
A glimpse of you

Meet Phoebe Michaels,all she wanted to do was ace her final year and leave highschool behind, with her perfectly orchestrated routine,all of that is thrown into the mud after one silly highschool party. The school badboy took interest in a certain feisty girl after his first glimpse of the girl behind the glasses,what if He wants her to be His but she's unwilling? How far would He go for her........ How long would she harbor hate for him? Find out in this edge of the seat highschool novel.

Dramaqueen1202 · Teenager
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Chapter One " Please Pheebs if you do this I promise not to bother you about anything else,ever again." Sheryl, Phoebe's friend drawled continuously. " I can't Sheryl I have to do my homework

" Please Pheebs, if you do this I promise that I won't bother you with anything else...at least not till the end of the week." Sheryl, Phoebe's friend drawled continually.

" I can't Sheryl, I have homework to do in preparation for my Monday prep." Phoebe declined the offer once again. She had a test so she couldn't think of a silly party.

" Can't you clear your schedule, just this once, I mean Monday is still two days away." Sheryl reminded her.

" But tomorrow I have to study for my History test, you know..... the one that was given to us by our teacher." Phoebe folded her arms tauntingly.

Sheryl plonked down on the Queen sized bed behind her dejectedly." Forget about reading for that test I know you'll ace it" She smiled cheekily.

Phoebe patted Sheryl's shoulder softly." Sorry I can't help ya, my mind is already made up, I have alot to do and I don't like parties anyway."

Then she strutted into her bathroom for a quick shower, she was already running late on her morning reading session at the school library.

Afterwards Phoebe came out and found Sheryl in the same spot she had left her, and eyed her in suspicion.

" Pretty please Phoebe," Sheryl gave her the puppy eyes.

Phoebe frowned at her disapproving behavior, basically she was being nagged by her bestfriend, and she wasn't enjoying it." You know that doesn't work on me, right?" She proceeded into her walk-in closet to get dressed.

Sheryl paused her lips, and gritted out," I hope it would.... one day..... eventually." She mused to herself.

Phoebe picked her outfit for school, a halter neck black crop top, atop a blue denim jeans coupled with a matching denim jacket, and a pair of black converse.

Then she wrapped up her hair in a high ponytail held back with a scrunchie. She wasn't a fan of makeup so she just added lip gloss to her originally ruby-colored lips.

" You look gorgeous, Pheebs." Sheryl praised amidst smiling.

Phoebe returned the smile, and laughed cheerless like at the end." I already know that since 'someone'..." She air-quoted with her fingers ".... keeps reminding me."

" I know it's a ploy to make me attend Christal's party but I ain't buying it." Phoebe noted smugly." My answer is still a capital NO." She popped the last word for emphasis.

" Oh come on Pheebs, can't you take a compliment without thinking that I have ulterior motives, besides one party can't hurt anyone, can it." Sheryl whined over and over.

Phoebe snorted as she sauntered down the stairs." One party can't kill anyone." She mimicked Sheryl, then stopped abruptly in her steps making Sheryl bump into her head first.

" It's not gonna hurt anyone, except those who will fail the history test, you know how much Mr Parker hates students, but still teaches anyway." She continues walking.

" I don't care about some dumb test." Sheryl yawned out, as if the mere prospect bored her.

" Dumb? " Phoebe paused in her tracks, with her mood changed. " Is that what you really think it is.... I don't see any reason in following you to that effing party,if you think a test I wanna study for is dumb."

Sheryl then realized her slip." I didn't mean it in that way, Phoebe, I meant it like it's way too easy you know, since you are smart and all,so... you don't even need to read."

Phoebe ignored Sheryl's words and took an apple from the fruit bowl at the dinning table, she bit aggressively into it and trashed it afterwards.

They both got into Phoebe's car and she began driving for school.

" If I forgive you, will you stop talking?"She asked Sheryl whom nodded almost immediately, before remembering that Phoebe's eyes were fused on the road unwaveringly.

" Yes Pheebs." Sheryl then used her words.

" Alright I will pardon you this time around, just don't do it again, and leave me in peace to drive without distractions..... wouldn't be too hard right?"

" I won't, I promise." Sheryl pulled her into a hug, resulting in Phoebe momentarily losing control of the steering wheel. They pulled apart when Sheryl noticed a car speeding towards their direction. " Watch out Pheebs! " She shrieked in fright.

Phoebe swerved the car suddenly, jerking Sheryl up and setting her in a state of panic. " That wasn't so bad." She directed her gaze towards Sheryl whom was terrified.

" I think it's best you keep your eyes on the road." She replied.

Phoebe was stunned." Keep my eyes on the road? weren't you the one that always I focus way too much on the road"

" I know. But people change and there's need for change in life, it's continuous and stuffs like that." Sheryl wrapped her hands around herself and tried to steady her breath