
Wake up


Joe turned as fast as he could thinking that some one might have caught him or something, as he turned around his elbow hit an empty stainless steel drum that was just beside him, the steel drum landed on the floor, making a loud Noise that would wake any deep sleeper up from the deepest if his/her sleep.

"Holy shit!" He muttered when he saw that it was just a bat that had flown last the back of his head, hitting his left ear with it's wings.

For a few moments he felt like he was numb, he did not know what to do. His first instinctive thought was to bring out his phone and call Felix and the other vampires, but then he had other thoughts that where telling Him to run, Stand and fight, or just beg for mercy..

But all the same, he just stood at a point transfixed with his phone in his left hand. When he got to himself he thought it was better for him to just dial Felix's number, so that atleast if anything, happened to him, the vampires would know that Luciana and her team where not to be trusted - ever again.

He tried dial Felix's number as he placed the phone on his ear and was about to speed out of the spot where he stood. But before he could move Azrael had Lifted  him off the ground making the phone to fall out of his hands involuntarily.

Joe waggled his legs on the air as he struggled to set him self free from Azrael's grip which seemed grievously impossible. 

"Let's get out of here, He must have alerted Felix and the rest of the vampires. Luciana said as they ran  as fast as their legs could carry them away from the  warehouse. They took Joe to a dark corner in another street, that was quite far from the former street where the Warehouse had been .

When they got to the dark part of the Street, Azrael Flung Joe to the ground causing him to groan as he struggled to stand on his feet. Surrounded by every other person that was present in the dark corner.  Joe could not find a way of escape.

"Who the hell are you?" He asked Azrael as he bent a little bit panting..

"Trust me, you don't want to know." Azrael said as he brought out his wings, ready to destroy.

Joe on the other hand tried to vampire up, as his eyes turned red and his canine grew longer than usual - He stood in a position that showed that he was ready to fight, successfully hiding every atom of fear from his face.

"Let's do this big man.. just me and you, no other person is permitted to interrupt us." Joe said to Azrael.

Azrael smiled as he cracked his head, this was going to be his first fight in several years and - oh! How he had missed fighting - and killing too.


Sia, Tiffany and Detective James sat on the chairs around the bed where Sheriff Dan laid. They still held the case files as they tried to crack the case while they waited for the sheriff to wake up. Several of their co-workers had also come to check on the sheriff but they left soon after - some almost immediately - others after spending a few minutes with him.

But they all left for the same reason - the fear of the sheriff having to wake up and see them sitting idle in the hospital waiting for him to wake up instead of being in their duty posts doing their jobs.

They knew that he was a man that preferred his duty which was trying to save other people's lives, even more than trying to save his. So everyone who had come to check on him, also let no sooner than they had come.

Everyone except James and Sia who hadn't cracked their cases yet, they thought they could do it here in the hospital and at the same time watch him until he wakes up. Tiffany on the other hand being the head of the forensics did not have much work to do as she dedicated most of the works to other members of the forensic unit, while deciding to stay and watch with her friends.

Tiffany had gone down stairs to get coffee for Sia and James as they tried to crack the cases in their hands, soon enough she was back in the hospital room with three cups of coffee, she handed one over to Sia and the other to James while she held on to the remaining one.

"So how is it going guys?" She asked

"We are still running round in circles as the bodies of these blood stain in the picture have not been found anywhere, not even in the hospital mortuaries or even other police departments." James stated.

Tiffany sighed deeply. "Perhaps I should go with you guys to the site tomorrow so that I can get the bloods samples so that I can I.D the bodies and we can go to each of their households to tell them of the recent developments and maybe find out if they know anything. Probably where the where going or who they had been with." Tiffany suggested.

"Wow that would be really great!!" James said wondering why he had not thought of that earlier.

"Tomorrow we'd all go together then." He added.

Momentarily Sia hieved abruptly.

"What's wrong?" They asked her together.

"He twitched." Sia said pointing at the sheriff as her eyes widened. From the look of things when he was brought into the hospital, the doctors has said that he was going to go into coma for a few days. And here he was barely hours later already twitching.

They continued to watch on, not knowing what to do until suddenly the sheriff's eyes flung wide open as he jerked up from the bed with a very deep loud breath...


(WRITERS NOTE: Thank you all for your love and patience, “A Gift From Hell 2” Promises to be more exciting and interesting, I hope you enjoy as more updates will be posted everyday.. https://chat.whatsapp.com/KJ4wbTeFKfiJbnYnYWrzmt Click on the link to join the Whatsapp group where Thousands of other Lovers of the Book from all over the world talk about the book and bring about opinions for upcoming chapters.  

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