
A Greater Soul: A Cultivation Epic

They say death is the end of all life, but what if it's just the beginning of another? It certainly was the case for eighteen years old Ahmad. Losing his life to an armed robbery, Ahmad's soul suddenly got thrown into a grim World of Cultivation. A world where the strong prey on the weak, where man is defined by nothing but his strength. Ahmad, now Seyus must defy all odds to climb the ladder to the very peak of immortality and Godhood. Should he survive, he will face peril on his path to becoming the strongest.

ADrunkBard · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Who are you?

" I can't believe it, you're on the verge of breaking through." Narwind blurted.

" At this rate, you'll surpass Gazhan." Miya commented.


Days passed, weeks and a couple of months and over the course of them, Seyus trained. He had the attention of everyone now most especially Dolin, he had reignited his hopes and in exchange began receiving many privileges. His pills got replaced with even more special ones and he was granted a couple of martial manuals to aid with his growth.

Narwind grew to enjoy teaching his little brother although there was a tinge of worry within him, he feared that Seyus would surpass him too quickly causing him to lose his standing in the family but that didn't stop him from teaching Seyus fervently.

Gazhan on the other hand pursued his Cultivation progress even more, seeing Seyus progress at such an astronomical pace lit up a burning enthusiasm. He now shared the third level of the Core Foundation stage with him.

Not everyone was happy with Seyus's progress however, especially Suri. To the average cultivator, Suri, Gazhan and Narwind were deemed as the talented with Suri given a higher regard but Seyus on the other hand. She saw his growth as eccentric and she began to grow wary of him, his growth was way too fast and she knew the others thought so as well but they only saw it as something good, a blessing planted in their family.

And from the fear did insecurity grow, she began training harder, much harder than she had after seeing Narwind do the same, she wasn't the special one of the family any longer.

The sun cast its warm rays of light on the village of Xir enveloping all in its radiant light, Grasses danced, children played and the Gullands trained.

It was yet a sunny afternoon with Gazhan facing the Gullands' rising star.

The two stood over a distance facing each other like they were beasts wanting to devour each other.

Gazhan kick-started the battle, he drove forward crossing the distance between them in under a second. He appeared in Seyus's front ready to deliver a punch to his face. His fist moved at such a breathtaking speed only to phase through Seyus like he was a phantom.

" Huh." He sounded and looked above to spot Seyus in the middle of a flip.

Immediately he landed, Gazhan began hurling blasts of ki energy repeatedly, his fists propelling burning energies toward Seyus.

With such speed and in high numbers, a few were bound to strike him or so did Narwind think.

Seyus seeing the approaching energies conjured a blade of ki in his right hand and with it, he cut through the blasts like they were butter causing them to destabilize and explode as they passed him.

As Seyus countered the barrage of attack, Gazhan appeared with a fist coming at his face.

Despite his mastery of ki sensing, he couldn't avoid the strike to his face and he was sent flying. Seyus's body twirled as he struck the ground and fell down the hill, his body stopped its momentum just before he could hit the ranch of a fellow villager.

"Arghhhh. That hurt." He said and spat out blood. His outfit took a major damage in the fall but it was in no way bothersome.

He stood upright placing his feet significantly apart and placing his fists by his flanks. Blue energy began to flare up until it was outwardly visible showing it encompassing him.

He charged forward causing indents on the soil, a dust cloud forming behind him.

Narwind watched from above, Seyus crossed the distance between them and was now in the air over a jump, Narwind took the opening and sent forward a front kick releasing torrents of little bursts of ki towards him.

Seyus responded by shoving forward his two hands.

" Boom." A collision occurred and a cloud of smoke ensued. It slowly dissipated showing Seyus behind a thin wall of ki.

' Fast, too fast.' Gazhan thought, to conjure up a ki barrier in almost an instant was almost impossible for him, but he was certain that he could if he was pushed hard enough.

' My little brother is such a genius.' He smirked.

" Come at me." He announced.

Seyus gladly accepted and zoomed forward. He came at him with a direct blow which Gazhan caught. Seyus struck the other and ended up in the same scenario as the other, the two were tied in a battle of strength, although their ki levels were at the same levels, Gazhan still had a much larger and stronger body compared to Seyus who was just five.

Their energies flared up in a battle of push, blue energy against indigo. The Grass beneath their feet sizzled to nothing over the heat and pressure.

The Handlock continued until Gazhan drove a front kick to Seyus's head. Seyus however predicted the move and tilted, he swung to the side throwing Gazhan away from him and down the hill but this time, Gazhan didn't fall towards Xir, he fell to the other side of the hill down a valley that was home to many trees and a luxurious large house that had been there since the Gullands moved in.

Using Gazhan's momentum against him, Seyus managed to conjure up a force that toppled him over and sent him flying. His body created a long line Indent on the way down till he fell out of the path and in the air till he fell on the limbs of trees causing havoc amongst the birds that dwelled there.

Not only that, He crashed into the massive hut that was hidden between trees creating a large on that went through it until a large tree stopped him.

" Hnnnghh" He moaned, he was still seeing stars and was confused when a crackle came from the tree that he rested on, it prolonged until snaps followed and it began to fall over.

Gazhan was still beneath it however and it was coming down on him and from the looks of it, the massive tree was sure to squash him.

However, a massive red hand came on it and held it in place.

" Who are you?"