
A Girl with Granted Wishes

I met this girl in a very unusual situation. I think she's just like any normal girl, but I think she's a little bit weird. One day, I accidentally saw her doing something I couldn't really understand. She can do something that no one else can do. Maybe she's given some kind of power. The power to grant wishes. It just felt like living in a dream world. But behind it all, there was something she hid. Something very important. Every time a wish came true, there always something precious that lost from herself. The more wishes come true, the more she loses. I don't want her to lose any more. I wish that I can help her. But I don't think it would be that easy.

PureCyan · Fantasie
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6 Chs

So Complicated

(Point of view: Miru)

Exactly as I expected, there's totally nothing here. Apparently, the flower garden had really, completely disappeared. It didn't seem that I know why either. Maybe the only answer lies within the girl at that time. But thinking about it is kind of useless, though, even the girl is not going to show herself either—she's not even here any more, I think.

It's really quiet here. Even the night it's not too late. There's catched some lights over there by my eyes. I don't know, maybe the lights come from the carnival. From what I heard, there's a carnival in town tonight. What about going around there and just having a little fun. You know, There were too many weird things happened today—no, it's already happened yesterday. The missing of the flower garden, a suicide, and I think what was going on at home was really weird too, including Grandpa himself.


Wow, there are way too many people. None of my eyes are unfilled with sight of people enjoying the carnival. It's so crowded in here, I can hardly move anywhere.

I found so many game stalls, I'm just thinking of trying them one by one. Throwing a ball dropping a can? Seems interesting. You get a chance to throw the five balls. If you manage to drop the all five cans, you'll get a special prize right up there: a, a watch? Looks pretty, though, but I guess it's intentionally for women. This game might be deliberately made for lovers—strengthening the relationship between them, for sure. Come on, show your girl how great you are! I think words like that fit perfectly.

There it is, I'll give it a try. Those five balls are now ready in front of my eyes. I'll just pick them one by one and start throwing them, and...

Oops, all five hit. Based on what is agreed, I'm entitled to the special prize. I guess there's only one special prize here, so, am I the very first winner? And, am I only the one who can hit all the cans?

Here it is. A pretty cute watch. Who do I want to give it to, though? What about wearing it myself? Hmm, looking at it from any angle wouldn't make it suits my hand. I'll just take it off. How about selling it, should I? By the way, the little girl at the flower shop yesterday, can I just give it to her?

Okay, it's decided.

I start looking around again, maybe there's something much more interesting and fun. You know, it's quite strange when you see people coming in groups, or at least a friend or a partner is accompanying you—but you're just here being alone. Like a plastic trash flying around and no one's picking it up. It just feels like that. It's so sad. Even if it's just a joke.

Walking here and there trying almost all the games. I almost managed to get all the prizes myself. But unfortunately, most of the prizes here deliberately belong to women. I feel guilty for stealing the opportunities of men who want to look great in front of their girl. Maybe, it's just a fault about me being in this such a place.

I keep walking forward until I found something drawing my attention. A fortune teller? No, I'm not even interested in that. Anyway, why are these lines so long? What's so interesting about it, though?

Wait a second, what is this? A bag? I wonder what's inside? Shopping stuff? Who would have left their groceries here, or it's just unintentionally left behind? After all, who's kind of person that even had a chance to bring groceries to this kind of place?

"Um, excuse me...."

There it is, two girls are coming here. Could this be theirs—the bag?

"Oh, is this your own stuff?"

"Uhm. Let me see. Yes, right! It's mine! Thank you!"

"How lucky it is. I just happened to find it here. Be more careful next time..."

"Uhm, sorry, and thanks~!!"

This girl is so sweet. We don't really talk much after that. Those girls immediately go while waving their hands to me. I wave my hand too to greet them back. It seems that they're so close, anyway. A bestfriend?

All right, now what am I going to do?


"I'm home!"

I finally get home. It's not too late yet. Usually Grandpa hasn't slept at this hour. But it turns out he's already snoring. Being old is such a mystery, it is sometimes pretty difficult to predict.

Well, I'm a little sleepy too. I think I also want to sleep earlier tonight.

I look at the sunflowers in my bedroom window. It seems that it's starting to wilt a little because of not being exposed to light. I'll put it outside tomorrow.


The next day.

Gosh, why is it so hot today? My class has just finished already and the sun is now directly above my head. I immediately go to the cafeteria to fill my hungry stomach, and I'm so lucky this time. There's still plenty of food in the canteen so I can satisfyingly eat.

What do you think I want to do after this? I think my classes are up for today. I still carry this sweet watch in my pocket, by the way. I think I'll just go to that flower shop again.

Gosh, the sun really wants to make my skin burns. I finally carry my bag over my head in hopes that it could be easing the heat a little. But I guess, it's kind of useless. My head might be sheltered from the hot sun, but my hands feel really tired from carrying my heavy bag.


Finally, I, out of my breath—arrive at the flower shop. I then open the door so it makes the bell above it ringing.

Uh, no one here?

"Excuse me!"

No answer. How weird. I'm pretty sure I've read the words 'open' on the front. Maybe she's back there in the garden.

I guessed it right. That little girl is there.

"What are you doing?"

"Whooaaa~!! My heart is going to burst, I'm really shocked! Can't you take it slow?"

"That was pretty slow, you know. What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at the front keeping the shop?"

"Shh...., be quiet for a while. Look!"

"What is it?"

"Did you see the bee? He's fertilizing the flower. How cute!"

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, it is!"

That is quite true. It turns out to be a little bit fun watching simple things like this. Oh, yeah, by the way, I forgot to put my own sunflowers outside. It's a bit difficult for light to reach my room, anyway. Just hope that they don't wither after the afternoon.

"Excuse me, excuse me!!"

I think someone's up there.

"Hey, someone's coming. You'd better go."

"Really? It maybe big sis!"

Big sis? The girl immediately runs towards the entrance door.


"Aina, have you been here? Since when?"

"Mmm, it's been a while. Hey, you know, the bees are blooming again!"

"Oh, really? By the way, is there anyone else in the back?"

"Yes, it is! He's the big bro I told you about yesterday!"

"I see~"


"Excuse me, sorry to interrupt."

I'm just coming this way. It feels like being called into a contest where it's now my turn to appear on stage.

"Wait a second, weren't you the one who..."

"Aahh! You're the one who lost your shopping bag that night?!"

"Eh—?! Yeah, what a coincidence, though.... I was really helped last night. Thank you!"

"No, no problem."

"Wow, amazing, it seems that big bro and big sis already know each other!"

"Oh, yeah and, by the way, may I know your name? I'm Miru. It's such a nice thing to meet you again."

"Uhm. I'm, Akari—"

"I'm Aina! Nice to meet you!"

So, Aina, that's her name. It sounds really sweet. By the way, this pretty watch, shall I give it to her now? No, I don't think this is the right time for it. Anyhow, I also don't know when is the right time to give gifts to a little kid. On her birthday maybe? But when? I don't know, I think I'll just cancel it this time. Maybe I'll do it tomorrow, or maybe, the day after tomorrow...

"Hey, hey. Instead of here, let's just go back! Big bro and big sis want to see the bees? They're so cute!"

Aina pulls the hands of both of us. Both Akari and I could only give her our sweet smile. What else can we do, however?


What sound is that?

Aah~ this watch must jumped out of my pocket. This thing lands right in the middle of the two of us. I'll just bend down and pick it up.

I don't know why, but is there something wrong with Akari? Then why is she looking at me with that strange look?

"That watch—, where did you get it from?" She starts talking. For some reason, I feel an aura of suspicion emanating from her.

"Huh—? This watch?"


"I got it from the carnival last night. I, how should I put it, it's a special prize from a game, you know, throwing balls to cans..."

No, no, wait, what's wrong? I did I misspoke or something? Why are her eyes getting wider? She seems to be taking a deep breath, as if she's about to spit something out of her mouth.


"Eh—?! Why? Cheating?"

"That's just not fair!!! A cheater!!!"

"Wait a minute. What do you mean?"

"That game, I tried really hard, though. But why are you the one who got the prize?!"


"Hey, calm down, relax, okay. How many cans did you hit, by the way?"

"Um,... that's—....


"How many?"

I can't hear it, she says in such a quiet.



"ONE!!! I only got one!! Are you satisfied now?!"

"Eh—?! Only one?"

Oh no. Her face is getting sullen.

"Well then, if you want, you can take this. I don't really want it anyway."

"Really?! Thank y—, no!! Yes, but, no!! That's not how it works!!"

"Then what do you want?"

"Hhhrrrrggghhhh!! How would I know?!!! I hate you!!!"


"Big Bro and Big Sis, why are you taking so long?"

Aina appears from behind the door like a sparrow that enters the house uninvited.

"Nothing! I want to go!!"

"Eh—?!" Aina and I almost say it at the same time.

Akari immediately lifts her bag and walks out the door. She doesn't close it that hard, though, but I could tell she really means to slam it.

Aina and I are silent for some moment.

"What happened?" Aina's sweet voice enters my ears.

"I don't know either."

"Are you guys fighting?"

"Who knows—"


I'm already, really satisfied playing with Aina. It's getting much and much late and I don't think there's nothing wrong with buying another flower. My other flower also needs a friend, right?

Everything just goes normal until I pass in front of a big tree and see an unusual figure there: Akari. I don't know what she's doing, it looks like she's just sitting there doing nothing. Then, I'll just come to her.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you go home? You still have a lot of things to do, don't you?"

If you're curious, Aina told me a little about Akari while I was with her. About her whose cooking is so delicious, smart in learning and great at planting flowers.

"About that,.....yeah, I think I should go back home now. By the way, about earlier,.....I'm sorry."


I think this problem might be closed right here.

"Never mind, that's okay. Besides, I don't really know why you want this thing so much," I pull the watch out of my pocket. "You can take it if you want."

She still looks at it in doubt. However, beyond those abilities she has, she still looks pretty childish herself.


"Yeah. Take it, you can have it."

"Then—...." She stretches out her hands and takes the watch from mine. Her face seems so happy with it.

"Thank you.....!"

"No problem."

Anyway, I got a lot of prizes from the carnival last night. You can take them all if you want, I was going to say that. But I'm afraid that she'd be pouting again.

"By the way, where's your friend—that one girl? You two were at the carnival together last night, right? You two seem really close, is she your best friend?"

"You mean Olivia? About that—...I don't know. Actually, we just suddenly met that night. We had lunch together this afternoon and, I don't know what happened either. I think she got a call from her mom and, she just left like that. It's just...."

"You're not fighting, are you?"

"I'm not sure, I think we're good. Maybe she just has something important to do. Maybe I also need to get to know her a bit more..... Anyway, I think she's such a nice person."

"I see..."


"Oh, and yeah. By the way, don't you feel pretty strange about this?"

"What's so strange?"

"Walking around with a women's watch. Anyway, who do you want to give the watch to?"

Aarrrgghhh! It feels so sharp as a knife landed right in my heart.

"About i—...."

"It doesn't seem possible either, right, if you wear this watch yourself.... However, judging from various angles, this watch would not be suitable for a man to wear. Are you that kind of sissy?"

"That—,…..I can explain..."

"Heeh~, what's wrong, what's wrong? How come you're getting such goosebumps like that? How suspicious...."

I take a deep breath. Maybe it's time for me to act as a man. I have to answer firmly. I'll show you what a real man means.

"This watch,...I want to give it to your sister."




What is this? Why does it feel so awkward? Did I misspoke or something? Gosh, what did I just SAY?!! Is there no place to hide my face? No, I feel like I just want to throw my face away! No, why don't I just die here?! At least let me rest in peace by throwing away my shame.

"Are you,....."

Oh no. She starts saying something. She looks at me with another strange look she makes. What would she say, I wonder. No, I'm not curious at all! She starts to open her mouth. What will happen, I will pretend I don't hear it. Here she is....


"...a pedophile?"

(Note: pedophile: a person who has a lustful attraction to children. It is a disorder)



That girl immediately runs that way. Damn it, does she really mean to tease me?


Just die, I feel like I just want to die right now.