
first indirect meeting with president

hope fully our little princess Ms. Priya is not afraid now because a man and a lady are coming to elevator. but the lady with that man said to Ms. Priya .....

lady - " who are you , and why are you here ? ."

our sweet little princess is shocked and thinking that why this lady asking me this question very angrily. but Priya replied with a cute smile.

Priya - "hello , ma'am I am Priya , I am here for my joining".

but this lady is still angry and she's going to say something to her but that man stoped her and pointed her to get off from the lift. she just follow the order of that man and after that lift get closed. now Priya and that man are alone in lift.

and other side , that lady is very surprised and thinking that why president stop me to get her off from his private elevator. he never liked anyone to use his elevator . and I am his personal secretary but still he never ever allow me to come along with him in elevator . this is very surprising.