
Maybe try fostering first? Pt.2

"Yeah no kidding, who in their right mind would want to take such enormous puppets?" David said to the cameraman chuckling

"So, we're going to the cat adoption center, then we're going to Jay's and Gloria's house," Mitch said and David looked at him in confusion

"Ah, sorry we're going to your dad's house, right? Who's Gloria?" David asked in curiosity as Cam and Mitchell looked at David

"Ah yes, Gloria's technically my step-mom, she's Colombian," Mitchell said and David grew more confused "Yeah my dad married a younger girl, you'll get used to it," Mitchell said starting the car as David looked to his right and saw Lily smiling at him

"Insane," Lily whispered as David gulped and looked out the window

The Tucker-Pritchet Family plus David were at the cat adoption center looking at the Cat's and Cam and Mitchell were talking to the manager as David was playing with a small white cat

David had bonded quickly with it and Lily too as she came around from where Cam and Mitchell were

"What do you think? He does look like a Larry, doesn't he?" David said as Lily nodded vigorously and then David picked up the cat in his arms and they turned around to see Cam and Mitchell arguing with the manager

"What are they doing?" David asked confused and Lily shrugged her shoulders

"Drama queens," Lily said and they saw Mitchell coming towards them and grabbing Lily, and directing her towards the car David noticed that he was Cam was berating the manager

"And just so you know your depriving these animals of a stable home," Cam said to the manager and David meddle in the conversation

"Is everything okay?" David said as Cam looked at him and Cam by looking at him managed to calm himself down "Look Mr. Tucker I know you had a hard year last year, but this process isn't that complicated, just sign the sheet and they'll come just to make sure everything is okay, isn't that right?"David asked with a smile as the manager looked at him and nodded with a small smile on her face

"Yeah, trust me it's just a simple visit, not that hard," The manager said as David looked at Cam

"Besides, when the old woman from foster care comes, if she sees a pet she will be glad and give you a good review," David said to Cam as he sighed and grabbed the form, and signed it "Don't worry ma'am these guys are good animal people, I'm sure of it," David said

And as soon as he said that Mitch drive towards the sideway bumping up the car and making the puppets move in a sexual innuendo that confused the manager a little bit

"Well most of the time," David said with a chuckle as he handed her back the white cat

After a few minutes when Cam and Mitch tried to fix the positions of the puppets, David noticed that they gave up and that they were a little sad, so he got out of the car and walked to where they were

"Uh, is everything alright misters?" David asked in concern and curiosity and Cam and Mitchell looked at him

"It's fine David, nothing you should worry about," Mitchell said and Cam nodded as David looked back to the manager and then back at Mitchell and Cam

"This brought back bad memories?" David asked in a curious tone and Cam and Mitch looked at each other in uncertainty "And you also got scared about the foster care visit right?" David said and Cam and Mitchell sighed and nodded

"We're too transparent huh?" Cam said rhetorically and David smiled at them kindly

"Ah, well, I'm Latin, and I'm good at reading people," David said chuckling nervously "But misters you're doing great, there's nothing that should concern you, maybe you just need to take your mind out of things," David said and Mitch's eyes winded

"Like a vacation?" Mitchell asked as David shrugged his shoulders

"Or a day at the beach, an escapade," David said throwing ideas in the air "I'm not a baby, I don't need much to settle in, and you need a break misters, a family trip would be nice," David said and Mitch and Cam's eyes winded in happiness making David grow confused

"What?" David asked in confusion

"You called us a family," Cam said in a high-pitched voice David's eyes widen in realization and he blushed a little

"Ah, um don't get too excited, it was just a slip, anyway do whatever you want, I don't care," David said nervously and embarrassed as he went back inside the car

Mitch and Cam looked at each other happily "We got our first teenager embarrassment, how exciting!" Cam said and Mitch swatted his arm playfully

"Let's get going, we will talk about the trip and the cat later," Mitch said and Cam looked at him seriously

"Oh no Mitchell, we're getting that cat, that's a fact," Cam said and Micthell sighed in exasperation as they both entered the car and started driving away not realizing the puppets had fallen again in a sexual innuendo position

"Oh, por Dios!" David said as he was staring at the house in front of him frozen and stupefied "Are you folks rich? What in the actual hell?" David asked afraid and Micthell laughed at his reaction

"Come on, let's introduce you to the family," Mitch said and David gulped and took a step back "Don't worry, we got here earlier, for you to settle in and then we will tell them ok?" Mitch said and David sighed and nodded

"Tu puedes David, son solo personas," David whispered to himself trying to encourage himself up as the group entered the house and nobody welcomed them

"They must be busy, get yourself comfortable David," Cam said as David nodded and felt thirsty and decided to head to the kitchen for a cup of water which he figured was on the right

And when he turned right he bumped into someone but managed to grab the person's arm before they could fall over

In front of David was a tan white girl with brown eyes and silk brown hair, she was wearing a dark blue dress and a black sweater around her and some black boots, to David she was cute but he got rid of those thoughts and replaced them with concern as he helped her straighten up

"Are you okay?" David asked letting go of her arm "I'm so sorry I didn't look where I was going," David said as she saw the girl rubbing her forehead as her head had bumped into David's chest

Haley, the girl David had bumped, opened her eyes and prepared herself to berate the person who had bumped her but when she did her mind froze as she realized that the person she bumped into was really cute and she lost her words

"Hellooo? Yuhu?" Haley returned to the real world when she saw the teen in front of her snapping his fingers in front of her eyes "You didn't get a concussion, right? It would be a bad impression if I injure someone here, especially such a cute person," David rambled but Hayle heard every word and blushed a little

"Uh, who are you?" Haley asked and David who was scratching his head nervously looked down at Haley whose height of 5'1 Ft was small in comparison to David's 5'7 ft

"Ah right, name's David, David Martinez, I'm Mr. Pritchett and Mr. Tucker's ward for the time being," David said putting a hand forward "And you are?" David asked in curiosity

"Haley," The girl said grabbing his hand and shaking it "Haley Dunphy, nice to meet you, not to be rude but a ward?" Haley asked in curiosity slash confusion

"They're my guardians for the moment, I'm a foster kid," David clarify as Haley let out an ah of understanding and they let go of each other's hands

"So, good news and bad news," They heard another person say as both of them look up to see a lanky tall teen with black hair standing next to Haley "Your mom let me stay but I think my cousin Dylan might get sad," The teen said as Haley smiled and then the large teen noticed David

"Oh, I didn't know Mr. and Ms. Pritchett got a housekeeper," Dylan said and David didn't know if he should be offended or concerned about the guy's stupidity

"They didn't," David said with uncertainty and confusion and looked at Haley "Boyfriend?" He asked in curiosity and Haley nodded with a sigh and sadly like she was ashamed and didn't want to say yes

She, thanks to her experience in dating, recognized her hesitance, the boy in front of her was cute, and she knew she and Dylan wouldn't last long, so she wanted a shot with the teen in front of her, at she consider herself lucky that she was going to see him more often, clearly forgetting she was going off to college

"Shame," David said with a smirk on her face getting a chuckle out of Haley "Nice to meet you, Haley," David said walking away as Haely stared at his back, biting her lower lip in the process

"So, I'm thinking of getting a pet snake or maybe a mouse, what do you think?" Dylan said and Haley looked at him and sighed walking away with Dylan trailing behind

(Warning, Gloria's and David's conversation is going to be in Spanish, I'll try to explain it the best I can, translating what they're saying after what they say in Spanish, thanks)

David got to the kitchen and the first thing he saw was a beautiful forty-something-year-old woman pacing around the kitchen back and forth, and David first thought of leaving her alone but she kind of reminded him of the nice neighbor he had growing up so he deiced to gather her attention

"Uh excuse me, ma'am," David asked as the woman keep pacing back and forth

"No le va agradar, estoy segura que le va a dar un infarto, como pude ser tan idiota, voy a tener que cuidar a este bebe sola, por Dios, que va pensar Manny, y la familia, que estaba pensando," Gloria mumbled to herself about how she was scared of telling Jay she was pregnant and how she was pretty sure that Jay would probably get a heart attack

But she stopped mumbling when she felt someone poking her shoulder lightly and she turn around to see David looking at her in concern

"Señora esta bien? Escuche algo de un bebe y un infarto, y esas cosas no deben de ir juntas," David said referring to her mumbling and how the words Baby and heart attack together shouldn't go together

"Quien eres?" Gloria asked wondering who the teen was

"Yo? David, David Martinez," David said introducing himself and putting a hand forward as Gloria shook his hand

"Puerto Riqueño?" Gloria asked and David shook his head no

"Mexican," David said and Gloria nodded in understanding "Chileña?" David asked in curiosity and Gloria shook her head

"Colombiana," She said and David nodded in understanding

"Tiene sentido, por el acento y todo vaya," David said realizing she was Colombian by the accent and all, and then he went to the dishwasher and grab a glass, and started pouring water from the fridge "Asi que, cual es el problema? ¿Por qué esta tan alterada seño?" David said asking why she was freaking out and accidentally call her old lady and gulped in fear when he saw Gloria glaring at him, maybe it wasn't a good idea to call her old lady

"A quien le estas llamando seño, eh?" Gloria said and David chuckled nervously

"Perdon?" David said sorry trying to get out of a scolding and Gloria sighed and pinched her nose

"No, yo lo siento, este día ha sido demasiado estresante," Gloria said talking about how stressing her day was "Ni puedo creer que este hablando de esto con un niño que ni conozco," Gloria said chuckling as she was talking about how she was prepare to vent her frustration to a kid she didn't even knew

"Latinos se entienden entre ellos no?" David said talking about how Latin people should trust one another "Si le sirve de Consuelo, los señores Mitchell y Cameron son mis guardianes por el momento," David said talking about how Mitch and Cam had become his guardians for the foreseeable future and Gloria raised an eyebrow in curiosity

"Guardianes?" Gloria asked in curiosity and confusion

"Sistema de adopcion, foster kid, le llaman aquí," David said talking about how he was a foster kid and Gloria's eyes winded in realization

"Ah vaya que maravilla! Bienvenido a la familia!" Gloria said happily trying to welcome him to the family by hugging him but she stopped when she saw David taking a step back

"Eh, no me gustan mucho el contacto físico, malas experiencias," David said talking about how he didn't like physical contact and Gloria put her hands down

"Lo entiendo, un niño allá en Colombia también era así, pero su niñez era una mierd, ¡oh no!" Gloria said talking about a story of how a kid back in Colombia was like him but the kid had a rough childhood and then she stopped and realized that David was exactly like that kid

"Sip, mi estúpido padre está en prisión por abuso infantil, adivina a quien abuso?" David said with a sarcastic chuckle telling her about his past without saying too much

"Ay cariño, lo siento tanto," Gloria said with sympathy as she felt sorry for the teen in front of her

"No se preoucupe, ese pendejo recibió su merecido," David said telling her that his father got what he deserved as he rubbed the knuckles of his right hand with a sort of nostalgic look but blinked and shook his head "Bueno, cambiando de tema, que es lo que le preocupa señora?" David asked trying to find whatever was concerning Gloria exactly and decided to take a sip of his glass of water

"Estoy embarazada," She said after taking a breath and David choked up on his water surprised that she was pregnant, and coughed as he tried to clear his throat

"Ah, bueno eso explica la parte del bebe," David said talking about how earlier she was mumbling something about a baby "Eh, felicidades, te preocupa tu esposo o que?" David said congratulations to her and asked about her husband since he figured out that must be the case

"Si, eres bastante perspicaz, mi esposo no es joven, me da miedo que se asuste y me deje," Gloria said telling about her fears of scaring her husband and her fears of him leaving her

"Eh, no creo que eso pase," David said telling he didn't think her husband would leave her "Digo, el señor Mitchell y el señor Cameron me hablaron de ti, probablemente para que pudiera conectar con alguien quien sabe, ¿pero tienes un hijo no?" David said telling her that Mitch and Cam had told him about her a bit and she nodded her head "Se caso contigo y no abandono a tu hijo antes, no creo que lo haga ahora," David said telling her that her husband stayed with her other kid and that he didn't think he would leave her with this new one "Aparte es un guerito, los gueritos no hacen eso," David said joking about how white people didn't leave their kids, with a snort on his voice and Gloria sighed and chuckled

"Tienes razón, perdón por ser tan histérica, probablemente te asuste, no es una muy buena primera impresión," Gloria said shyly thinking her troubles weren't making a good first impression on David and the teen smiled at her

"No claro que no, yo entiendo, al menos te pude ayudar un rato no?" David said with a small smile on his face as he managed to calm Gloria down as she smiled at him

"Gracias, de nuevo bienvenido a la familia, te va a gustar aquí," Gloria said telling him that he would like it here with a smile as David sighed and rubbed his face

"Eso espero, si esto no funciona ya no tengo otra oportunidad," David said and Gloria moved closer to him but didn't try to touch him which David appreciate it and he knew that she wanted to hear more "Ah ni si quiera se por que te digo esto, apenas y nos conocemos," David said chuckling as he told her that he didn't know why he had such trust with her and Gloria grabbed his hand tentatively and David flinched but let her anyway

"Latinos se entienden entre ellos no?" Gloria said squeezing his hand and repeating his words from earlier and David chuckled

"Tienes Jícama? Tanta platica me dio hambre," David said telling her that he got hungry from all the talk they had been having and Gloria smiled at him

"Refrigerador, ultimo cajón," Gloria said telling him where the food that he wanted was David smiled and went to the freezer and picked out a box of jicama

"Asi que, dile a la tia Gloria tus problemas," Gloria said telling him to tell everything to his new auntie as David smiled at her with a mischievous look

"Que no técnicamente eres mi nueva abuela?" David said sarcastically and his eyes winded in fear as Gloria glared at him again because he called her his grandma "Esta bien, tia suena major," David clarified as he started cutting the jicama and eating it

Meanwhile, the rest of the family had gathered in front of the entrance as they heard Jay coming towards the house "We're back!" Phil said as he and Jay walked through the door to be welcomed by everyone

"Dad, come here!" Claire whispered forcefully bringing him close to him "Listen to me, someone is about to give you some important news and for the first time in your life, I need you to react nicely," Claire said whispering and Jay looked at her in confusion

"I always react nicely," Jay said and before Claire could continue Jay felt someone touching his back

"Happy birthday Dad!" Mitch said happily as he hugged Jay and Claire bent down to squeeze Lily's cheeks who had walked alongside Mitch to the entrance "Actually we wanted to talk to you, to the whole family, we have some important news," Mitch said and Jay looked at him with his curiosity peaked

"We're adopting a cat!" Cam said excitedly joining the conversation Mitch was preparing to scold him for forgetting about David but then he noticed that the family was gathered by the entrance and couldn't complain

"Well isn't this wonderful, that's a heck of a decision, but I know I'll love the heck of the little guy," Jay said with a smile on his face missing the look Claire was giving him "I'm just hoping that one over there doesn't get jealous," He said pointing at Stella but Manny, who was standing next to her took offense to that

"Oh this little one will be just fine now knowing where he stands," Manny said angrily "In the shadow of your new baby!" Manny said huffing and crossing his arms as everyone looked at him confused

"What is he talking about?" Jay asked confused and before anyone could offer a response everyone heard two sets of laughter coming from the kitchen, one that everyone recognized easily and the other they didn't but they realized it was a male

So everyone walked to the kitchen and the scene they found confused everyone except Mitchel and Cam, both of them were happy with what they saw because, in front of them, they saw a smiling and laughing David talking with Gloria who was also smiling and laughing

"Nah, nah, Mexico es mejor, tenemos a los mejores cantantes," David said with a chuckle as Gloria scoffed at him

"Claro que no!, nosotros temenos a Shakira, Carlos Vives, entre otros," Gloria said listing all the singers from Colombia trying to one up David

"Pero no son Juan Gabriel ni Luis Miguel," David said his singers trying to one-up her too and she laughed and shook his head "Ademas aqui los gringos comen tacos, comida Mexicana, no Colombiana, supera eso," David said cheekily of how Mexican food was better than Colombian food and Gloria grumbled

"No es mi culpa que estos gringos no sepan mejor," Gloria said grumbling making David laugh harder at her temporary loss then their conversation was stopped when they heard a clearing of the throat on their right making them turn to look there

There they saw all the Pritchett, Dunphy, and Tucker families watching them in a mix of confusion and amusement as Jay raised an eyebrow at Gloria in curiosity

"Ah Dad this is a part of the news we had," Mitch said as he and Cam Looked at the family and Mitch pointed at David "Family, this is David, he's our foster kid for the time being, he will be staying with me and Cam," Mitch said and the families eyes winded as David munched on his food to let them process it

The conversation ranged from shock to confusion, to excitement, as David kept munching on his food and looking at the family in wonder

"So, you adopt him? What about the baby you wanted?" Jay asked in curiosity as David looked at Mitch and Cam in curiosity and tilted his head

"We wanted but he made us think differently, we found something," Cam said and David smiled and stood up