
After six month

time runs very fast now already 6th month has passed , she is very happy with her current situation and she loves it . every morning her mother wakes her up , pack her lunch . everyday her dad drive's her to company . gives her some chocolate . everything thing goes like that. after two days of her birthday a good news of her promotion come but she is not happy because it lead her to leave the country and go U.S.A the headquarter of xx entertainment company . but her parents are very they wanted her to go and explore herself . so she accepted every terms and conditions , she take flight to U.S.A . she is afraid of being alone with out her parents , half of the way of U.S.A she is cry and saying " I miss you mum , dad , grandma . love you all . I hope you all be happy ." she landed in U.S.A. her company's driver waiting for her , she go with driver and driver shows her apartment given by the company and give her keys of car .she doesn't know how to drive a car so she returns the key . after settled down she received a call from HR of xx company he says to her to come company tomorrow with the joining latter in HR department. she says ok and hang up phone.