
A god in Unordinary

Hello. My name is Arlo and I'm a god/devil and this is my journey. I have no idea what it will be like, or what I may do, whom I may come to meet because I do not possess the power to predict myself, nor do I have a set plan. But anyways, if you feel like you want to join me, then welcome. Let's see where my mind takes me in this Journey of mine. Eternity is an awfully long time you know. (I will also be posting this story at RoyalRoad.com Here's the link to my profile Ghost_Of_the_Uchiha)

SOLACE · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 5: Rocked World.

[A/N: Warning, something triggering might happen in this chapter. But worry not, justice will be served]

Venus took Aria to her room and carefully undressed her then tossed away the dirty clothes as she began her healing procedure, a translucent yellow oval shaped field of energy formed around Aria's whole body. The shield flowed like water around her as Venus healed each and every part of her then stopped the process as she heaved a sigh and brought the blanket up to cover her naked form, when she wakes up she could select new clothes from the wardrobe closet.

She picked the dirty clothes off the floor and left the room as she got a disposable bag and threw the clothes in there, they were useless now. Venus rubbed her eyes sleepily and walked towards her own room, it's been a very tiring day for her lazy self and she needs to sleep. Although she practically did nothing but sleep all day, but for a sloth such as herself there's no such thing as too much sleep. Plus it's night so, there's her excuse if she ever needed one in the first place.

She locked her room door behind her and turned off the lights as she fell flat on the bed without a care in the world and drifted off to sleep in a matter of seconds....

Meanwhile Arlo had already returned back to the field where he fought a while ago, he could have flown all the way to the dorm but he really wasn't looking for attention right now so he just lay on the grass, thank goodness this place was far away from the main ground so any commotion that may be happening won't bother him.

Arlo closed his eyes but a glowing outline could be seen as little wisps of energy flew off the edge of his eyes, there was something he had been trying to achieve for quite a while, well two days won't count as a while actually. He had the idea yesterday and decided to try it out tonight, he manifested a ball sized golden spherical barrier above him, the one thing he noticed about his barrier was that it practically had no nature other than the property of reflection.

But even then it was just extremely pure, due to this he wondered if he could will his barrier to actually act like a particular nature. He could already turn it into something of a fluid energy shield around him but that was easy as he could even coat a fork with his barrier and throw it to do extreme damage, so coating is easy and nothing he had to train for or master by himself.

Or maybe instead of wanting it to act as a particular nature why not integrate another nature to it, it could practically accept anything he adds to it as it was just that pure. Or actually he would achieve both, it's just more fun that way.

Arlo focused on the spherical ball floating right above him, his power like everyone else's was connected to their will(mind), but the connection goes deeper than that. The soul is the very root of the power itself, the will is what drives the power so you can wield it. That's why it's called aura, it's the combination of mental and spiritual energy. Due to the existence of passives abilities are practically active 24/7 at least for those who have awoken theirs, only if more power is to be brought out shall their eyes glow.

For those who haven't awoken their passives, for most they're just something above peak human in senses and power, while some just are still far above it even without a passive especially for those encroaching the high-tier or already are one themselves.

Arlo's passive leads him to be off guard most of the time, he can't get secretly stabbed, choked, sniped or jumped because it's straight up foolish. He could snap a human in half like a twig, crush their bones with ease and straight up stop or flip a speeding train with one hand and not be moved one centimeter with just his passive state alone. In fact, a speeding train hitting him is just suicide for the train and it's passengers because all that damage will be reflected three folds greater onto it, and then there's his speed which needs no mention.

From the golden sphere floating above Arlo, little tiny wisps began rising off it, they were small and tiny at first but then they grew larger and covered more area of the sphere until it suddenly rose and turned into a full on blazing sphere of golden flames. Arlo opened his eyes and smiled at the beauty before him, he perfectly imagined the property of fire and willed his sphere to try and replicate that nature.

Flames are energy too and so was his sphere, but his flames had an advantage to them. Just as he could regulate what entered his barrier and what didn't, his new creation too had the property to burn what he wills to be burnt and leave what he doesn't. So he could engulf two people in flames but only his target will burn while the other stays unharmed.

He smirked, but it wasn't over yet. He still had his own other innate elemental nature, three in fact. Fire element which was obvious as he possess those eyes and then there's the lightning element, the last but not least was the space element. As an Otsutsuki he was naturally born with that affinity, he had no interest in trying to fuse space because that is just asking for trouble with how much work it'll take. The simpler elements were more his style, he already made his sphere imitate the fire element but how bout an upgrade.

He held his hand towards the sphere but then stopped himself, this was enough now. His flames weren't normal either and if he added the nature of his personal flames to his barrier it would be just overkill, he wasn't actually looking for invincibility just fun and his most important goal was hearts.

Incubus's although greedy and when they want power they will achieve it by all means, it mostly never happens. There's no such thing as working hard for power for an incubus because even if they don't want they will get stronger, it's just their nature and he's a cheat amongst cheat Incubus's. Easy comprehension, easy regulation, easy flow in combat, powerful mental strength, they're just born to live easily with no stress. Hence the inherent lazy nature he possesses unless he decides to do something fun or something catches his attention.

Arlo dispelled the sphere and stood up as he began his walk towards the dorm with his tail swaying gently behind him and the wind blowing his luscious and amazingly soft hair. The walk was slow as he was in no hurry and just enjoyed himself, he finally stepped into the main ground and walked until he was at the boys dorm.

The entrance door wasn't locked so he just pushed it open, took the stairs up and head straight to his own room, as he passed different room along the hall he heard noises and discussions, of course everyone wasn't asleep yet. He finally reached his own room and reached for the handle but then stopped just before turning it */this is truly stupid/* he thought and pushed the door open as he didn't lock it in the first place.

He closed the door behind him and looked up at the uninvited guest sitting atop his bed with his legs crossed and playing games with the iPad that had been prepared for him, a particular sound was made by the phone indicating he had lost the game. Adam sighed and dropped the pad carelessly as he looked straight at Arlo and smiled "don't mind me coming in will you".

Arlo said nothing and just stared at him, Adam clapped "good, so there's no hard feelings" he dropped his legs down and walked towards Arlo as he stooped down a little gazing straight at Arlo "so, you're Vincent's new successor huh. You've got quite the composure, and your calmness is quite impressive" he held his chin and praised as he gazed at Arlo from head to toe "Oh, a tail too huh, and your Aura is quite weird, i guess he really did find another abnormality" he stood upright and looked down at Arlo.

His eyes glowed as he unleashed the full presence of his power while still looking carefully at Arlo's expression but there was nothing, not a single bit of discomfort, fear or anything at all. Just a complete apathetic look, he nod his head mentally "truly truly impressive kid, quite abnormal indeed" he stopped the release of power and walked back to the bad to sit and cross his legs "Do you know who i am Kid" he asked and smirked when Arlo nod his head in reply.

"Well it seems Vincent spoke to you about me huh, did he also tell you he's sending you to your death". Arlo raised a brow in confusion but Adam just kept smiling "I'll break the news to you kid as I'm sure Vincent hasn't, in one year from now Vincent's leaving and as the next strongest male in line i get to inherit his spot as King. You have monstrous potential kid, it's present in your Aura but you can't hope to match me in one year. Doesn't matter the amount of training or how many life and--

Adam froze in that thought as a new possibility entered his mind, weren't life threatening instances the best fuel to explode potential. It certainly has happened before, an average potential can probably rise up by two levels at most in an instant. The geniuses on the other hand, what about the abnormal monsters still amongst the geniuses.

He looked down at Arlo, so that's what Vincent really hopes to achieve huh. Even though the amount of times where someone's potential exploded could be counted on one hand it still doesn't mean it's not a possibility and with abnormals that possibility was far ahead of others.

He himself never had to explode his potential because he grew stronger just fine with just training and battles, although they were certainly difficult opponents he still didn't have his life on the line. But this kid on the other hand, based on what Vincent wants him to do the only way is to explode his potential. It's not certain but a possibility is still a possibility , Adam's face turned cold "what's your ability Kid" he asked.

....*/if i do something to him right now, especially at this hour, the commotion it would cause is not worth it. But my patience grows thin/*

Arlo's eyes glowed as his dome like barrier appeared around him, but this time it was different. His source barrier had a substantial change to it as it became a translucent golden flaming dome with the flames having a gentle feel to it just like a candle. Adam raised a brow. This couldn't be it, eye catching sure but this still couldn't be it. Vincent is not so simple so there must be something more, this kid probably wasn't showing him everything yet "give me a demonstration kid, what does your barrier do other than look cool" he asked.

Arlo just looked at him and said "a barrier"

"What?" Exclaimed Adam confused

"A barrier" Arlo repeated.

Adam blinked multiple times, confusion just written all over his face "are you... joking with me kid" he asked, as if uncertain.

Arlo sighed mentally "is it possible for you to continue this at noon, i really want to rest" he asked politely and with utmost calm.

Adam's eyes widened, the kid really pulled out the polite equivalent of get the fuck outta my room card huh "it seems i was wrong about you, you're really quite childish after all. And your blatant disrespect to your superior can't go about unpunished".

Arlo's face just turned weak as his shoulders drooped "please do not try anything, it's really late now and the commotion is really gonna annoy me. I'm pleading with you now" Arlo really was pleading, he's too lazy for some midnight chaos, why didn't he just sleep in the open "this will be the first and last time you ever talk to me like this kid, perhaps when you become something of an equal...but that's if you ever do so" his eyes glowed but then--

*Knock knock*

Adam looked up as he heard the sound and depowered himself, a knock was heard once more and he looked down at Arlo who opening the door. Arlo looked up to see an unexpected face he saw before, it was one of Vincent's lackeys. The lackey looked down at the kid before him "Oh, so you're back huh. Either way Vincent sent me to check if you're back inside and now that I've confirmed it my jobs done, goodnight" and so he turned around and left.

Arlo didn't close the door and just turned to Adam behind him "if you really want to stay here that bad i could leave now, if not-- he left the rest up for imagination but it was obvious either way, he wanted him to leave.

Adam gazed at Arlo for quite sometime before he just chuckled and shook his head as he stepped forward, Arlo moved out of the way so he could leave but before Adam stepped out he paused "This really will be the last time you ever try speaking to me in this tone, I've given your first and last grace today just because of your relation to Vincent. Oh and one last thing...accidents happen kid, it's a scary world we live in" he smiled and walked out.

Arlo closed the door and just floated high and looked at his bed you really cannot imagine just how mad he is right now, he was really glad he left because someone was about to get murdered. Can you imagine what sort of sin it is for another male to be upon the bed of an incubus, the one who was disrespected today wasn't Adam but Arlo himself. Although he was near breaking point with rage Arlo's face still remained one of pure apathy, he covered the mattress plus bedspread with a thinly spread barrier just like the one he applies to himself and lifted it up high.

He compressed the whole thing by force until it became an orb the size of a tennis ball then the small golden orb was set ablaze and in seconds the whole thing had become ash. There barely was any insane heat and just a serene warmness like a bonfire, but the mattress sure did burn to ashes, he pushed the orb and it's contents through the window and dropped it low into the earth. He de-summoned the orb and looked towards his wardrobe, he didn't care if someone saw a small floating orb phasing through the window.

His wardrobe was a practically just a whole new apartment in itself with how big it was, he flew inside it and went to the section marked for mattresses, he selected a new one and a new bedspread then pulled them outside with his ability.

Arlo set them correctly and gently fell onto his bed as he closed his eyes to rest, he would be starting school tomorrow. As free and careless everyone was they still needed to pay attention to school, especially the royals because they would be the ones leading in the future as the strongest amongst everyone. If they do not possess the knowledge to go along with power then how would they manage to maintain order, there's no such thing as world peace but at least order is achievable for most of the world.

[Meanwhile in the girls dorm]

Seraphina had settled in nicely into her room which she shared with someone but it seems her roommate hadn't returned yet, she barely spoke a word to anyone. All everyone was interested in knowing was her ability and power Level which she said to them directly, of course the laughter came soon after she became the focus of attention for quite sometime.

She was calm and composed through it and just stayed up in her room the whole day, she heard some talk about a tournament but it wasn't any interest of hers. Instead what she did was do some hours of study and then rest her mind so she could be in perfect condition for school tomorrow. She wasn't supposed to ascend to a position as a royal yet, her mother said it would be too early. But if she somehow couldn't avoid it then she would have no other choice but to take on the new challenge before her. Her goal was to be the strongest and to be perfect in everything she sets her mind to, she thought of the other boy who she came here with and wondered if the boy was like her also. His name was Arlo as she remembered, he was very strange in a way that it ticked her still curious mind, she put her thoughts to the back of her mind and slept peacefully...


Everyone was awake now and some were rushing to use the bathroom both girls and boys, it was a waiting turn for roommates as one had to bathe first before the other. The others who weren't in a rush just slept more or they were awake and doing something else, the classes were mixed and not segregated this time around.

Meanwhile on Arlo's side of things there was a little problem, he just realized how young he was and dreaded exactly what class he had to attend. He couldn't find anyone as young as him here but still, or does this mean he actually isn't gonna attend one and could just hang around. He had knowledge and a mind and power far surpassing his age so in no way would he stand being put with toddlers.

..Why exactly didn't he ask anything again..he face palmed but then he looked up. Yup, he was sure of it now, all he was going to do was roam around. He already has advanced knowledge and his grades are gonna be generated as A's, he already studied classes above his level, did their exams and passed them.

He's practically on vacation as there's nothing he had to work for, until he reaches a particular age then he'd actually start attending school again. Probably from age eleven, although he'd be practically doing what he learnt before it didn't mean he still couldn't learn new things. His crazy mind had a knack for "deleting" things he deemed unimportant even though he naturally had an actual limitless, photographic and permanent memory.

He could freaking create a pure and complete universe from just his knowledge alone if he still had the power although that knowledge is sealed and he can't use it now since he has no need for it but still, the fact that just forgets stuff somehow, the mind of an Incubus is truly something indeed. He fell back on his bed, he wasn't ready to do anything other than be lazy right now, training classes aren't starting anytime soon also....

Aria woke up to the morning to find herself naked and on a bed, of course panic was her first instinct as she flew out of bed and on guard with the bedspread wrapped around her. It took some seconds before she recognized exactly where she was and dropped her guard, she held the bedspread closer ti herself and dragged it along as she entered her wardrobe to select new clothes but before she touched her clothes it hit her that it was morning and she also didn't come here herself.

She suddenly remembered the fight last night and that she definitely didn't come here herself "so i guess he brought me back here himself huh" she said in a low tone and turned around to enter the bathroom. After her bath she dried her body and then prepared herself , her clothes had been selected. A white long sleeve shirt which was folded up to her elbows and then a black asymmetrical knee length skirt plus her shoes to go with it.

She checked herself In front of the mirror after she was done and stood there looking at herself for a some seconds "i hate this" she echoed but she had no other choice or else Venus would select and force her to wear something she would hate even more, at least this was satisfactory enough for Venus not to complain. She sighed and walked out the room closing the door behind her, then continued to the living room to see a curled up Venus sitting on thr couch hugging her pillow and in her PJ's watching the very thing Aria hated with every single bone in her body and deemed the greatest failure of a creation by humans..."Soap Opera" she spoke with Venom in her voice, she just couldn't stand it and she also couldn't understand how Venus watches whole seasons of that thing.

She pushed her distaste to the side and walked out into the open, Venus looked up and Aria noticed her red puffy eyes showing she had been crying. God forbids she bothers to ask or care about it, this has happened one too many times already "oh, quite the early bird aren't you Aria" she called and paused her show then looked up and smiled at Aria who gave no reply and kept a straight face throughout as she head towards the exit.

Venus chuckled inside and held her hand when she passed by the couch "No no no it doesn't work like that dear Aria, how did it feel fighting him. Are you satisfied now, tell me" she looked straight into her eyes.

....."It was annoying" she replied, a bit of irritation present in her tone but Venus smiled "I'll bet it was, you were knocked out cold with torn clothes and broken bones. Your ribs were fractured too, it must been quite the beating you took huh, and he still went easy on you at that". Venus just kept on adding more salt to the wound but Aria just looked down at her with an impassive look "it's not working Venus" her tone was just normal and showed no hint of anger nor annoyance which made Venus not happy at all as she pouted "your thick skin is really growing huh".

Aria smiled "your losing Venus, perhaps you need to up your game a bit" she said smugly and walked towards the exit but before she leave Venus spoke again.

"If you see him again perhaps you should thank him for bringing you back and not leaving your body outside. He's such a gentleman isn't he, taking your broken body back home after a nice beat down, a real gentleman indeed" Venus smiled, her eyes closed as she nod her head in admiration.

Aria was silent..."i probably will thanks" she answered with a smile and left leaving Venus with immense frustration, she hated her new thick skin, it was draining the life out of her.."Bah! Stupid Aria, you could have just taken the bait, It's..that..simple". She stressed and got up still hugging her pillow tightly and walking towards her room and closed the door then walked and dropped her pillow atop the bed as she knelt down to reach her hands underneath.

After some seconds of throwing her hands around searching she found what she was looking for when her hand tapped it so she immediately grabbed onto it and pulled it out. It was a beautiful black, thick rectangular box and was fairly big and wide "and now that you've frustrated me Aria, i have no other choice than to release that frustration with..something else". She smiled and opened the lid of the box, mama's gonna be really busy this morning.

But before she could get down to it she suddenly heard a loud knock on the door and looked up "Who in the world is that" she dropped the box and slid it back underneath the bed then got up to go check */am i being called/* she wondered as she reached the door and opened it.

Venus froze when she saw the figure before her, it was someone unexpected and not in the good way No. It was in the make your stomach curl with pure disgust type of way, suddenly it was like what was standing now wasn't Venus but a dead doll as all emotions drained and all that remained was an empty husk of a being with a fake smile to mask her real self.

The said cause of her disgust was a brown haired man with light brown eyes and an average face with a scrubby beard and damaged nose. "Ahhh, mi corazon" the man before her smiled and rubbed his thumb on her beautiful delicate face "i saw Aria leaving and decided to come keep you company, did you miss me baby". Venus gazed straight into his eyes still donning her fake smile and pulling in every bit of her will to push down her boiling disgust with how creepy this bastard was. Almost no one came here due to how far away it is from the main ground, the bastard had been watching from somewhere the whole time. "Yeahh, how thoughtful of you Misasa, I've missed you too" her emotionless tone was masked with fake delight.

He leaned forward to kiss her but Venus stopped him by placing a finger between his lips and hers, "let's go inside, there's no rush" she smiled beautifully at him which made Misasa's hear beat in excitement, he loved that beautiful smile of hers though he knew it was fake, he loved everything about her, her body was the greatest and it felt so overwhelming every time he was inside of her.

He grabbed her hand, his demeanor changed as a predatorish smile formed on his lips "let's not waste any more time Venus" his tone had changed, his true colors were shown as he picked her up and placed her on his shoulders as he strode inside the house with a smile on his face and slammed the door shut.

He walked into her and threw Venus onto the bed with a grunt, she had no change in expression and just lay there as if dead and lifeless but Misasa was just grinning like a mad man as his heart beat madly in excitement . He took a step forward"Now-


"Hm?" He raised a brow and looked down as he felt his feet hit something, he scrunched his brow as he saw a little black thing poking out from underneath the bed "what's this" he stepped back a bit and knelt down to see the curious thing. Venus for the first time allowed a real emotion come up on her face as her eyes widened when she saw Misasa holding a black box in his hands "no" her voice was so low and could have been mistaken for her breathing by even the keenest of ears.

Misasa looked up in time to notice the small change in expression of Venus but it was gone again the next instant, he looked down at the box in his hands then up at her again. He smiled "what secrets do you have in here dear Venus, for a moment there i could have sworn i say a real em pop up. Let's see if i can bring it back again shall we" he slowly began opening the lid


He paused and looked up "why" he still was slowly pushing the lid open, Venus gazed straight into his eyes "i had something quite special in mind for you today, but it may not happen if you open the lid after all" said Venus making her tone a little sensual.

Misasa smiled "Okay" he dropped the box and pulled his pants down after unbuckling, then also removed his shirt and finally pulled down his boxer shorts. He laid down on the bed and crossed his arm behind his head "Alright, show me Venus, what is the special you have for me today" he urged.

Venus moved closer and crossed over him, Misasa watched with eager eyes as her delicate warm hands traced over his cock, it was barely crossing into the 7inch boundary and it's girth was just normal . His breath hitched when she suddenly gripped it and he curled his toes when she began pumping it.

Venus's eyes glowed as her hand became engulfed in a fluid yellow energy, Misasa's eyes widened as he felt immense pleasure wash over his cock and he bust the greatest nut of his life. It was as if his soul left his body and he was now ascended into a heavenly space, Venus scrunched her face in disgust as some of it caught on her face. She opened the bedside wardrobe and brought out a roll of tissue to clean it up, after she was done she looked down at Misasa who still looked to be in heaven "so pathetic truly" she whispered silently under her breath.

Seconds later Misasa came down from his high and blinked multiple times as it just hit him, he really just burst in one stroke, he felt immense shame. It didn't even matter that it felt good, the fact remains that he did burst in just one stroke. He got up and grabbed Venus by the throat as his eyes glowed "what exactly was that Venus" he was deeply mad right now, when he saw she wasn't responding he held her tighter "TELL ME!!" he yelled.

Venus finally cracked a very small smile "why are you mad Misasa, didn't it feel good. Or are you ashamed at how good it felt that you- <Choke>

"It seems you've grown bold Venus, you think I'm someone you can embarrass huh, well I'll show you" he smacked her hard onto the bed with the back of his free hand, Venus made no sound of discomfort even though her cheeks were burning from the hit. Misasa savagely ripped apart her clothes with his strength and grabbed her throat in a chokehold once more as he got right into the act.

But a problem arose, in the heat of it while he tried to push his cock into her he noticed his mostly flaccid cock had no energy to do the deed and so this made for a very comedic scene when he found out he couldn't penetrate her. Even with her current state Venus couldn't help but chuckle, but it was this very small involuntary act of hers that took Misasa's boiling rage over the edge as he grabbed her by the throat and roared angrily as he flung her hard over to the wall and panted heavily in pure rage

A loud bang was heard as the side of Venus's head banged hard against the wail which sent her into a small blackout shock as she fell down unconscious to the ground, a second later a pool of blood began forming under head head. Misasa's eyes widened as he panicked "No, Venus... VENUS!!" he rushed down from the bed almost tripping and dragged down the bedspread unintentionally with his feet which he got rid off after a frustrated grunt and knelt down before her body, his hands trembled as he continuously called her name silently. His mind raced, she couldn't die, the repercussions was too great if he's ever found out. What about a healer, there was not a single soul close by for Kilometers unless he gets to the main ground.

But he was torn between what explanation to prepare when he takes her over to get healed, and what if she wakes up after being healed, will she rat him out. No, she won't. Because she herself also will suffer once he reveals the hidden card he uses against her, if he would fall he'll make sure she falls with him. He looked at the growing puddle, how does he even contain-- he got up looking for a towel to wrap around her head and when he found one he raised her head up to warp it up, his hands getting soaked in her blood during the process. His heart thumping loudly in his chest from pure terror of the repercussions if she doesn't make it */oh god oh god oh god/* he chanted mentally as he got up again and hurriedly put on his clothes with his same bloody hands and knelt down to lift her up but then paused when he saw her paling skin and knelt down to feel her breathing and check her pulse, his eyes slowly widened in realization

No, he was wrong. She can't make it, the distance is too long and he doesn't have a speed or enhancement ability, how does he even carry her right while running so it doesn't get worse on the way, he may not even make it to a hundred meters before it's over, his brain Just got stuck on every possible negative thing and the longer he thought about them the more his hopes faded away;

*//She's not gonna make it, she's not gonna make it, she's not gonna make it//* that thought was what rang the loudest in his head until he came to the final thought */I have to get out of this place/* and so he concluded on a final note and looked around in panic then looked down at his clothes and hands which were stained with blood.

He started feeling a little light headed and nauseous but he steeled himself and turned to look at her wardrobe closet, he walked towards it and opened it as he looked for clothes suitable to be worn by him and once he found one he closed it and turned back to give a last look at Venus's cold form before he got himself back and moved fast to get a towel before he head into the bath to wash the blood and it's stench off him.

He had to be as fast as he could as he couldn't trust when Aria might come back, she could be here at any moment even though classes are currently ongoing. He got straight into the bath and stood right beneath the shower, letting the water run as he thoroughly washed the blood off his body. Due to the sound of the rushing water and his disorganized senses he couldn't hear the sound of a knock, a couple of seconds later silence ensued and the knocks died down....<Click>.

Misasa finished his bath and dutifully dried his body before rushing out and heading straight towards the wardrobe closet, his head had an involuntary slight turn but it was just for a moment. He reached the closet and put his hand forward on it then paused as he turned around fully this time to see a blonde haired small figure kneeling besides Venus's body with a tail swaying behind him, he scrunched his brow then rubbed his eyes to be sure of what he was seeing. Lo and behold it was true and not an hallucination, */a kid?/* he looked down and noticed the figures hand glowing yellow with a fluid energy field around it. Then the figure did something surprising, he raised Venus's head up with utmost gentle care then kissed her right on the lips.

From Venus's neck to her face small golden veins began visibly pulsing and the same phenomenon was happening to the small figure also, it looked like something was flowing into her from him. Seconds later the figure broke the kiss and for a moment Venus's eyes fluttered and opened ever so slightly for a second before closing back and falling softly into the figures hands.

A translucent golden seemingly flaming dome structure appeared around her body with his hand somehow phasing through it, then more of it rose up from the ground to form a complete sphere which Venus suddenly began floating in. And so the figure pulled his hand out and finally stood up, somehow for some reason Misasa couldn't find the will to speak, not even a sound.

Something just felt off with the figures presence who he presumed to be a kid, he didn't know who this guy is but he's been discovered and he cannot let things be now. He had no idea what he did to Venus just now but the fact remains that he sure as hell wasn't free. And "Who--

He stopped in his tracks as the figure turned around and looked straight at him, he couldn't quite put his finger on it but those eyes, they seemed off. And he never could have imagined in his life that someone this good looking could possibly exist, but somehow eyes like those seemed unworthy of belonging to such a face.

"Hmm, so it was coming from you huh" the figure spoke in a low, calm tone. And then to Misasa's surprise the kid levitated up with the same golden thing around him, Misasa's senses we're sent into high overdrive alert as he stepped back and activated his power on instinct which suddenly turned him into some sorta rocky armored thing with a dark brown aura rising off him. The kid was unfazed and came closer to him and it was then that Misasa remembered, he was literally a 3•8, there's nothing he had to fear from such a young boy. The weirdness is all he had going for him and his disheveled mind was just being overly paranoid.

He smiled after his conclusion and finally calmed down as he stood properly "heh, sorry kid, i don't know who you are but i cannot allow witnesses. Don't know who sent you here or how you know her but I'm sorry" his eyes radiated madness and paranoia as he opened his palm and created an earth spike that stretched forward at insane speeds towards Arlo's chest.

But the moment the spike touched Arlo, Misasa's eyes widened in shock as his spike shattered on impact. He exclaimed and instinctively grabbed onto his chest. He was surprised when he felt a warm liquid trickling down his hands and looked down to see the hole in earth armor and chest. His earth armor began receding into nothing as he gurgled and gagged from pure reflex, coughing up blood which flowed up , he began trembling and sweating profusely "h--help, i can't <Wheeze>, how did". He looked up at the floating Arlo before him, the kid had no change in expression and just was extremely calm.

Arlo came down to and kneeled before him, then stretched his arm forward as he placed it on Misasa's chest. His hands glowed and the ghastly gaping wound began healing, in a matter of seconds it was totally done. Instantly Misasa heaved a huge breath of relief as he checked his chest then moved back in pure terror, ow was he this kid able to heal him. What the hell kinda freak is this boy, Arlo rose up and turned around to face Venus, then pulled the sphere towards him. He shapeshifted the sphere to become an oval form as he took her into the bathroom and let her under the shower, he didn't have to deactivate his power since he could regulate what passes through and what doesn't so he just let the water run freely.

He floated up and brought his hand to her head, making sure to thoroughly wash the blood out, the floor turned faded red with blood which was washed away with the pouring water. Meanwhile Misasa out in the room was just confused, he wanted so badly to escape now but he was just too scared and uncertain to make a move. There's no way he can affect him right, or does this freak just not care one bit if he escapes or not. He gulped, and decided to take a risk, his life was on the line if he didn't.

Misasa looked at the room window and back at the bathroom, then with extreme care he began moving. He didn't care that he was still naked all he knew was that he had to escape, the price of being caught is a fate worse than death by the principal of this place.

"It'll be really advised you not try that" said Arlo from the bathroom.

Misasa froze for a moment but he had a determined look the next instant as his eyes glowed and he instantly rushed for the window but he just suddenly collided against a dome that appeared around him.


He exclaimed as his own damage was reflected back three times as powerful into his own body, shattering his bone and damaging his insides. He keeled forward to cough blood as twist marks appeared around his arm spurting blood, he held his limp damaged arm and turned around to see Arlo coming out with a fully washed and naked Venus floating behind him, he walked towards her closet and selected a new bedspread and a blanket.

He took off the old one which had been stained with what Arlo identified as sperm and compressed it with his ability then burnt it to ashes and took it out the window all the while setting the new bedspread while he disposed of the ashes by dumping them into the earth.

After he was done setting the bed, he set her down gently on the bed and covered her naked form with the blanket. With this task done he finally turned to face Misasa who was leaning against the wall gritting his teeth and sweating profusely from both fear and pain, "please, I'm sorry for what i did to Venus, i swear it was an accident, i have no idea who she is to you but please let me go" he begged as tears came flowing down his eyes later, who would ever have imagined that someone so young could be this monstrous, but all he wanted to do was survive right now. "I have a fam--

"Stop" Arlo spoke in a slightly irritated tone as the patheticness before him was just becoming an eye sore, and his ears were gonna get irritated too if he didn't shut up. Misasa who still had some sense in him left obeyed and kept quiet, Arlo sat at the end of the bed and looked straight at Misasa.

This bastard really was radiating such poisonous negative energy that it actually came up on his radar, he was a demon so of course he's highly sensitive to negative energy, it was a delicacy and although he very much has such poor senses and power now that his radar is restricted to just at most 10 Kilometers he never managed to get a good hit on his radar due to how low the negative energy was and that he never paid attention if it somehow came because he didn't manage his radar. But this fool came on like a big blip on it, so big it was actually forced to the main active conscious of his mind. Although he was pretty surprised when he found out it was actually originating from this place which just made him even more curious as wondered the cause. But when he perceived the smell of blood with his heightened senses he immediately knew something was wrong hence why he went against Venus's wishes and came in the same way again.

And he still didn't know whether to be thankful or really annoyed at receiving such high amounts of negative energy, toying with creatures to create and extract massive amounts of negative emotions was like a drug to a demon. It was just for pure fun and he's not interested in that yet, but the negative emotions he felt was still fed to him whether he liked it or not, well not him exactly but more rightly his eyes. The Sharingan to be exact, it's like in cultivation worlds. Adding and compressing more power into your base to create a greater foundation and a much stronger potency beyond those at the same level for when you ascend or something like that he never tried paying to attention to cultivation realities. But it was like that either ways, even though he removed most of his divinity this was something he couldn't affect in any way, sealing didn't do much other than lessen it's effects to immensely pathetic levels.

He heaved a mental sigh and looked back at Venus then back to Misasa.."i have no idea what's the relation between you and Venus but you almost--No, you did break the rules. I'm not interested in passing judgement, nor is it my place right now so i'll leave it to the ones in charge. In the mean while;

A 2 meter tall dome erected around Misasa and Arlo stood up, Misasa panicked and moved back "No please" he begged as he vegan panting heavily the closer Arlo got to him, he instinctually activated his ability again and tried to attack Arlo but he remembered the weird thing that already happened before and stopped himself at the last minute.

Arlo still with a passive look stepped into the barrier and stood before the cornered Misasa "I have to sleep so be quiet and let me end this quick" said Arlo, his tone carrying a lazy feeling behind it. Misasa was about to plead once more but was caught off guard when Arlo placed a foot onto his knee and then pushed down shattering it one go.

He immediately went on a rampage and yelled at the top of his lungs from unbelievable agony, his hands grabbed onto his thigh and tears streaked down his cheeks as saliva flew around but Arlo wasn't finished yet. Although Misasa was extremely slippery right now it didn't matter once he stepped his foot onto his other knee cap holding it forcefully in place and without warning crushing it the same as the first.

The pain was immensely intensified for Misasa who cried and yelled in pain, trembling, sweating and flailing like a fish out of water, plus the pure terror he felt at the light kid in front of him only amplify these feelings. Arlo still wasn't done, with a bored look he caught both arms arms of Misasa, holding him by the elbows. And Misasa in his clouded mind full of pain and agony could still somehow understand exactly what was about to happen, he couldn't even get the chance to speak a word before but his elbows were crushed. Andcrushed with such force that Arlo looked to be squeezing anything but human flesh and bones.

And Oh his scream was glorious, Arlo had now fully disabled this guy and walked back out of the dome. The moment he crossed the dome the sound of Misasa's screams stopped, he looked at the wailing Misasa with a satisfied look, he could leave now with worrying his escape. He looked back at Venus once more and then walked out of the room, his ability was going to be active for quite a while but It doesn't matter, she'll be the one to deal with him once she awakes and there was no range to how far he could maintain hold of his power.

Arlo walked out of the house to meet with quite another surprise, before him stood Aria whom he was sure she's skipping classes now. The two locked gazes and Aria did something that very much surprised him; "Thanks" she said.

Arlo raised a brow and she finished "for bringing me back here" then she walked past him right into the house not even waiting for his response if there was gonna any at all. He cracked a small smile and flew away at amazing speeds, Venus would most probably explain the weird situation to her if she does enter her room.

Meanwhile inside the house the first thing Aria looked to was the couch and the TV, she concluded that Venus was most probably sleeping in her room. She entered hers and changed into something more comfortable and walked out of the house again, perhaps a little practice of her abilities before she returns back to class, and so she head back into the filed where she trained last night....

[Somewhere on the main ground]

Up atop the roof of a building stood Vincent and next to him was Adam, it was extremely spacious and quiet this high up which is why this place was reserved for royals alone. It gave them the opportunity to think and give them a small break from it all, "how was your meeting with my successor Adam" asked Vincent as he enjoyed the cool breeze.

Adam smiled "quite informative, he's quite the rebellious spirit" he answered and Vincent hmmd while nodding his head, he turned around "Adam, I'll give you your freedom to try what you want. But just know, that if it ends up backfiring on you, then do not come to me for help. Because I won't be able to at all" he smiled and began walking away.

Adam looked up at Vincent "what exactly do you mean Vincent" he asked as something just felt extremely off about Vincent's aura today. He paused and looked back at Adam "oh you'll find out Adam, but you may not like how you do so" he walked away, his mind flashing back to the call he received from the principal himself. "Heh, a real surprise indeed" he shook his head and smiling as he descended down the stairs from the rooftop.

Adam was now left alone atop here but still was feeling weirded out, he's known Vincent for years but today he felt entirely different than the Vincent he's known, it's like...it's almost like...fear?. No, not exactly that, worry? He just couldn't put his finger on it but it was there, something he's tasted before when he first saw 'That' guy. He finally knew what it was, actual disbelief, like his world's been shaken to the very core. "What exactly happened, I need to find out what he means" said Adam to himself as he too walked away and began his descent down the stairs.
