
A Godslayer in a School

One of my stories from my Discord, it's time to bring some of them over to Webnovel! This one is a Teen Weeb and a History nerd who ends up killing a God-King and acquires his Authorities. What does he do with them? He abuses them! It's loosely Campione world (Supernatural) x with some slice-of-life animes like Oreigaru (regular world) ------- Discord: discord.gg/denoffanfics my pat : pat reon.com/DragonsFics

Dragon15681 · Anime und Comics
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71 Chs

Starting with a Knight

"...And what does it mean… to be a Godslayer?" 

"As someone who killed a Heretic God, you usurped his authority and thus gained his Godly Powers. Since you slew Zeus, you most likely inherited his Lightning and Thunder authorities."

Then she sighed…

"However that would most likely be the case for a simple Lightning God. What you slew is the King of the Greek Gods. There is the possibility that you gained more than one of his authorities."

"I see… makes sense… what you said is the truth…"

She looked at me for a bit.

"...You can tell when I am saying the truth?" She was somewhat curious about what I just said to her.

"In a way. There is more to this, isn't there?"

"Yes. No normal magic works on you anymore. No mortal is a match for you. As someone who usurped God's powers, your body is equally strong to contain that kind of power.

Around the world, magic societies call people like you Demon Kings, Tyrants, and Campione."

For a second, I was baffled to hear this. Now, this sounds like some sort of plot of a light novel!

"Because of the power which I usurped? There are more of this kind of people?"

"There are and you are the Seventh one. Each of them rules a region of land as their King. This makes you the King of Baltics." She said that with quite a serious face.

For one, I believe her! For another this was ridiculous…

"Okay… what now then?"

She took a deep breath. It appears she was thinking about something.

"As a Knight of Copper Black Cross, it is my duty to assist a Campione in his mission to slay the Heretic Gods." She said seriously and in a matter-of-fact voice.

"...I see… in that case you will be my knight."

Now she had a baffled look.

"...You serious?" 

"And why not? You know your stuff, while I have some knowledge of Gods from my history classes it's nothing compared to yours. And besides, I always wanted to have a knight." I said that quite plainly. If she said that I am a Demon King, Tyrant, and a Campione which pretty sure means Champion then I am going to use that to get someone like her who can explain shit to me.

"Then it's an honor. No Campione before you had something like this."

"...None? They don't have followers?" I asked with some confusion. If they are kings of the world then what do they rule? 

"Not truly. They have people whom they use from time to time to find Heretic Gods. Nothing like what you asked. My order and other orders are used to finding Heretic Gods for the Italian King."

"Oh? Italy has a King? Does this makes you Italian then?" 

She nodded at my words before continuing to explain.

"In return for being used like some scouts the Heretic God gets taken care of. Most of the disasters you see on television before were nothing more than the aftermath of such a battle between a Campione and a Heretic God." She explained smoothly.

But before she can continue to speak, the doors were opened and I saw my parents rushing in. At that moment Erica smoothly walked away and gave a chance for my parents to approach me.

"Mr. and Mrs. Valeron your son is fine. It appears that the strong wind had thrown something at him and knocked him out." The doctor who walked in with them explained to them which made me baffled for a second.

What about the whole process of picking up lightning and throwing it at Zeus? Shouldn't that have burned my hand!?

For a second I looked at Erica who winked at me.

Seems like she used her magic to manipulate the doctors.

"Thank God! It was such a freak storm! It blew up a portion of a street! People are still trying to figure out what happened!" My mother exclaimed happily about how I escaped with minimal damage but then she told me tidbits about what happened to the street!

The whole street blew up!? I thought that there was only a crater!

"Yes. And electricity is down for the whole section of the town." My father's words made my world stop for a bit.

My gaze snapped at him.

"Whole section!?"

"Yes, the cables are fried it going to take days to fix all that."

"No… this can't be…" 

At that moment I was pissed. Like truly pissed. That's IT! There isn't going to be any mercy for that Heretic God! I am going to kill him!!!

*Thunder Rumbling*

My gaze quickly snapped at the window… there were no clouds there but I just heard Thunder?

Was it me or was it Poseidon?

"It appears there is still some sort of storm in the distance. Regardless, your son is free to go." The doctor said that as he looked at the window for a bit before motioning that I was free to go.

He then saw the blonde who was in the room.

"Oh, and before I forget, this young miss here found your unconscious son on the ground. She brought him to the hospital." 

My mother quickly reacted to that as she quickly walked over to the blonde who was slightly self-conscious. It appears she has no idea how to act as she would glance at me for orders on how to act…

"Thank you so much for bringing my son to the hospital! What is your name?" 

"... It's Erica… I was in the area when the storm happened and I saw him laying on the ground." She quickly explained to adjust her story to what the doctor said. Assuming that's what the doctor said.

"That's so kind of you. You must be hungry so how about we treat you to dinner!?"

This was a good time for me to jump in as well.

"That's a great idea Mom! I am hungry as well!" As I said that I got up from the bed.

That very moment I realized that I was slightly taller and… I had developed muscles…

'Holy shit…'

"... I would gladly accept that." Erica quickly gave her answer to get my parent's attention as they noticed me for a second stand there in a daze…

"Wonderful. Then, we can go there after Ray gets dressed up."


The first consequence of me being taller is that my clothes are smaller now. Shorter sleeves and stuff like that. It still baffles me, how I have developed muscles just like that.

Of course for now I don't have time to think about that anymore as I was inside my dad's car and we are going to our family's dining place. The blonde girl next to me already has gotten my father and mother to like her quite a bit.

Honestly, it's quite impressive how good of a talker she is. No one would even expect her to be part of the Order of Knights which deals with the supernatural.

"So you are from Italy?"

"Yes, I am here for some family business. I am originally from Milan."

"Oh! I have been there before. A beautiful city." My father exclaimed happily.

"It's quite impressive how you can easily talk in our language." My mother mentioned that with a curious tone. Which made me look at Erica. How does she do that?

Kinda jealous. I wouldn't mind knowing Japanese…

"A family gift. My family members always know several languages. It helps with family business all over the world."

As they continued to talk I looked through the window. Now that I noticed, my vision got fixed completely, and I could read even the smallest of details from a large distance.

What a welcoming surprise…

Once we arrived at the family restaurant my parents were greeted by familiar faces. As one could expect my parents know almost everyone in this place.

Honestly, one of the reasons why I like and dislike living in such a small town.

After the meal was over Erica told my parents that she has to go and asked me to help her navigate around the town.

"With Poseidon around, you need to get ahold of your authorities. Do you have some kind of idea on what they are?" She asked quite seriously as we got a seat in one of the few park-like places in the town.

"Lightning for sure as I was quite angry that those idiots fried the electrical network of my town," I mentioned to her about that event in the hospital.

"I see, so it was you. And it's linked to your emotions? You see Authorities adapt to a Campione's personality. Its activation and duration depend on that. It can be powerful but you can only use it once per day or it can be weaker but it doesn't have a limit.

There are multiple recordings of such powers over the years." 

As she explained all that, I listened to her closely.

For a second I closed my eyes and thought about it. 

[There you are. Finally decided that you want my power?]

My eyes snapped open and I saw Zeus standing in front of me.

He looked exactly like how he did yesterday, the same when I threw his lightning bolt at him.

[I am here to offer you a deal.]


[You slew me at quite an annoying time. I wished to finally put an end to a pesky issue I had with my brother.

However, I wasn't able to. Now this rest on your shoulders!]

As he said that he put his hand on my shoulder.

Sure enough, he started to disappear into particles that started to merge with me.

[The long time discussion of which is better… the Sky or the Sea. It will be up to you to put an end to this.]

I snorted internally hearing that. These Greeks…are bored as always… 

The moment he was gone… I knew what to do and how to do it… I knew my authorities…

And I had a bunch of them! It appears the King of Gods gave all of them!

"Raynor!? Are you there!" 

The moment I heard the blonde's voice I opened my eyes and looked at her.

"Yes… I know my powers!" I exclaimed happily while inspecting my hand.

"Oh? This is quick…"

"In a way. Zeus was waiting for me." 

Her eyes for a second widened as she got serious.

"This is…I never heard anything like that before. There were some times when Heretic Gods leave more than one Authority…

But for one to wait inside of you…"

"Yes. He wanted to tell me to take care of his brother and put an end to a millennia-old argument they had." 

She raised her eyebrow and waited for me to finish what I started to say.

"He wants to make sure Sky is better than Sea." 

Erica snorted in amusement for a bit.

"I see. So what are your authorities?"

"Lightning, Flight, King authority, his Greek God body," I said while counting on my fingers.

"... That's a lot… far too many… it has to have time and delays. To get this many from one God." Erica said while shaking her head. It appears that she is concerned about the limitations.

"Two of them are always active and permanent, the body and King's authority. Lightning is extremely versatile same with flight."

Now her mouth was wide open.

"...Is this what happens when God gives his powers willingly?" She said that more to herself than to me.

"I see… so we have a portion of this covered. I suppose it's time for me to swear my fealty to you. That's if you still want my assistance?" She asked the last part with a somewhat hopeful tone.

Does she truly want that much to serve a Campione? Well… this is going to be interesting.

"Indeed. I accept." 

"Good! Then I Erica Blandelli, Great Knight of Copper Black Cross swear my fealty to you—"

Then… she went on about her duties and stuff… honestly… this sounded almost like marriage…

Not only that but she summoned a literal sword and simply put offered it to me… as in a ceremonial sense.

Weirdly enough there was not a single person in this place. Which can mean that this girl did something to the park.


For advanced chapters my pat : pat reon.com/DragonsFics


Discord: discord.gg/denoffanfics