
A Godslayer in a School

One of my stories from my Discord, it's time to bring some of them over to Webnovel! This one is a Teen Weeb and a History nerd who ends up killing a God-King and acquires his Authorities. What does he do with them? He abuses them! It's loosely Campione world (Supernatural) x with some slice-of-life animes like Oreigaru (regular world) ------- Discord: discord.gg/denoffanfics my pat : pat reon.com/DragonsFics

Dragon15681 · Anime und Comics
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64 Chs

Aftermath of the Fight

After the battle with Poseidon was over, Raynor was out of energy, and he couldn't fly anymore.

More like he was too tired to fly, so he ordered to be driven home. Perfectly honest, this was the first time he ordered mortals to do something for him.

So a few minutes later, he was inside a spacious luxury car going back home. The trip will be around 2 hours. Quite honestly, he was too tired to check what car this was, even though he knew some things about them since his father works for Toyota, and he was exposed to machines from an early age.

However, for now, he didn't care. Instead, he just pulled Erica on his lap and started snuggling with her.


The blonde was slightly caught off guard by Raynor's movement. She didn't expect him just to do that all of a sudden!

A few minutes later, she realised that the only thing he was doing to her was snuggling.

A small smile crept on her face. This was quite cute! Less than an hour ago, this guy dropped something akin to a nuke on a God of Seas. Next moment he was acting like a small kid who wanted hugs from his girlfriend!

Perfectly honest, she likes this kind of affection! So without wasting any more time, she positioned herself to sit properly on his lap and continued with this kind of snuggling for the rest of the trip.

There was a minimal amount of talking. Instead, they just enjoyed the quiet atmosphere and the sound of the car driving down the road.

Eventually, by late mid-day, they arrived at Raynor's home.

The first thing he did was to get a shower, change of clothes and something to eat. 

Erica, who watched this from the side, looked at how he was doing all those things.

Then the time came, and she saw him start cooking some sort of food.

"Does my pretty girlfriend knows how to cook?" Raynor asked her with a curious tone.

For a second, the girl who, out of nowhere, got asked slightly twitched. She got lost after watching him doing all sorts of things with a goal in mind.

"... I do come from a prestigious family who are descended from Templars—"

"So, no?" He interrupted her.


"Well, that's fine. I know the basics, so we can start from there together…"

Now she was somewhat baffled.

"Don't you want 'romantic' things? I thought making food together counts, no?" 

She softly chuckled, hearing that.

"You got stuck on that, didn't you? I only mentioned it once and now been doing it for a whole week…" she said while slowly getting up on her feet and walking over to him.

"I suppose we could try this out. Though don't expect miracles." 

"I am not expecting anything since I am useless in the kitchen as well."

"Maybe. You see, Campione's have absurd luck. It is said that they control their fate and luck. So, I am pretty sure you will be able to make decent food if you try." Erica said that while starting to assist him with cutting veggies. 

"...Interesting. So, it's related to confidence as well?"

" I am pretty sure extra confidence comes from excess magical power and mixing up with your luck, you can come out as 'talented' to some extent." The blonde said with a knowing look.

"Interesting. In that case, I should trust my instincts."

And trust he did after finishing all up Raynor's dish after that was quite good. It would be hard to believe it was his first try doing something else and not heating frozen pica.

Even his blonde girlfriend was shocked to learn that this was the first-ever time he did something not related to a microwave!

This means that even she underestimated Campione's luck and confidence playing a big part in this. 

The thing was that while Raynor had never cooked before, he was around watching his mother doing a few things in the kitchen. So he knew a few things but never had that kind of confidence, just trying something he only saw a few times before.

However, with his new set of luck and confidence in himself, he did not bad!

"You didn't mention what you got from Poseidon," Erica asked him as they were lazily sitting on the couch.

This time it was the blonde who was snuggling next to him. Now that she knows that he likes this, she won't be holding back with her affection as well!

"His powers over water and storms." He casually said to her while looking at the TV.

"I see… only single authority?" She asked him for confirmation.

He nodded at her; this made her slightly more relieved. They are finally treading on grounds she was familiar with. The whole thing of him gaining four authorities from Zeus slightly freaked her out.

Most Godslayers are challenged and die quite often after killing their first God and then facing the next one. After all, they only have a single authority, and if it's limited, then they will die very quickly. But Raynor's situation was different. He got four authorities from one Heretic God!

So his duking out against Poseidon like this reminded them of how experienced Campiones fighting Heretic Gods from the text she read back in Copper Black Cross Headquarters.

"Yes. However, it's versatile like Zeus' God of Thunder and Lightning."

Her eyes widened before returning to normal. If this is true, then he has something akin to Electrokinesis and Hydrokinesis at once now!

"You mean you can make that water avatar thing which Poseidon turned himself into?" 

He nodded at her before snuggling into her, taking the smell of her hair before starting to nap.

Erica smiled slightly, seeing this. This was quite something for her. She got herself a Campione as a boyfriend!

Not only that, so far, he was as normal as one can get for a Campione! Not a weirdo like American King or obsessed like Italian one! This is so unique that she finds it amazing!

She can't wait to see Liliana's face when she reveals this!

Eventually, their comfortable and quiet time was interrupted when Raynor's mother returned.

What happened next was a conversation.

Not about his lovely Girlfriend but something else!

"I just had a conversation with your homeroom teacher Ray. And she said that you missed a whole week of school! What happened!?"

Raynor internally grimaced.

'Oh, nothing much you know! I was training for a death battle against a Heretic God who turned out to be one member of the Greek Trinity. Nothing excessive.

We just reshaped the coastline a bit!' 

The teen Godslayer sarcastically thought to himself.

"Oh! He was helping me out! I just moved in and had a bunch of things to do!" Erica came to the rescue as she started smooth-talking her boyfriend out of the bad situation.

Instead of adding anything himself, he just listened to her explanation.

What he heard was helping with furniture, showing the city, and then other things! She knows how to build up a tale!

However, after all that build-up, the blonde decided to 'drop' the 'big news', which should help Raynor out.

"After all that, we decided to start dating." Erica slightly winked at Raynor, who internally chuckled after hearing all that. She should be a lawyer.

"...Finally!!! My baby boy has a girlfriend!!!"

At that moment, the blonde snorted and started laughing, which made the teen Godslayer blush from embarrassment.

The blonde knight of his laughter comes from the fact of how ridiculous this sounds! A few hours ago, the teen turned Poseidon into dust, and now he gets called a 'baby'. It just how amusing this is!

If she was something less to him, she doubts she would be able to see such a unique side of things!

"Yes! He still is, baby! Hopefully, with you around, he would spend less time around his computer!" 

When Erica heard that, she had a thoughtful look. Maybe, she will finally know what makes her boyfriend tick! Regardless of how unique Campiones are, they always have that weirdness to them!

And she will find out!

"He does? He never mentioned anything like that before." The blonde wanted to find out more. By this point, she should ask his mother instead of him to learn another side of things.

"You two… don't talk like I am not here!" Raynor exclaimed with some amused fury in his tone. Females!

"Sorry, sweetie, but she needs to know all your hobbies!"

Instead of listening to his mother's nonsense, he simply picked his girlfriend up like some luggage and left the living room.

"W-Wait! P-Put me down!"

While his mother looked at what her son did with a baffled look, she didn't remember her son being as strong as this! He picked the girl like she weighed nothing to him!

After leaving the room, he went to his and dropped her on his bed.

The girl started laughing from the amusement of this situation!

"You know~ there is no need to abuse your powers like that." She said that while changing her position into a sitting one. She slowly cleaned off her tears. This is amusing to her to no end!

A Campione getting 'wasted' by his family like this!

"I am pretty sure I won't be able to make you two stop talking no matter how much I have asked." He said with a sigh.

"True. That's the power of females. Only the Authority of a God could stop us! For a short time, that is!" She said that with fake bravado as if this was a big thing.

"Yeah, whatever." As he said that, he got on the bed next to her and then pulled her closer to himself to continue to snuggle with her. He needs to recharge his 'batteries'.

Erica quickly got into position as well. It was getting late, but she could work around this.

"You do know that we will have to work on those missed lessons. Or do you want to drop out of school now that you are one of the kings of this world?" She asked him softly.

"...a very… good proposition… but no… If I drop out, there will be a question, and there will be a possibility that my parents will find out, and most likely, you will need to hypnotise them, which is something I don't want." 

She nodded at him. Perfectly honest, she doesn't mind. But at the same time, she likes the idea that he still has those morals. After all, she is a knight who has her code.

"Then you will need to catch up on that work~" As she said that, he slightly stiffed.

"...You know… if this was Japan, I might like it much more… but my school is rubbish…." 

For a second, she looked at him curiously; why Japan, of all things?


"You saw it yourself! We can't have such a freak of nature living in our lands!!!" One of the mages exclaimed with a terrified look.

"And what do you suggest we do? No mortal can kill him. Only a Heretic God could kill one of those!"

"Are you saying we should continue living under his 'protection'!?"

"It is an Honour to have a Campione who is born in our nation!" Another one said with a borderline zealous tone.

"Our community is small! If he lives here, he will attract more Heretic Gods to our lands!"

"So what do you suggest we do?" He asked the terrified leader of the magic association.

"We can't kill him, neither can we control him, but it's a completely different thing about his parents. He is still 16 and acts like a regular teenager. He even made that knight his girlfriend. 

We can simply make his parents move out of the country!" The man casually proposed.

"To where?"



"The Magic community over there wanted to have one for generations, so we will give him to them." He said that with quite a smug tone.

"I hope you know what you are doing…"


For advanced chapters my pat : pat reon.com/DragonsFics


Discord: discord.gg/denoffanfics