... Perhaps you should see Pomfrey?" Rodrick questioned.

Cassius barely heard every other word.

"Or perhaps it's already too late..." Rodrick added on, "How would you like to experience an Unforgiveable or two? You know, before you kick the bucket?" Rodrick asked, a small smile on his face.

Cassius's eyes widened on the mentioning of unforgivable... 'The brat was going to torture him!?'

Before he could put through another word, the sixth-year fainted.

Rodrick stared down at Warrington's form. His wand aimed directly at the boy's head... He knew a Crucio would wake him out of his stupor... The git wasn't in any real danger...

Rodrick sighed, he had things to do. He quickly levitated the three Slytherins before he made his way towards the dungeon.


Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis and Theodore Nott entered the dungeons in search of Rodrick...

Malfoy's face adopted a smirk at the sight before him. Blaise narrowed his eyes at the three 'targets'. Nott was the first to start laughing.

"Someone take the Hufflepuff away, he shouldn't be seeing such things," Malfoy remarked, earning a growl from Nott.

Tracey shook her head before pinching Nott and grabbing his arm, leading him out the dungeon.

"What are you doing?" Nott asked the girl pushing him incredulously.

"You heard Malfoy, shouldn't be seeing such things," she remarked amused to see Nott twitch.

"Lis-" The boy's voice drowning out as the two exited the room.

Malfoy and Blaise slowly made their way towards the middle of the dungeon each taking a chair beside Rodrick.

Daphne stared up at the decoration, a frown marring her face, Rodrick had Cassius and his two friends completely stunned, for one thing, two they were all hanging with a rope tied around their middle while attached to the ceiling. They looked like three pinatas. She turned to Rodrick about to start.

"They attacked Tori." The simple sentence quickly changed her view. She stared at Rodrick before glancing up towards the three idiots and casting off a spell at each one.

Malfoy laughed out loud the moment the three pinatas started glowing.

"Might as well get some use out of them," She huffed before taking a seat right beside Rodrick, her hand going through his hair.

"Astoria?" She questioned worriedly.

"Waiting for the headmaster," Rodrick remarked, "Can't help her without his permission..." he added on.

Malfoy shared a glance with Blaise, an ecstatic look on his face. All around them Slytherins of all years stared at them, stared at Rodrick Grindelwald's final move as he fully took over the house of snakes.



Rodrick stared at the younger girl in the hospital bed. Dumbledore had already left with Madam Pomfrey towards the headmaster's office, no doubt to mail for Astoria's parents. It hadn't taken much to convince the medic witch of his need to stay beside the girl, the woman put the health of students above all, plus the fact Dumbledore had 'kindly' asked her to allow it helped.

He reached a hand out towards the girl's hair before flinching as he felt his arm suddenly take in the girl's curse, it took a few moments before he shook his head and removed his hand. The curse was far stronger than previously. 'Warrington best pray I manage to cure her...' The dark thought clouded his mind before he composed himself.

He knew there was only one thing he could really do, he wouldn't be able to remove it entirely but he should be capable of at the very least reducing it back to its previous state. With that thought in his head, Rodrick took his wand out and hovered it above the girl's still chest.

"Auferto," He cast off the spell quietly. He watched as the light seemed to engulf the girl, his eyes gazed at the strange red hue that seemed to emanate from the girl. His mage sight showed him the dark red chord as it slowly turned to a brighter red, reduced in its size.

He winced slightly as he felt the sudden drain increase the longer he held the spell on... The pain quickly became too much before he felt his arm drop limply, a sudden headrush attacking him. He opened one eye to take in the girls complexion before a small smile took over his face at the healthier outlook.

And then the extracted parts of the curse suddenly latched itself onto his arm. Rodrick was glad he'd set off a silencing charm in advance as he'd let off a scream in pain.

'And that wasn't even all of it...' He thought as he grasped his head in pain.

The pain lasted a few moments, each passing second sending jolts of shock throughout his body before to his relief, the cursed venom in his arm quickly started taking effect causing the sudden shocking pain to slowly disappear.

The boy's frantic pants slowly died down to a sigh before Rodrick raised his head to take in the girl in front of him, a small smile slowly setting in place. He reached his hand out once again towards the girl before sighing in relief, Astoria's condition seemed to have stabilised. Rodrick settled back into his chair.

"I was wondering when you'd be done," Luna's voice suddenly echoed out surprising the boy.

Rodrick turned towards the blonde, a surprised look on his face. "Thought you were still asleep," he remarked sheepishly before moving his chair closer towards the smiling girl.

Luna frowned slightly after taking in the state the boy was in. "You look tired," she pointed out.

Rodrick blinked before agreeing, "I could use a nap if I was honest," he chuckled.

Luna nodded, "I am sorry," she added on surprising the boy.

"Sorry?" Rodrick questioned curiously.

"I should've warned you about Warrington, I had no idea he'd try that again..."

"Again..." Rodrick repeated slowly before a dark look quickly swept into place.

Luna's eyes widened slightly before quickly clarifying nothing had happened, "Malfoy helped me," she added on with a smile.

Rodrick stared at the girl, "Seriously?" he questioned surprised, earning a nod in return.

His mood quickly shifted to the girl's apology, "I should be the one to apologise... Getting you caught up in everything,"

Luna shook her head, "It's the Wrackspurts fault, not yours, that Slytherin really was full of them," she finished nodding her head vehemently.

Rodrick couldn't help the laugh.

"My my, such bad bedside manners," Another voice joined in.

Rodrick turned to the source of the news before.

"Hello Daphne, I believe you may need to escort Mr Grindelwald back to the dungeons," Luna giggled.

Daphne raised an eyebrow at the girl before realising why. Rodrick looked completely drained.

"And leave such wonderful company, absolutely not," Rodrick crossed his arms.

Daphne shook her head before glancing at her sister, a worried expression on her face.

"It's fine, I've fixed the candy pitfall already," Rodrick remarked waving his hand dismissively. Though both girls could see the genuine concern in his eyes.

"Right, it's bedtime for you," Daphne chuckled.

Rodrick blinked, "You know, I don't think I've ever had anyone say that to me," he replied.

Luna lowered herself back into her bed, "Good night," she remarked dreamily.

Daphne quickly threw one of the boy's arms over her shoulder. "You look like you could use the help," she joked, amused to see him redden slightly.

"I am laughing inside," he deadpanned.

As the two went through the doors, Rodrick questioned how the girl had managed to get permission to enter the hospital wing.

"I took a page out of your book," she answered amused.

"Bribed the headmaster?" Rodrick questioned with a raised eyebrow.

Daphne nodded.

"I am so proud."

"What'd you bribe him with?"

"Convinced my parents to be late tomorrow, he wanted to deal with Warrington and you first apparently,"


As they made their way through the hallway, the two ran into Tracey Davis walking hand in hand with Theodore Nott.

The four simply stared at each other before Rodrick nudged Daphne past the others. "I have had enough fun for the day,"

"For the record, I am not at all responsible for my current predicament!" Theo shouted off at the retreating Slytherins.


Earlier on

"Seriously Davis stop pulling me like that!" Nott practically yelled in protest, pulling his arm away.

Tracey merely turned on her foot, an amused smile on her face. "What's wrong?" she questioned.

Nott stared at the girl incredulity, "Why are you pulling me away from the dungeon?" he questioned.

Tracey tilted her head slightly to the side, "You heard Malfoy, Hufflepuff's shouldn't see such things," she answered knowingly.

Nott twitched, "Ok, look, just stop that!" he growled in an attempt at intimidation.

Tracey simply chuckled at the reaction, "Like you'd do anything," she fired back.

Nott stuttered slightly, "I'll have you kno-"

"Why are you so upset anyway? The others say it all the time," Tracey added on bemused.

Nott stared at the girl, "The other's do it as a joke, you look like you mean it!" he answered. His hands outstretched in an attempt to prove something.

Tracey genuinely looked confused, "Why does that matter?" she questioned.

Nott raised an eyebrow, "It's just worse if you actually believe it when you say it," he deadpanned, completely serious.

Tracey merely stared at Nott as if he were another species, "Theodore, I've known you for about 3 years, I've heard you say some pretty weird things over the years and that has got to be by far the stupidest thing you have ever come up with, and believe me that list is rather long."

Nott simply stared at the girl, "That's rather harsh..." his reply sending her into a small chuckle.

"Well, I am a Slytherin," Tracey deadpanned causing Nott to groan.


Tracey quickly broke the small silence, "Did you get my card?" she questioned innocently. Hands clasped together behind her back, a cheerful smile on her face.

'You know, I am not sure if I even want to be called a Slytherin at this point... They're all insane,' He thought to himself as he stared at the redhead cheerfully smiling at him.


As Rodrick slipped into his bed, he found his mind wandering over to the last time he'd accidentally used Magical extraction, accidentally draining himself in the process... If there was anything he'd learnt that night, it was the fact that nothing ever went well when it came to magical holidays. He was honestly starting to dread easter, who knew what kind of problems came out of that. He knew the dark lord was likely to be back by or even before his fifth year... He idly wondered if it would happen on a magical holiday... He also wondered whether it was possible to curse all magical holidays, provided he cured Astoria first.

'Oh crap...' He thought to himself moments before he found his vision suddenly changing. 'Maybe it won't even be a bad one... It is valentines day...' His thoughts, however, stilled themselves as he took in his surroundings. As he took in the barren field. Rodrick narrowed his eyes before finally picking up the form of a wizard. a wizard who stood in front of what looked like a gravestone...

Rodrick felt his stomach lurk as he edged closer towards the single person in view. His stomach quickly twisting itself in knots as he realised what the vision was showing him...

There five feet ahead of him, stood himself. an older version at the very least if one took height into consideration.

Rodrick felt tense as he turned towards the gravestone, fearing whose name was written on it.

Before he could even get a view of it however he heard the other form of him speak.

"I warned you didn't I?" The words came out in a snarl. Rodrick turned away from the vision, suddenly no longer wanting to find out before to his misfortune, his future-self continued.

"I warned you didn't I? Didn't I!?" The wizard screamed before to Rodrick's shock he watched as the wizard kicked the gravestone in front of him.

"You just wouldn't listen... You thought you knew everything!" His words delved into a scream.

"So smart! Always planning ahead! Well, congratulations! You managed to get everyone killed!" Future Grindelwald snarled. "I hope you're happy now Dumbledore,"

The last name sending a shiver down Rodrick's spine. However before he could react, he watched as the other version of him took his wand out. Rodrick watched as the wizard shot off what looked like a Bombarda in front of him. Demolishing the grave in front of him in pure anger.

"All those second chances... Always believing in the best of people... If you'd given that same care to the bloody innocents, the ones that actually deserved it... We wouldn't be here..." the words seeming to have lost any fight previously in them.

Rodrick glanced towards the expression adorned by his future. He looked broken. The anger simply dripping out of him.

'Thump!' the sound seemed to echo over the empty space. Rodrick simply stared at his supposed future, a grim look on his face. 'Is this my future?' Rodrick idly wondered why the vision wouldn't just end... It was almost as if it was waiting for something. He took a glance at the surroundings but nothing had changed, his future self was sat crosslegged eyes staring at what had previously been the headmaster's gravestone.

Then the third year heard a dry chuckle, a chuckle that simply grew.

"Grandfather would find this rather funny really... You practically left this country ripe for the taking..." Future Grindelwald remarked with a sigh, slowly getting up. Rodrick watched with a bemused expression as the other aimed his wand before proceeding to repair the previously broken gravestone.

The sound of footsteps quickly took over earning the youngers attention. Rodrick turned before his eyes widened at the sight of a black dog running towards his future self, seemingly ignorant of whatever had been going.

The vision slowly started to blur out after that, the last he could remember seeing was the sad expression that overtook his future's face, the single word.



Rodrick blinked his eyes open, seeing nothing but the dark lit room in the Slytherin dorms. He stared at the top of his four-poster bed, a thoughtful expression in his face. What was he supposed to take out of that vision? Was that what would happen if he'd lost the people around him? What would happen if he decided to completely follow his headmaster? Or... Black's supposed fate? The vision had only ended after he'd seen the dog show up...

He simply sighed.

He groaned. He felt far too awake for his own good.

He quickly got out of his bed, unable to take it any more. Placing a disillusionment charm over himself, Rodrick wandered down towards the dungeons in his pyjamas.

'Where am I even going?' He thought to himself confused. Before his eyes saw what looked like a silvery chord almost reaching out towards him from the other side of the hallway. 'Maybe that way..' He thought to himself before watching it completely disappear. 'I am seeing things...' he thought tiredly.

He quickly lost himself as he walked throughout the castle undisturbed, oh he'd caught the occasional Gryffindor idiot wandering the halls at night, they all ignored him though... They couldn't exactly see him.

He wasn't sure how much he'd walked, or why he'd taken this particular route. Perhaps it was his need to find an empty place, there was not a soul in sight, not even a ghost. Or perhaps it was the small, almost unnoticeable hint of magic hidden behind the wall in front of him, calling out to him. He wasn't sure why. 'Maybe the castle thinks it can help,' Rodrick thought with a snort.

He stared at the empty wall, Barnabas's portrait across to the other side. When nothing happened Rodrick sighed before turning away. He'd walked only a few steps before stopping, an irritated look on his face before he turned back towards the empty wall.

He stared at the wall. Nothing changed.

"Revelio," he cast off, his wand aimed at the wall. No reaction.

With a twitch, Rodrick swished his wand in an arc, "Auferto!" He cast off before dropping his wand, he could practically feel the potential damage. He definitely didn't get enough sleep.

With a resigned sigh, Rodrick pocketed his wand before turning his attention back to the seemingly insignificant wall.

He glared at the wall.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT!?" He suddenly yelled off.

"Nope, being a Gryffindor isn't a requirement," Rodrick added on before the reality of the situation really hit him. "I am talking to myself now..."

With another sigh, he stared up at the wall, "If there's a riddle, I don't see it." Rodrick remarked crossing his arms, "Nope, Ravenclaw ain't the answer."


"Hisssss," Rodrick tried to imitate a snake. He facepalmed himself.

"Well... It's not Slytherin..." He added on.

He stared at the wall, even he wasn't desperate enough to turn into Nott.

Rodrick took his necklace off and threw it at the wall.

"I seriously need to get some rest..." He frowned as he stared at the uncracked necklace. 'I am starting to think I might be going insane...' Seeing your future version suddenly break down in front of a gravestone really doesn't leave the mind in good shape. "Not willing to act like a Hufflepuff but willing to do something that stupid..." He shook his head as he quickly put the Hollow back on. He quickly turned around intent on returning to the dungeon. He made 5 steps before turning back around with an irritated look on his face.

He stood staring at the wall for a good five minutes before...

"I am an absolute idiot," He remarked dumbfounded before shaking his head.

"House-elves!" He suddenly yelled out. He was slightly startled at how quickly one of the elves had answered.

The house elf looked tired. Rodrick felt somewhat bad but resolved himself.

"How do I get into there?" Rodrick questioned pointing towards the wall.

The house elf blinked as it stared at the wall and the young wizard.

"Yous want to go inside wall?"

Rodrick blinked at the question before shaking his head, "I want to go inside whatever's behind it,"

The house elf nodded and gave him directions towards the other side of the building.

Rodrick took in a deep breath, "Is there a secret hidden here?" he questioned.

The house elf nodded.

Rodrick thanked Merlin. "How do I get in?" he questioned.

The house elf proceeded to pace back and forth in front of the wall three times. "You jus have ta walk like this,"

Rodrick stared at the creature before sighing. "You're dismissed, you can go back to bed or whatever you were doing..." He remarked waving his hand dismissively, the house elf bowed slightly before disappearing with a pop.

Rodrick stared at the wall. 'I am so not doing that, I've looked stupid enough already...'

It took 47 seconds before his resolution cracked and he imitated the house elf. As he was about to call it quits when he saw nothing change, his eyes widened as he saw the wall slowly transform.' Seriously... Seriously!? All I bloody had to do was walk in front of it!?'

Sometimes he really didn't like magic. However, his thoughts quickly stopped themselves as he took in the fully conjured door. With a gulp, he made to push the door open.

He saw three mirrors in the middle of the room.

Rodrick spared the room a second longer before closing the door and promptly making his way back to the dungeons. 'Nope,'

Sleep came easily for the rest of that night. Ironically, it was the Headmasters own words that really helped him move past the whole vision, after all that was all it was, a vision. Not a prophecy. Though there was one more possibility he hadn't wanted to consider earlier. The vision had shown him angry at Dumbledore, but at the end of the day, he'd repaired the grave. Which meant it wasn't entirely the old man's fault... Perhaps it was his own. He sighed wondering what the future held... He wondered what sort of decision he'd have to make.

Well, he had to talk to the man about what he did to Warrington at any case. Maybe he'll understand then.


The next day...

Rodrick washed his face as he prepared on for the rest of the day. He released a sigh before shaking his head. He made his way out of the dorms accompanied by Malfoy and Blaize, Nott was likely still dozed off. He shrugged before he made his way into the common dungeon. His friends refused to say a word, waiting for him to start. After what happened yesterday, he had no doubt everyone in their house would do the same. His eyes quickly found Warrington sitting in the centre. Allowing a smirk to grace his features Rodrick walked towards the sixth year's little group. He could still see the marks of the spells they'd taken. The sixth year was currently sporting a cast on both arms. Warrington flinched the moment his eyes glanced Rodrick walking towards him.

The others watched as the third year simply stood in front of Warrington, glancing towards the seat the sixth year occupied.

The sixth-year didn't move, though he wouldn't catch Rodrick's eye.

"Well?" The single worded question sent the dungeon into silence.

Warrington looked about to say something before a resigned look took over his face as he got up, his friends following him. The three took their seat as far away from the third year as they could. Warrington simply sighed, he was speaking to the headmaster later about his actions... Wait until the old man found out what the third year genius was really like... He idly wondered whether he should mention Cedric Diggory's foul mouth. The Hufflepuff had surprised all of them. Consistently referencing his mother's infidelity due to his poor duelling skills... Oh, how he'd crush that blasted badger...

The other Slytherins simply snorted at the scene, after what had happened the previous day, this had been Warrington's only chance to grasp any influence and he'd thrown it away out of fear.

Rodrick stared at the now vacant spot before he proceeded to stand on top of it to some Slytherins amusement. He took a look at his surroundings before finding every eye on him. Daphne and Tracey having entered through the entrance, seemed to already be beside his other friends. As he was about to begin, he watched as Nott quickly made his way over to the others.

"Seventh and Fifth years," Rodrick started. He watched as one particular NEWT student quickly turned their attention up from their book. "I want you to play nice with the Ravenclaws from today onwards if you could manage it." he finished.

Warrington scrunched up his face but he kept his mouth to himself.

"Play nice?" Rodrick heard Farley remark amused, "You mean sit with them in the great hall? Or stop harassing them?" Farley questioned amused.

Rodrick rolled his eyes, "Both," he shrugged. Tapping his chin once he added on, "Let them sit with us and don't start until you see my signal?"

"What signal?" He heard another Slytherin question.

Rodrick snorted, "You'll know it when you see it," he remarked before getting off his seat and walking towards his friends, greeting Daphne with a hug.

"So, any particular reasons you want to start playing nice with a house during a war?" Blaize questioned amused.

"Besides, you know, wanting an alliance with them," Nott added on.

"Why would we need an Alliance?" Malfoy questioned incredulously.

Rodrick shook his head, "One, a precaution in case the other houses decide to team up and no offence but I'd rather not be stuck with more Nott's," he deadpanned causing Malfoy to smirk, Nott surprisingly enough looked indifferent.

"Two, you want to start taking over Ravenclaw next," Daphne finished for him.

Rodrick blinked before turning towards the girl rather surprised.

Daphne rolled her eyes, "You're rather easy to read sometimes," she chuckled.

"Yea, yea..." he shook his head. "How's Tori?" he suddenly questioned.

Daphne beamed at him before saying she'll be out soon.

Rodrick nodded at that.

"Seriously what's the signal?" Malfoy questioned.

"Right... We need to find Luna." Rodrick answered before exiting the dungeon, leaving his bemused friends behind.


Rodrick entered the great hall, amused to see Luna suddenly sprint off towards her house, they'd caught the girl just outside the hall, her having been allowed to leave that very morning. He felt bad for getting her involved so soon after but she seemed genuinely happy to help. As he and his friends walked towards the Slytherin table, he was amused to see most of the older years attention on him.

Up ahead at the dais, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Minerva McGonagall sat around with somewhat wary expressions, having heard the shocking news regarding Bellatrix already.

"Why Seventh and fifth?" Nott questioned.

"Because they have a common enemy, " Blaise chuckled, "They're called exams, it wouldn't be weird for them to try work together, "

Daphne nodded, "If you're gonna bribe Ravenclaws, it might as well be exams..."

"Why Lovegood?" Malfoy decided to ask.

"Because everyone below our year will think it's her fault and so put her influence up, everyone above our year knows she's probably just listening to this idiot, either way, Rodrick get's some sort of sway over Ravenclaw." Blaise finished as he took his seat beside the boy in question. The other Slytherins eyes on Blaise, all of them no doubt having heard him, Rodrick inwardly scoffed when he'd realised Blaise was playing his own games.

"You can figure that out but can't remember anything about History?" Nott shook his head wistfully.

Blaise pretended he hadn't heard that as he settled onto his food before watching with amusement as Luna Lovegood played her part.

The blonde second year got up from her seat before smiling and nodding at the group of second years that had gotten up with her. She then led them, to the surprise of the rest of the hall, over to the Slytherin table. The group of second-year Ravenclaws sat next to their classmates before warily starting the conversation, to their delight the Slytherins happily responded.

The hall watched in shock as the two different houses seemed to, well, get along.

Several third years from the bird's table had decided to join Rodrick's small group.

"Hello," Rodrick started, "I don't believe we've met," he deadpanned, earning laughter out of his year group.

"What the hell is going on..." Malfoy shook his head. Nott simply nodding along.

Then on cue, the fifth year Slytherins decided to switch over towards the Ravenclaws. The moment they prompted their classmates on OWLs, the Seventh year Ravenclaws practically scrambled over towards the Seventh year Slytherins, keen on getting a new point of view on the upcoming exams.

"You know Nott, we could potentially turn it into a three against Gryffindor if you join the Hufflepuffs," Rodrick practically whispered.

Malfoy's eyes lit up before turning to the Lanky wizard, "Take one for the team," he remarked, a glint in his eye.

Nott shook his head.

"Malfoy will stop calling you a Hufflepuff," Rodrick offered.

"Wait, what?" Malfoy stammered, the guy had the gall to offer him something like that...

Nott blinked before grinning and getting up from his seat. He made his way over towards the Hufflepuffs before taking a seat beside Diggory.

Rodrick chuckled, "He should've asked for more... I would've offered Blaise as well..."

"You're twisted you know that?" Blaise shook his head.

"You can't seriously expect me to agree to that?" Malfoy scoffed.

"Yes, in fact, I do," Rodrick remarked.

"How?" Malfoy asked Incredusoly.

"If you don't listen, I'll tell your father," Rodrick deadpanned.

Malfoy slowly reddened before he huffed at the treatment. Frankly, he couldn't care less. They owned Slytherin. What the other houses thought didn't matter, as long as they controlled Slytherin, they were already at the top. Though even he was surprised to see the other houses so accepting...

As if on cue again, several Hufflepuff Seventh years decided to join the Slytherin table, causing most of the Ravenclaws to grin like idiots at all the extra help.


"Albus is not going to believe this..." Sirius remarked, mouth agape.

"The part where your cousin escaped? Or the fact three of the four houses are all currently studying with each other in the great hall, one of them being Slytherin?"

"Honestly the second one feels more unlikely so we'll go with that!"

"Oh hush," Minerva remarked with glowing eyes at the display.

While most of the Gryffindors were surprised at the turn of events, one particular scarred boy was shocked and frankly terrified of what was about to come. Quickly understanding the Slytherins were trying to double or even triple team their house... 'Rodrick so planned this...' He sighed, it was likely because he'd accidentally caused his Godfather to learn of his name, the boy really was too petty for his own good...


Albus Dumbledore stared at the sixth year sitting in front of him, he'd asked his friends to stay outside, no doubt wanting to deal with his repercussions alone. He could still remember the previous day, his sudden call to the castle, he had been at the ministry, on certain business regarding the upcoming Tri-wizard tournament, if the boy intended to participate, he needed an identity. He'd intended to run the whole thing by the boy first, of course, however, it was rather dangerous to use Grindelwald as the last name. But Grace? An already established family thanks to the boy's mother? There wasn't much danger there... Well, none he knew off. Other than the Dark Lord... The old man sighed, his thoughts brought back to the matter at hand.

When he'd finally arrived at the infirmary wing, he'd found the younger Greengrass Daughter and her friend in bed. The Greengrass girl severely affected by the curse. Madam Pomfrey had informed him how Cedric Diggory had brought them in. When he had been about to question on Rodrick's whereabouts, the boy had suddenly appeared out of nowhere to his relief. If the boy could help get rid of the brunt of the damage, his foster mother likely wouldn't try to kill him.

When he'd gotten the full story of who had caused the attack, his anger had flared.

"And Warrington what of him?" He had questioned fearfully of what the boy had done.

"Dealt with..."

"Dealt with?" The headmaster had questioned.

"Might have roughed him up a little..." Rodrick's sheepish reply caught him off guard, the boy quickly clarifying it was nothing illegal...

It was something about the boy's actions and more importantly Warrington's actions that seemed to affect him...

"That brat snuck up on us before he started pummeling us with curses!" Warrington's frantic words washed over the headmaster as he'd finally understood why he hadn't been angry at Rodrick... Why he'd felt so affected by the whole scenario... Why Warrington's words seemed to have no effect...

"He humiliated us! Threatened to torture us with the Cruciatus curse!" Warrington yelled, having stood to his full height. A glint in his eye as he stared at the headmaster.

Dumbledore, however, had a passive expression on his face. "The girl, the first year," Dumbledore clarified, watching as Warrington winced. "That you decided to injure-"

"I didn't do a damn thing to that kid! She fainted on her own!"

"She's ill," The two words sent the sixth year in front into silence, he watched as the soon to be man slowly fell into his seat at the words.

"Ill?" Warrington questioned bemused.

Dumbledore merely nodded, "Lemon drop?" he questioned.

"What do you mean ill?" Warrington groundout.

"I mean she could have very well died after overusing her magic like that,"

The two fell into a silence at the words.

Dumbledore added on, "I must warn you, if you intend to go after that boy again, he is fully capable of what he promises to deliver... As you should know..."

Warrington narrowed his eyes, "Are you saying that brat would actually break the law to torture me!?" he questioned frantic, thoughts of survivability overweighing his conscious.

Dumbledore sighed at the reaction.

"I am saying had you caused that girl irreversible damage, he would've broken the law to kill you," The words finally came out, forced as they were. He could not let the child in front of him try to push his limits... The muggles that had harmed his sister had, and he fully expected Rodrick to be capable of emulating his father's reaction. And if anything, he himself couldn't blame either, for if his father hadn't dealt with the muggles that had harmed his sister, he would've himself. He would rather not see Gellerts only living blood relative follow his grandfathers example of imprisonment. However, convincing that boy he shouldn't use the killing curse to solve all his problems wouldn't be an easy feat. The boy seemed to resort to the curse under pressure and he would rather Warrington didn't require him to go that far.

Astoria might not have been related by blood, but he knew the boy considered her family.

Warrington numbly got up from his seat, thoughts of been so close to death, of the headmaster, though quite fairly, taking the side of the boy who had helped stop an attack on a first and second year... By a sixth year no less. "Punishment?" He questioned with no emotion.

Dumbledore merely stared ahead, "I believe you've gotten enough of one... Warrington?"

The sudden call stopped the sixth year on his tracks, "Yes? Headmaster?" he added on hastily.

"I do not believe it is very Slytherin of either of you to instigate a fight in public, I imagine even Snape may take points for such a thing."

Warrington blinked at the sudden smile the headmaster's face took, the man really was insane.

"Yea, though I don't see it making a difference this year," The sixth-year remarked.

"Screech," Fawkes' voice filled the room the moment the boy had left.

"I suppose it was rather unfair..." The headmaster started, "I may have let personal emotions cloud my judgement this once."

Fawkes scoffed. That wasn't the first nor was it the last time that happened.


He stared at the man behind the seat in front of him. Dumbledore had after all asked to see him. He'd passed by Warrington on his way, judging by the expression he'd got from the sixth year he'd assumed Dumbledore had taken his side. Only... the man's face looked grimmer than usual. Maybe he was angry with him... It's not like he used any Unforgivables... However, the grim expression had quickly disappeared as the man's attention had turned towards him, a grandfatherly smile in place. "I heard about what occurred earlier on today, I was quite surprised to hear about the houses suddenly working together with such unity,"

"Besides Gryffindor," Rodrick felt he had to cut in, amused to see the headmaster's expression break slightly, hints of amusement lining his face.

"I am sure they will come around..." Dumbledore remarked.

Rodrick watched as the man slipped the daily prophet clipping in front of him, "I was wondering if you received any visions regarding this or whether you knew if Malfoy was in any way involved."

As Rodrick stared down at the picture of the cackling mad woman, he turned his attention back to the headmaster. "You mean whether I had any information?"

Dumbledore nodded, "I fear with everything going on, I am rather stretched thin with time... It does not hurt to use one's potential sources."

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at that though he certainly agreed, "Even so, I haven't had any visions regarding any Lestranges," He answered passively. "I also doubt Malfoy was in any involved,"

Dumbledore had that same twinkle in his eye as he stared at the boy in front of him, "You are certain?"

Rodrick nodded, it was far too risky for Malfoy not to keep him in the loop... While he may have given Malfoy his so-called saving grace in the form of Pettigrew... He as well as Malfoy knew that if Rodrick wanted, he could simply untie that single knot and the dark lord would likely turn on Malfoy. He had no intention of doing such a thing, if for the simple reason that Draco was his friend but it didn't hurt to have a precau- And then everything seemed to sit still for Rodrick. Time itself seemed to freeze for that single moment as he stared up at the headmaster.

He understood why the vision had shown him what it did. He locked eyes with the headmaster before standing.

"Headmaster." Rodrick started off, "If I did know about Bellatrix... What would you do?"

Dumbledore felt the tension suddenly tampering the air. Furrowing his brow, he decided to humor the boy and answer. "For starters, I'd notify the Ministry of magic, that would allow them to take any necessary actions to protect the civilians who may be caught up in the middle."

Rodrick nodded, He'd likely do the same. If he hadn't been born a Grindelwald in any case. In this case, he would simply tell someone else to inform the ministry.

"What about Bellatrix?" Rodrick questioned, "What would you do with her particularly?"

Dumbledore blinked once before answering, "Naturally that falls to the ministry."

"Yes, but what if they can't capture her, or say they did, she's already escaped Azkaban once, what's to stop her from escaping again."

Dumbledore simply stared ahead of him, "If needs be I would be more then willing to offer my assistance..."

Rodrick nodded, "Would you capture or kill?"

Dumbledore froze, a small frown taking over his face. "Rodrick... Killing is a very dark turn to make... It is not something most people would escape." Idly wondering what the boy was trying to accomplish. Merlin knew what the boy's intentions were, it wasn't that he was difficult to read... Well, Legilemency definitely didn't work. It was more of that, the student was tangled up in so many webs, it was hard to make out his true intentions. For all the headmaster knew the boy could be quizzing him for Sirius Black's sake, using Bellatrix as a name placement for Pettigrew. half the country knew the man was still out for Pettigrew's blood... The likely hood of anyone knowing where Bellatrix was... Rather low. The only potential suspects she would go to were either Sirius Black or her sister and the Aurors had no reason to believe that Black was willing to shelter his cousin. He knew Narcissa was likely under surveillance at the very moment in time. The ministry was certainly putting far more effort into trying to find the woman then they did Sirius Black which to be fair was not unexpected. While the man had escaped thanks to a secret ability he'd hidden from the world... Bellatrix Lestrange had simply apparated out. With her own wand. From Azkaban. Very few knew that particular fact, the Ministry was rather vehement on keeping it a secret. The uproar that would cause was unimaginable.

Rodrick again, simply nodded, quickly causing the headmaster to turn his thoughts away from the second escaped, actual death eater.

"Yes, but that doesn't answer my question,"

Dumbledore sighed, "Rodrick, no one deserves to have their life cut short, you would be surprised at the kind of changes one might go through if given that second chance, even those who may not even deserve one's trust." He couldn't see how the boy could misinterpret that for permission for Black.

Rodrick simply stared ahead before a small smile took over his face. "I agree," he answered before turning away, "If I find out anything I'll be sure to let you know," he added on as he made to leave through the headmaster's door.

"Rodrick," Dumbledore called out, causing the boy to stop halfway through. "What would you do, if the choice fell to you?"

Rodrick turned around towards the headmaster, "I am all for giving people second chances Headmaster, but I would also make sure I don't end up regretting it."

"That is not an easy thing to manage," Dumbledore sighed. There were countless moments in his life where a single dark turn could have spared hundreds... If not even thousands...

Rodrick simply shrugged, "I am not sure, an Avada here and there could do wonders for negotiations," He joked, amused to see the headmaster's frown deepen slightly before disappearing. Before the headmaster could add on, Rodrick grinned, "Besides you forgot to ask an important question..."

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow, "What might that be?"

"You didn't ask me for any conditions,"

"Conditions?" Dumbledore frowned.

Rodrick nodded, "Say the woman had Harry Potter at wand point, would you reckon trying to give her a second chance at that particular moment in time a good idea?" he questioned amused.

Dumbledore blinked, "That is rather unlikely to happen,"

Rodrick held back the scoff.

"What sort of conditions would affect your solution?" Dumbledore questioned.

"You mean what would stop me from straight up killing them?" Rodrick questioned.

Dumbledore frowned, "There is no need to go so far Rodrick, Murder should never be considered a solution."

Rodrick's eyes darkened, "Headmaster, do you want to know what my grandfather told me?"

Albus stiffened slightly, "In regards to?"

"Voldemort..." Rodrick answered slowly.

Albus felt some of the tension drop off.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow but didn't mention the sudden change, "He told me to play by the rules,"

Dumbledore had surprised etched into his at the words, "That is rather surprising of Gellert... Though I could hardly disagree, those who foll-"

"Forgive me, headmaster," Rodrick spoke up, one hand up. "But he meant to play by my enemies rules,"

Dumbledore frowned for a split second before it dawned on him.

"While you would never consider murder to be a viable solution, just remember it's Voldemort's favourite method. You can't fight cursed fire by sprinkling water over it."

The words sending the room into a small silence.

"Are you disappointed about that?" Rodrick questioned looking down.

Dumbledore had a thoughtful expression on his face before shaking his head, "I've made my own share of mistakes in the past, as your grandfather did. I see more of him in you every day, I am not disappointed Rodrick, I am simply worried."

"That I'll end up in my Grandfather's luxuries Prison cell?" Rodrick questioned with an amused expression.

Dumbledore blinked before a smile seemed to light up his features, "Something like that,"

"Funny, professor McGonagall and Snape warned me about something else," Rodrick remarked with a wink.

Dumbledore had a passive expression on his face. "Did they now?"

Rodrick nodded, "Something about you thinking I was the next whatshisface Riddle,"

Dumbledore simply stared at Rodrick, "I see." 'I believe a word with those two is necessary...' He made to cough before changing the subject, "What sort of conditions would stop you from-"

"Killing my enemies," Rodrick finished with a nod before grinning and turning towards the office door. "Oh, you knew the usual reasons."

"Usual?" Dumbledore questioned watching as the boy slowly moved towards the staircase.

"Yea, I wouldn't bother if they had a Horcrux," he heard the boy remark before disappearing.


"Not now Fawkes,"


As Rodrick stared ahead just outside the headmaster's office, he let out a sigh before turning to face towards the open hallway. He had a girl to cure... A house to thrash and a dark lord to survive. Two of those were occurring in the next coming months... The last one... Well, whenever it was... He knew what he couldn't risk. Dumbledore meant well. But he firmly understood something. Something that meant, if he survived, if the people he cared about were to survive, he couldn't simply rely on the headmaster's power.

For while Dumbledore was certainly without a doubt one of the greatest wizards alive, he was not perfect.

For a man who could plan so far ahead into the future, he was surprisingly short-sighted...

And Voldermort knew that.

The headmaster was likely one of the only wizards who could look on towards the light at the end of a dark tunnel without wondering why the path towards it was made of blood.