
A god in Unordinary

Hello. My name is Arlo and I'm a god/devil and this is my journey. I have no idea what it will be like, or what I may do, whom I may come to meet because I do not possess the power to predict myself, nor do I have a set plan. But anyways, if you feel like you want to join me, then welcome. Let's see where my mind takes me in this Journey of mine. Eternity is an awfully long time you know. (I will also be posting this story at RoyalRoad.com Here's the link to my profile Ghost_Of_the_Uchiha)

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15 Chs

Chapter 6: The Trainers Arrive.

[A/N: Alright just a heads up, for those of you whom are aware of the Unordinary webtoon itself I'm gonna be changing the world a bit. I'm sooo gonna up the levels and potency of power, there will be mass destruction and god-levels are gonna be in an entirely different level of power potency. I'll also expand into the world even more, you may see a little clash of verses, but this would be far later into the fanfic].

It was now late in the noon and Venus had begun waking up, she turned as her eyes fluttered open and she slowly sat up on the bed rubbing her temple as little bits of memory came to her. At first it was small unfocused and unimportant bits but then the rest all came crashing in like a huge tsunami and her eyes sprung open immediately. She remembered it all, from the beginning to the point where Misasa had flung her towards the wall and she blacked out after that, but she could remember an intense sharp pain drill through her brain the moment her skull cracked. Wait.. Misasa, she became jumpy and looked around the room frantically for the one who almost killed her.

A golden flaming thing caught her eyes and she froze when she looked directly at it to see a practically half dead Misasa laying on the ground all limp and trembling, she could see his lips moving but strangely no sound was coming out. There was something off with his limbs but her attention moved to the dome surrounding his form. This looked and felt like Arlo's power but the change in it was making her question if it indeed was his power, "Arlo?, Where is he" she asked and suddenly became a little light headed all of a sudden as new blips of memory appeared in her mind.

She looked up at the wall where her skull cracked to see her blood on it, then looked down at the thickened viscous pool of blood, a phantom memory came to her, it was a hot warm feeling on the left side of her face, then at some point everything just went cold. Another memory came, it was weird. She unknowingly placed a hand on her lips, something happened, her gaze went to the dome again. That boy did something, she didn't know what it was, there was a strange burning sensation in her stomach. As if it was given something foreign and now she's somehow trying to adjust to whatever she was given.

Although still a bit light headed she decided to come down, she noticed she wasn't clothed at all but she stood up just as she was and tried to steadily walk herself over to the flaming dome. The sky was still bright so it was definitely noon now, Aria probably was not home yet.

Once she got close enough she truly saw the state that Misasa was in currently, it was a bit of shock. His elbow joints had been crushed to dust, followed by his knee caps which had been absolutely destroyed. Dried tears and spittle were just all over his face, saliva drooping down the sides of his mouth and his body having the occasional spasms from the pain that racked his mind and body. She slowly put her hand forward and touched the barrier, at first she didn't phase through and her hands were just engulfed by the golden flames. But then her hand began phasing through it and this was the final confirmation that it was indeed Arlo who did this.

"I guess he really does have it in him huh" she said absentmindedly looking at Misasa and pulled her hand out, she didn't know how he was able to heal her but she won't ask. The boy clearly has his secrets, she wasn't expecting any less, an abnormal like him is sure to still have something hidden underneath.

Venus picked new clothes from her closet and got dressed, then looked at the dried pool of blood on the ground plus the one on the wall where her head was bashed. It wasn't a comfortable sight at all so she decided to get rid of it, nearly a quarter of an hour later she was now fully done with it and heaved a sigh of relief.

She took of her clothes again, regretting putting them on in the first place and immediately went into the bath for a good clean bath, coming out half an hour later. She clearly was taking all her time and looked to be in no rush at all, right now there was not a single bit of worry present in her mind. She sure as hell wasn't gonna be traumatized by what just happened today, her mental fortitude far surpassed this so no worries at all._

She dressed herself again after drying up her body but this time she was back to her pajamas, selecting a new comfortable one and then walking into the dome as she sat with her legs crossed and looking at Misasa "what am I gonna do with you now" she asked.

She could hear the sounds now she was inside and shook her head "better just call the principal and hand you to him, but how do I explain your current situation" she looked at his destroyed arms and legs then decided to tell the truth. Arlo wasn't getting into any trouble for what he did and she trusted the principal to deal with it in a good way, she gently placed a hand on his cheeks and rubbed his tears. Misasa's eyes rolled towards her, he couldn't talk. His vocals had been damaged due to the extreme levels of agonizing cries he's been doing for over an hour now so all he could do now was just look at her.

He was so weak and tired, death really was looking like a good option now because he knew that Venus wasn't going to heal him, it was really over for him on all sides but he still had to try. Venus looked at those eyes that begged for her help, but she just smiled instead and gently pats his head.

"I'd really love to help you right now Misasa, but I can't." he tone turned colder "this isn't enough, you've been using the hidden card you had on me for blackmail and I can't risk you possibly revealing it before you die. I know you Misasa, it's absolutely in character for you to do so" she stood up and walked out the room coming back minutes later with a small silver box.

She stepped back into the dome and opened the silver box to reveal quite the collection of surgical tools with some strange liquids contained in about four different syringes, Misasa's eyes widened in terror seeing the content of the box but Venus smiled and reassured him "don't worry nothing's gonna happen to you" said Venus as she took out one of the syringes with a strange liquid, this one was red in color. "This would sting a bit but it'll do the job" she smiled, to Misasa right now there was nothing beautiful about her smile right now, all he saw was a demon. He didn't want whatever she was gonna do to him, everything cell in his body screamed danger so he instantly activated his ability but to the fullest this time.

He became something of a rock monster and protruded multiple spikes from his body aimed in all directions, Venus was caught off guard by this and involuntarily shut her her eyes when she saw it was too late to do anything as earth spikes reached her near instantaneously. She waited for the agonizing feeling of getting impaled but nothing came so she opened them again to meet with a strange sight, a mini dome had manifested inside the current dome but it was just for Misasa alone.

His eyes were widened and his mouth agape as multiple holes were created all over his body, Venus blinked multiple times "is there an automatic function" she asked underneath her breath, she knew Arlo wasn't anywhere close by so how could this have happened "I guess this another secret part of his ability too huh" she concluded and heaved a sigh of relief "you almost got me Misasa, I truly might have died if it wasn't for this barrier protecting me. I miscalculated and got a bit too comfortable forgetting I was dealing with a cornered and desperate man, unfortunately it won't happen again. Oh and one last thing Misasa, all this time you think I've been under your thumb-" she smiled "boy oh boy did you miscalculate. From the very beginning i could have ended your life as a whole, the cards were never in your hand Misasa. They always were in mine, I just played along for the fun of it. But that didn't mean you didn't disgust me cause you did, to my absolute core". She proceeded to inject the syringe into him, It passed through his rock armor like hot knife through butter and into directly into his blood stream, Misasa's heart pound heavily in his chest as his mind raced with all the worst possible scenarios, but he wasn't able to hold on for long before getting drowsy and falling asleep.

She breathed heavily and got up taking the box with her and returning it to the rightful place she took it out of, then coming back into the room yawning from exhaustion. It had been a very tiring day today, she looked at the flaming dome and wondered if it would ever go out at some point. She was surprised when the dome all of sudden began receding until it was no more "hm, such coincidence" she looked down at Misasa, she's really been making a lot of mistakes today. Her almost dying once let one twice was never in the plan, she just got a bit too excited and it almost cost her. "Really have to step back a little and calm down, there's no rush for anything Venus, it's over now" she told herself.

Venus picked up her phone and dialed a line and once it was received she spoke "Hello Principal Dawn"....

[30 mins later]

Dawn had arrived with some security personnel and they were taking Misasa's body away after Venus had explained to them what happened plus some evidence for confirmation. They were greatly surprised when they saw the condition he was in because they knew Venus wasn't someone who possessed the ability to do something like this, his ability made it even more impossible so Dawn had asked how it happened.

Imagine his surprise when he heard an unexpected name being brought up, "I see" he said and turned around to face the open outdoors which they stood in. Quite the luck she has to have met the boy "I'll be going now Venus, I'm sorry for had to transpire here" he pat her on the shoulder, he was almost the same height as her.

Venus smiled "it's alright Dawn" she called him directly, there was no need for formality between them, she eyed him from the side of her eyes smiling inside also. He indeed knew about Arlo as she had thought, he keeps track of all the important power holders in this place and someone like Arlo was very much number one on his radar.

"Aren't you going to ask how I feel about a five year old kid being able to beat a level 3•8" said Venus, Dawn smiled "there's really nothing I have to ask Venus, it may soon become public knowledge also. Plus... it's not your first rodeo is it, with something like this. Although I will admit, this surpasses all others you've ever witnessed, and he's not the only one like him" he confessed.

Venus was truly surprised now "you mean there's actually someone on the same level as him" she asked, a little bewildered that there could be someone like him. Dawn turned his gaze to her "Oh, not quite on the same level, but also the only possible person that could rival him. Which itself is scary if you know exactly how strong he is" said Dawn as he began walking away and his personnel also getting ready to move out with him.

"What is his level exactly" asked Venus taking a gamble to see if he would tell her, Arlo may n care about his strength being revealed but he also many not tell her his level directly to her.

Dawn paused in his footsteps and turned his head slightly "what exactly did you predict from seeing his little demonstration" he returned her question with another.

Venus was silent for a bit before spilling out her guess "4•8" she revealed, in her heart she felt like she was belittling it but something else wanted her to be right and maybe he couldn't possibly be-

Dawn smiled and faced "well....at least you got one of them right" and then he walked away with his personnel to deal with Misasa.

Venus chuckled after a period of silence, truly as she had feared huh "wonder who the other one is, I'll find out eventually" she turned around and went inside the house closing the door behind her....

Meanwhile with Arlo, things weren't right at all. He lay curled up on his bed shivering and acting like a light bulb, his barrier coming on and off, his eyes were shut but underneath them was a blue glow and wisps of energy coming off the ends of his eye. His body was destabilizing because he had done something extremely stupid before, that kiss he gave to Venus was him giving her a huge amount of life force.

He had forcefully pulled out a large amount from his body, this wouldn't be a problem if he were still immortal as before but now it's different. His aura was in an extremely chaotic state due to the forceful transference of soul energy so he was trying to balance it out inside himself, there was a huge risk to him dying and he couldn't allow that to happen.

Now was the time to flex his supreme control over spiritual power, he regulated all his power over and over again which was the reason why he flashed like a light bulb now. He needed to exhaust himself to the utmost limit and then his body will automatically take it from there, so for the next half hour the whole room became a light show until it finally began calming down and dropped to one glow up per minute then...nothing.

The glow underneath Arlo's eyes slowly went out and so he slept as his body was now the one in charge once more, unbeknownst to him a physical change began occurring. It started from the top of his head and slowly spread down, his beautiful and luscious spiky golden hair was gaining silvery white strands in some places. The edges too all turned silvery white, it became quite a peculiar look and the the light around his room made it a bit shiny. It would take a bit before he would find this out, but for now he slept...

[In the girls dorm].

The door to Seraphina's room opened up and she stepped out, she could feel she was the only one inside the whole dorm. Everyone else was in class except her, or so she thought as she felt a huge burst of aura coming on and off from somewhere. She's not exactly a sensor so she could pinpoint it, all she could feel was the effects around the place. No one's aura ever goes haywire and spreads this much unless it was allowed to run rampant without control, this is according to what she had been thought and practiced herself. And another part was that it could never spread this much unless the person was really strong, perhaps stronger than her even.

She contemplated whether to try finding the source but finally decided against it cause it had nothing to do with her, she stepped out of the dorm and went for a stroll. It would do her no good if she were to stay cooped up inside all day, she used her memory from the map to move around the place until she came upon a particularly great place.

It was so very wide and peaceful, Mondays were always especially boring and quiet but this took it to another level. She walked onto the green plains and lay down as her drifted off the last time she trained, it wasn't exactly easy training a time ability. She could both freeze and reverse time but it was extremely taxing, the most important thing she needed to improve was her stamina and the limit to how far she could reverse time.

She reached in and brought out a pocket watch, this was necessary in monitoring her limit and there was also another important she was forgetting, her speed. She was fast, incredibly so and immensely strong. But compared to the speed of her mother she was really trash, her mother could even overpower her time freeze with hers and freeze her instead.

She got up and walked towards a huge tree then punched it breaking it in half with one blow and Lett the huge body fall to the ground, thank goodness this was out in the open. She brought the pocket watch up then clicked on the starter. She waited, a minute passed, two minutes and then she paused it as everything around her came to a standstill and her eyes glowed.

She put her hand forward and touched the remaining bark of the tree, the fallen body on the ground rolled over and started coming back together plus all the small broken pieces also. It was all reversed and the destroyed tree was now back to normal, she looked at the pocket watch "2 minutes and 49 seconds" this was the best she could do now casually, but that was just on smaller targets. A sweat broke out on her forehead, she was not anywhere close to being exhausted as it would take a lot of time before she may be burnt out completely in stamina.

And so for hours Seraphina went on a deforestation and reforestation spree with time frozen all around her, she kept on pushing the timer limit higher and higher after practising a reversal up to 10 times for the ones before. One weakness she had was that she needed physical contact to initiate a reversal, although it couldn't exactly be called one since her ability to freeze time thereby eliminating a threat from dangerous opponents but still the threat wasn't exactly zero.

She found that against opponents with a much higher level that hers she couldn't freeze them completely in time, she was able to freeze their bodies but their consciousness couldn't be frozen which leaves room for them still being able to use their abilities. And then against others who possessed the same ability as her, liker her mom for example who was much higher than her. She straight up wasn't affected by her time freeze. She could barely even freeze her fingers let alone her entire body, and that's just if she lets her do so.

Seraphina collapsed down on her knees panting heavily, the time freeze around her receding as she lay down to regain her strength. If it wasn't for the sake of training she would have reversed her self fatigue, she practically could be fresh always if she just wanted. But her body needed to be strained and pushed to it's utmost limit over and over again, reversing her fatigue is counterproductive to that as she basically comes back to step 1.

She turned her head to the river stream far away from here and pushed herself to get back up, almost falling back down due to how weak she was now but she persisted and shakily walked over to the stream, collapsing right before it when she reached and not even knowing when she just fell asleep with one hand in the flowing water....

[Night time]

**Rustle Rustle**

Footsteps treaded through the soft grass and came over to where Seraphina lay Unconscious, those violet colored eyes had a small look of confusion of who this was so she knelt down to check, bringing her hands towards Seraphina's face to move her hair which covered her face.

But suddenly her eyes opened and glowed and then both were gone in an instant, moving in a streak. But Seraphina easily caught the unknown visitor by the hand and both came to a standstill, contrasting eyes met and little sparks of electricity flew from her visitors body giving Seraphina a light tingle which made her let go and jump back a little.

"What do you want" she asked the much older and taller girl before her, Aria didn't answer and instead just looked at Seraphina. She was sure no one as young as her was in the girls dorm before so that meant she was new here, probably came the same time Arlo did. But another thing bothered her, this girl matched her reaction time and even her speed. Although she was casual it still was pretty impressive. "you're new here aren't you" asked Aria.

She gazed into the older girls eyes and nod her head, "I see, well this is somewhere I come to train every night so I was a bit surprised to see someone else here. And you looked to have fainted from pure exhaustion, I can tell, it's something that's happened to me one too many times".

Seraphina had dropped her guard completely and acknowledged there wasn't any threat, Aria looked at her and then at the stream ahead "do you plan to start using this place too" she asked returning her gaze to Seraphina again.

"Yes" she was straightforward with her response, Aria was silent for a bit before an idea popped up "You're allowed to use it, but I have just one rule. Don't interfere with my training, there's more than enough space for you to practice whatever ability you have and sparring is allowed if you wish, but only if I'm in the mood to will i accept" she stated.

Sera thought things through and found there was no problem at all with what she proposed, it was a deal she would make also. "I accept" she responded to her.

"Good" said Aria as she began walking away from Sera, she was going to train a bit again but she decided to just skip and go straight to sleep. She was using her dorm room today after three days of non use, Sera too followed along with her, she was very much in need of a bath.

The two girls walked back to the dorm in silence, most people were still awake and walking around, some moving into the room of others. Things got a little weird at some point when they both stood bed the same door. "Um, why are you-

"This is my room" She replied and Aria raised a brow but then her eyes widened "ahh, I see. So you're my roommate huh" . Sera nod her head and Aria gestured with her hands for the keys. She handed it to her and both entered the room together.

Aria's first instinct was to see if anything of hers had been touched, the bed especially but it looked just that same. The room practically had nothing different about it, she looked to the side, there were two closets now and she knew her's. Thank goodness for how spacious everything was else it would have been very annoying, it seems she wouldn't be needing to set rules cause her new roomie was somewhat on the same wavelength with her.

She let her use the bathroom first as the girl needed it much more than her right now, she walked to her bed and took her phone out from underneath the pillow where she kept it and sat down on her bed while she wait. She looked at the red bar indicating a low battery and just released a purple charge from her index finger, it was full in seconds so there was no worries anymore.

Sera was out after sometime, her body was dried already and a bit of a steam was rising off her body. Her former clothes had been tossed in a bag and new ones were selected, she went straight to her bed after dressing up with Aria going in after her to the bathroom.

A period of time and both girls were now on their beds doing the same thing, which was playing games on their phones, not speaking a word to each other. Sera was continuing her streak of winning which only she alone had achieved because she was a cheat, anytime she failed she just reversed time a bit and made sure not to make the same error she did last time so she practically never failed at all.

At some point someone actually spoke. "What's your name" she asked turning her head to look at her roommate.

"Seraphina, or Sera for short" she replied.

"I see. Aria, nice meeting you Sera".

Both had introduced themselves and were back to doing their own thing, Aria went to bed much earlier before Sera as tomorrow was going to be another busy day for her, Sera soon followed after and both slept..

[Somewhere else]

Adam lay down on the rooftop with his legs hanging out on the ledge and just in thought, it still bothered him. Was Vincent trying some mind games with him, he thought that about that but he disregarded that one a hundred percent. There are somethings Vincent won't do just for the sake of a little mind game and this particular way he behaved today was really nothing like him at all.

Giving him the go ahead to do what he wants to the boy but then saying he won't be there to protect him once it backfires onto him, was there someone protecting the boy? What is the kid's background. All these thoughts had been run over and over again in his head a million times now, he jumped down the ceiling and head over to the principals office...

**Knock knock**

Dawn looked up from his computer and leaned back, cracking his neck a little "come in" he permissioned

The door opened not a second later and Dawn raised a brow when he saw who it was, Adam walked over to Dawn's desk and sat on the chair opposite him. "Ahh, anything I can help you with Adam" he clasped his hands together and looked straight at him.

"Arlo, I need his background and stats. He just came here recently so his file should still be somewhere on top" he demanded. Dawn looked at Adam and leaned forward "No" he declined.

Adam raised a brow but didn't make a move "why do you refuse" he asked, Dawn smiled "cause I want you to find out for yourself, go ask the boy directly. I'm in no mood to deal with your attitude now Adam" replied Edward as he opened up his computer again and went back to work.

Adam's gaze turned a little cold "Is that so, well I demand to know to know the current rankings of the whole school". Edward froze, and looked up. This was something he just couldn't avoid cause it was a right given to anyone and everyone. The rankings were always updated automatically anytime it shifts, he smiled "well you can have at it then" he gestured to the tab on his desk and continued his work.

Adam got up and walked towards his desk as he pic the tab up and opened it, he scrunched his brows looking at the rankings;

#1: Arlo [unranked]

Power LVL: 5•6.

Ability: Barrier.

#2: Seraphina [unranked]

Power LVL: 4•8

Ability: Time manipulation.

#3: Rozaria [The Queen]

Power LVL: 4•1

Ability(s): Absolute Ice & Space manipulation.

#4: Vincent [The king]

Power LVL: 4•0

Ability: Gravity manipulation.

#5: Adam [King]

Power LVL: 3•8

Ability: Creation.

#6: Silver [King]

Power LVL: 3•7

Ability: Steal.

#7: Aiden [King]

Power LVL: 3•5

Ability: Shockwave.

#8: Jermaine[Jack]

Power LVL: 3•0

Ability: Blaze.

#9: Holden [Jack]

Power LVL: 2•7

Ability: Berserker:

#10: Aria [Ace]

Power LVL: 2 •6 & ???

Ability(s): Blue lightning & ???


Adam cross checked the list over and over again then looked up with a bit of a confused expression "I'm sorry is this some sort of joke" he asked, gesturing with his hands.

Edward spared him a quick glance and nothing else "Is there something wrong Adam" he asked in a light carefree tone.

Adam placed the tab down before Dawn and pointed to the screen "what exactly is this ranking" he asked sternly. Dawn looked at the tab for a moment then back to his computer "you asked for the current rankings and that's exactly what I gave you" he replied.

Adam scrunched his brows "which is exactly what I'm talking about here, who's she?" He pointed to Seraphina and then drew his finger a little higher "and most importantly what's this" he pointed at Arlo "that ranking, explain it to me Dawn" his tone got a little harsher.

Dawn looked up at Adam, his gaze becoming cold "careful with that tone Adam, I do not have infinite tolerance" his eyes glowed and almost instantly the room temperature dropped a great degree as frost began showing up on the walls and also his desk.

Adam finally backed down but not completely as his gaze still remained the same. He said nothing else and just turned around to leave, slamming the door behind him after his exit. Dawn stopped the flow of power and went back to his work as a the temperature returned to normal and the frost disappeared, he heard a little beep on the tab and looked down to see the change. The been only happens for the top ten rankings, anything below doesn't need his attention.

He picked the tab up and looked directly at Arlo's place cause that's were the small red dot was pulsing, he raised a brow in confusion. There was no change so what was it notifying him for, he was about to drop it but he saw it this time. It was only for a split moment but he saw it, his power level had dropped for a moment but it was back to normal again. "What in the--Something's off, why would his power level drop, even if it was for a moment it did drop" he leaned back in his chair slightly rubbing his temple.

He began typing something on his computer, two profiles came up on his screen, he rubbed his chin looking at them. These two were the perfect trainers for those two kids,

Name: Sterling

Power LVL: 8•4

Ability: Domain.

Description: <He's able to summon an incredibly massive and durable red energy dome which has a passive effect of reducing the stats of anything caught inside it be they living or not. His passive is most especially fatal for anything for anything below god-level, a 5•9 can turn Into a 2•3 inside his domain. A god level 6•0 can at most turn into a 4•9 and a 7•9 could become a 6•0 at most. As for anything close to or on his level the effects are near negative, anything above it the passive is rendered completely useless. But this is just one of the abilities his domain possesses, his domain makes him a practical god to anything caught in it cause if his passive wasn't dangerous enough already,he could also will new abilities onto himself within his domain. He already has insane speed and strength that can't be compared in base alone but his domain truly does make him a god. Luckily he can't will every ability he can think of onto himself, he can't get true time control and only a very partial space control. The higher concept ones are also way out of his reach>

{Assigned to Arlo}

Name: Gretchen

Power LVL: 8•2

Ability: Time manipulation(Phantom)

[Assigned to Seraphina]

Description: <She's able to manipulate time and Summon invisible phantom's of her past self to attack for her. The phantom's she Summons are already pre prepared, she's also able to jump back into time and switch with one of her phantom's. She can't jump back far, just about 6-8 actions of hers ago. She also has a passive ability of speeding up time on herself, her reactions and speed is something far above her level. Plus she also possesses an extremely high recovery cd factor, so high it could be mistaken it could be mistaken as another ability onto herself also>

Dawn nod his head in satisfaction and closed his computer, he pushed his chair backwards and stood up, taking his jacket along with him and turning off the lights. Work was done for the day so he was leaving now for his own abode, he locked the door behind him and finally left...

Meanwhile with Venus, this night wasn't an especially peaceful one for her. She lay curled up and holding on tightly to her burning tummy, her body was heating up to extremes and she was feeling super dehydrated for some reason. She clawed on her bed, unbeknownst to her small tiny golden veins began showing up on her body and right below her belly button was a small golden circle which the veins all came from.

She gasped deeply and opened her eyes which glowed bright in the night, the golden veins slowly began receding and Venus noticed the strange thing going on with her and was utterly confused, plus a bit of fear for the unknown was brewing up. There was still a spiraling heat in her tummy but it become something of warm feeling, she felt like she was mixing with something, it felt almost similar to Arlo but that feeling disappeared and all she could sense was her own natural aura.

"What exactly is happening to me" she asked herself and got up to leave , needing a drink to soothe her burning throat. She opened the fridge and took a drink out then stood there gulping the whole thing down in one go and wiping her mouth after a satisfied burp.

Venus closed the fridge and tossed the bottle into the bin then suddenly remembered she didn't actually lock the door, she walked over to it to see it was still unlocked which signified that Aria indeed did not return here cause she would have locked it herself. But she still lock it and just opened it to go outside to seat on her rocking chair with her legs crossed, it seemed she would be staying here for quite a bit....


In an extremely messy but spacious and well designed luxurious room lay a red headed figure with his face up and his mouth wide open in a snore, on his right arm was a very particularly strange red tattoo. He turned around in his bed and began muttering something in his sleep while smiling;


The alarm blared and then in an instant he was up like he had heard a gunshot or something, he slowly turned his gaze to the blaring alarm clock, with the gaze at which he looked at it you would think he was looking at the most Vile disgusting thing that can ever be conceived. The absolute hatred in that gaze was chilling, he stretched his hand down and stopped it then face palmed himself hard. His dream, HIS FUCKING DREAM!, that was the best one he's had in forever.

He took in an extremely deep breath and ran his hand through his head as he collapsed back onto the bed rubbing his eyes and then got up from the bed, pushing the slide door open and heading towards the kitchen to make some toast and taking a drink to down it when he's done. He walked towards the balcony of his house with one extra toast in hand and in his shorts taking in the view of the outside..."Ah, I remember now. Didn't the old man call me for something, I can't remember what it was exactly, was too drunk" he rubbed his chin in thought "probably should go ask the old man again" he ate the final piece of toast and licked his fingers as he turn around to go take a bath.

He came out after a long bath with his body all dried up, he walked to the bedside an picked up a chain with a golden crucifix attached to it and then to his closet to get his clothes which was a red body hug shirt and red pants. After dressing up he began on his way, he hung his jacket over his shoulder with one hand in pocket and a lot cig in his mouth "the old man's not gonna like me smoking, but what the hell" he smiled and took a puff as he took a long walk over to the principals office.

As soon as he stepped into the building he noticed the eyes and gasps,

"Hey isn't that-" one pointed and another replied "yeah, first was her and now he too"

"For what special occasion are they here today" asked one of the staff

"I have no idea, but it's clear the principal wants them for something"

Sterling just smiled and did a light waving for them as he walked towards the receptionist and leaned against the counter flashing a smile at the beautiful blonde and well endowed receptionist before him who was also smiling looking at him. "You really haven't changed a single bit Hera, still just as beautiful" he complimented.

Hera chuckled "thanks Sterling, but I believe you have a meeting with someone now" she tapped his cheeks lightly and went back to her job. He shook his head and smiled "at least i got five seconds of attention from you this time". They both smiled and Sterling walked away to go meet the old man, he grabbed hold of the door handle and turned it "hey old-" he paused as his gaze came upon a particularly beautiful brunette girl with bangs and cup size of D. She looked up at him also, her crystal like brown iris looking into his fiery red.

"Oh, so he called you too huh" he said and closed the door, Dawn looked up and smiled "welcome Sterling" he greeted his guest and Sterling smiled "you look good old man, glad to see this job ain't drained you to the bone yet" he took the chair in front and sat down.

Dawn broke into a small laugh "well, it just might soon. If i wasn't already retiring so I'm safe after all". The two had a small conversation with each other until Sterling decided to ask "yeah Old man, what was it you called us both for, I can't remember the details". Dawn raised a brow "oh yeah that, I've already given Gretchen the gist of things" he gestured to her.

She was face down with a file in her hands not even bothering about the two before her "Gretchen dear, can you pass over to file so he can take a look" Dawn asked. She nod lightly and handed it back to Dawn who thanked her and passed it towards Sterling, then he leaned back in his chair.

Sterling took the file and opened it, two profiles were presented before him and his eyes widened in pure bewilderment. He looked up at Dawn "this.. this is damn impossible" he said. Dawn smiled and nod his head "first thought I had when I saw it also. These two are even greater monsters than both of you were in your time" he said.

Sterling looked down at their profiles again, he noticed their abilities and similarities "huh, what coincidence. They both bear abilities that are near matches with ours". Dawn nod his head to that "it's really extreme luck, which is why I picked you two as the perfect candidates for the job".

Sterling looked up at him "job?" he asked.

"Yeah" Dawn replied and gave the full details "I want you both to train them" he said leaning forward and clasping his hands together "although these two are both monsters, they are not yet invincible. The girl I sense that she's someone very much willing to learn easily but the boy has a different feel to him, he's too comfortable and casual, and although it is justified it could cause problems in the future".

Sterling chuckled "so just like me huh" he looked down at Arlo's profile again and Dawn nod his head "yes, very much like you. And there in lies the problem, there's no way those guys aren't are of these two and if these two aren't taught absolute control they may fall in trouble" he told Sterling who nod his head in agreement of this assessment.

Sterling sighed "well, I guess am thankful for this in a way. It really was getting a bit too boring out there in the world". Dawn smiled "I guess there's barely any wars left to fight huh, well who would want to fight a walking agent of mass destruction like you" he laughed.

Sterling chuckled and looked towards Gretchen "Jesus you're quiet" he remarked, she looked at him but didn't say anything as she stood up and walked out the office Leaving Sterling with a defeated look. "So I'm guessing she already accepted a long time ago huh" he closed the file in his hands and handed it over to the old man who nod his head as he collected it "yeah, and I'll bet she'll get along just fine with her own student. It's yours I'm worried about" he revealed.

"The girl's calm and reserved, a bit aloof but still will be easy to teach as strength is something important to her. While the boy reeks of pride and absolute confidence, you'll need to show him he's not invincible, only then will he be willing to learn. Oh and he's also lazy, I could see the same look you had in those eyes also" Dawn said and laughed a little while Sterling ran his hand through his hair, could this kid not remind him so much of himself.

"But at least there's something he has that you don't have, he blows you and everyone else out the water in terms of looks" Dawn laughed and Sterling just chuckled, that was something he could admit

He stood up "I probably should go meet him now, the little mini-me" he picked up his jacket and hung it over his shoulder. Dawn nod his head "when do you want training him, I'll need to create the schedule and please stick it cause I know you". Sterling did a fake cough and looked away "Just create it yourself old man and I'll look at it when I return, I just want to test him now" . He reached the door and opened it as he stepped out leaving all the work to Dawn again.

He sighed as he got right to creating the schedule, he already has the one for Gretchen "if he could just be at least a bit like her it'll be a blessing, oh my dear Gretchen, she's never given me stress at all" he shook his head and sighed again..

Meanwhile Sterling was strutting beautifully through while he took in the imagery of the place, a particularly soul catching rhythm playing in his mind. it really hadn't changed much since he last came here. Hundreds of meters up ahead he could see the boy's dorm and walked a little faster, everyone was still as active as ever. The kids saw him and some had a confused expression as if they had seen him before. He just smiled and continued his strut as he was now close to the dorm but then something happened.


Something burst out of the front wall at extreme speeds and it was blown back hundreds of meters away, probably a kilometer even. Everyone had wide eyes and looked up at the hole in front of the building and that was when they sensed it, a massive aura the just rampaged around wildly and from the hole was small figure floating coated in a flame Like golden aura emerged. It was him, the massive aura came from him, and like a wild flame it raged. Sterling looked on at the boy in surprise, that's the kid he's coming to meet but something was off here. The boy was panting, his face was flushed and his forehead was full of sweat, his gaze dropped to his mouth to see a line of blood at the edge of it.

Even more surprising for everyone was when the Aura around the boy just went off and he fell down to the ground all of a sudden, but someone caught the boy before he could hit the floor. Sterling looked down at the boy, his body felt so damn hot. What exactly was happening to the kid he wondered and turned around as he walked away from the scene.

Everyone watched as the red haired guy carried the boy away and looked up at the hole again then far ahead to where whatever it was that blown that far. What exactly just happened they all thought simultaneously.


A little gift for all of you my beautiful readers https://youtu.be/fNFzfwLM72c

SOLACEcreators' thoughts