
A Forbidden Romance Between Us

This novel is recommended for bird and natural furries lover! This novel is inspired by Jiang from winged warrior

DaoistPA11yQ · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Episode 2: Rescue is on the way!

{Note: This stories was included the bond between Jolly and Todd and They will save Naois from Roger like in most fairytales.And a new characters will be introduced through out the stories. Now let's get started!}

Naois woke up with a foggy mind in his head.He feels his back crack after sleeping while sitting. He stretches his arms before realizing that he was un-handcuffed! He was happy but later when he looked down, he stared at the chain on his ankle in disappointment.Suddenly, The door opened and the smell of the freshly baked beans bought Naois' attention.He looked while sitting at the side edge of the bed.Roger's henchgirl, Tina brought freshly baked beans with warm milk and set them on counter besides the bed frame.Naois stared at them with confused eye and asks

"Is that for-"

"Yes... It is for you..."

Naois look at her in awe before he stared at the bowl of the freshly baked beans.He felt well-treated under Roger's roof. But he still want to get out of there.He was worried that his sister might be alone... Staving... Or even worse... Suddenly, Tina makes a "coughing noises" to draw Naois' attention and said

"Listen here... Don't even think about trying to escape... Got it? Cause if you do, I'll make sure that kid will get the punishment instead of her brother.."

Naois flinched as he heard their threatenings.He quickly got heated and bark back.

"Don't you even dare lay a finger on her! I swear if you harm Linda... You'll be regretting your decision!"

"Oh, ho ho ho~ did I hit a nerve~?"

Naois tried to get up and goes toward Tina. But realized that the chain has their limits.He growls as he glares at the wicked fox with furious eye that was burning in flame.They laughed and locked the door shut behind them,leaving Naois in the room, alone... Naois sighs as he got on to the bed and starts sobbing uncontrollably. He doesn't know what was the reason to be sobbing.. Maybe because of his sister, Linda? Maybe, he was worried that something might happen to her.

He couldn't try to escape. It was the death end of his freedom.there will be no chance for his sister to live like an normal being when he was captured like this. He thought while sobbing uncontrollably.








"MY QUEEN!" Jolly rans to the corridor and eventually made it to the throne room. He bursts through the door open, Making the Queen, guards and knights shocked.

"Naois!... He's got kidnapped!!"

"He got WHAT?!?"

The Queen stood up from her throne with a shocking expression on her face.The other were shocked and felt pity for Naois.Jolly tried to take a breath before saying

"My queen! What should we do?!"

"There was a way to find Naois... But that would be needing a companion.."

"Please, my queen! I don't wanna loose my mentor! Please.. Just show me the way"

"Fine, if you insist! TODD!!"

Jolly quickly turned around to see a big wolf with a scar on his left face, he has six pack with a fine face.He almost looked like an gangster.He immediately bows to the queen.

"Todd.. It is your chance for proving the citizens that you are an important person like you are right now... I may not know the wise words to spoke but you need to know, you will bring back Naois with no harm"

"Yes, your Highness, I shall be taking my leave now.."

"Take Jolly with you...So, that he knows the way"

Todd nodded as he grabbed Jolly's collar and dragged them on his horse and dose off into the woods. Jolly felt fear but quickly turned into happiness as he enjoyed the wind fleshing at his face.He enjoyed the wind and the ride. He couldn't felt more free and relieving then this! As they continue to ride the horse, soon the dust turned into night. They mada a campfire under a three. Jolly was cooking the food while Todd feed his horse its meal. Todd sat on opposite side of Jolly and waited for the food. The air feels a bit awkward since no one were talking. So, Jolly starts a conversation with Todd.

"So, Todd... Is it?"


"So, tell me.. Um... The queen is..."

"The queen is my favourite person i've ever met... If you wanna talk trash about her, i would tear you little asshole into piece!"

"Woah, woah.! I meant to say she's cool!"


There was the awkward silence between them as they stared at the boiling pot in front of them.Jolly couldn't help and glare at Todd's waistline and saw a small bag.

"Umm.. Todd?"


"What's that on the side waist?"

"It's nothing, even if it is... It's none of your business, kid.."


Jolly has finished the soup and lend the bowl of soup towards Todd and starts eating. After they finished eating, They goes to their tant and sleep.In the middle of the night, Jolly could hear branches clutching sounds. It was probably from the squirrel.but he can't sleep, So he decided to take a peak from his tank. When he saw that, he couldn't believe his eyes. He saw a beautiful, short black hair-feathered girl with raven beak was sitting next to the campfire,Trying to lit the fire. He couldn't help but feel butterflies in his stomach by her beauties.He quickly snapped back to reality. He got out of the tank and speaks up.

"HEY! Who are you and what do you think you're doing?!"


The raven flinched as she backed away slightly.She was quickly recovered and looked at the boy, up and down.She tilted her head to the side, inspecting the boy in awe and curiosity.

"You're new... Mind telling me ya name?"

The boy froze in awe as he heard her voice. Her voice is like a melody in his mind. He couldn't help and smile a bit.

"I-its Jolly.."

"Hmm.. Weird name.. Anyway, Mah name is Linda, call me Lin if ya want"

"Y-yeah! O-of course!"

The boy sat down besides Linda as he watches her make fire.He couldn't stop the feeling for her ... He thought to himself

"Man, This feels like a love at first sight~ oh, her accent sounds lovely~"

Linda look at the fire with big grin as she successfully lit the campfire.She stood up and walked towards the olive tree and took out her bag from the tree's hole. The boy stared at her with "lovey dovey" eyes as he watches her take out her rice and beans.

"You guys eat this stuff?"

"Yes, well... These are our normal diet... But we sometimes eat meats if we want~!"

"Hmm, tell me more~"


"Nothing, nothing!"

The boy got really red when he realizes what he was doing. He quickly looked away while trying to hide his flustered face.The Raven chuckled and continue to eat her dinner.

"So, quick question... Why are you here?"

"Oh, long story... But in short, Im here to save my brother!"

"Oh, some heroing stuff, huh? Wait- who's your brother?"

"You didn't know?! Oh my gosh, Am I going to introduce my brother's reputation?"

The raven eyes glittered in the dark, making the boy fell even more. He couldn't help but chuckled.

"Y-yeah! I don't know your brother and all but-! You can tell me more! So, that way we get to know eachother better!"

"Hmm~ very well! So, first of all, My brother's name is Naois! Which you might already had known! He was the cool and admirable big brother that i've ever had! He been taken care of me since our mother passes away from an accident..."

"Oh, how terrible... Im very sorry for your loss"

"It's okay! Like my brother has said, the past already behind us, focus on the future!"

He chuckled as he continues to listen the raven talking about his mentor, Naois.He couldn't help but feel so in love with her. He just couldn't let her live in the wild. She could get hurt.Yet, They haven't noticed that Todd was watching them in the tant. Todd closes his tant's zip quietly and looked at the

Gift that Naois had given to him when he was a rookie. It was a wearwolf themed necklace that was Todd's favourite. He looks at the necklace as he remembered the time that Naois gived him to it.




(Flash back in Todd's mind)



"Here, This is a gift from me since you're my new pal! Ain't that right~? Roman!"

"Aww! Yeah! Welcome to the team, homie!"

Todd would chuckled as he was hugged by Roman. He charmingly smile at Naois as he returns the smile before going on his duty




(Back to present)



Todd sighs as he wear the necklace and lay down on his sheet.He wishes that he could see Naois again. If he just could've kill Roger in the first intrusion, Naois wouldn't be in danger.He quickly shakes the thought of regret and tried to find the solution to this situation but the thought of those kids bonding makes him remember the time they spend together as companies.The citizens would congrats them when they return to the city safe and sound after a rough battle.He would remember the day he sees Naois' big smile when he received a good news when Todd wasn't sick nor harm. He really do care about Naois. He just...

Don't have the heart to tell him yet...He needs to hurry before Roger does anything that's dumb towards Naois.









"Boss! I found some of Naois' companies on the way here! They're close enough but i make them some destruction along their way!"

"Good, Tina... Thanks for informing this..."

"So, What are you going to do with that guy now?"

Roger flushed as he look down at his desk, trying to avoid eye contact with his henchgirl.She noticed his face and smirked as if she knew her boss too well~

"You know~ you've been stressing out lately~ So, how about i give you a family-friendly potion~?"

"A what potion? Even, if i knew what it was... Im not drinking that!"

"Not for you idiot"


Roger was confused before realizing what she was implying to.Roger slammed his palms onto the desk and give her the death stare.

"Im not going to have sex with him! Even so, Im not gay!"

"Yeah, you're BI!"

"Get out!"

"If you want the potion! It's in my drawer! Only use two drops or else, it's gonna be messy and wild~!"


Roger yelled as he threw a book at the door entrance, almost hitting Tina in her face. Roger sighed as he lay down on his chair.He thought about Tina's words and look at her desk. Even if he wanted to do so, he couldn't. He doesn't want to look like a rapist.. Or an manipulator who just uses the potion to make him fall in love with! He needed to think of a plan.After a few minutes, he got it! He finally found a solution. It's going to take awhile to get along but it has to work.Roger was ready for the consequences of his decision






Naois has fallen asleep after sobbing too much. He woke up by the sound of the door opening.He looked backward at the door and saw the eagle.He quickly stood up and glared at them.

"What do you want from me?!"

"Oh, look like someone woken up on the wrong side of the bed.. Well, if ya insists~!"

Naois sits up as Roger got closer to him.Naois noticed something behind him but didn't question it as he knew what will happen if he did.

Naois was surprised to see a beautiful cyan clothes when the eagle shows him.Naois look at them blankly as he sat them on the bed. Then, he asks

"Can you lift your ankle?"

"Excuse me?"

"I need to unlock the chain.."

"O-oh.. O-okay.."

Naois got flustered as he lifted his captivated ankle up. The eagle grabbed his leg gently and unlock the chain. Naois felt relief as the chain was removed from his ankle.

"Here, take these and come along the hall way... I'll be waiting for you at the table..."

"W-wait! May i ask a question?"

"It better not be stupid"

"... May i know your name?"

The eagle looked at the raven before chuckling.

"It's Roger, Roger colly!"


"Now, i shall be taking my leave... Go change now.. I'll be waiting~!"

Roger goes toward the door and shut them gently before taking a few exhale about what just happened.His heart was beating like a drum. His stomach is full of butterflies.He couldn't help but smile before walking towards the dining hall. The fact that he didn't know is that.. Tina was watching him in the corner... She quickly looked at her boss before smirking mischievously. He turned around and walked toward the chamber with another dress in her bag.

She burst through the door, where Naois was looking at the dress that Roger gived him earlier. They stared at eachother for a moment before Tina speaks up...

"Listen here, pretty boy! You're gotta be pretty tonight on your date! Those suit is out of fashion!"

"W-woah! What?! A date?! I-i.. I didn't sign up for that?! Plus, I never had experienced this kind before!"

"Woah woah, there! Relax~! It was his first time too~ you're cool~! Now let's start~ shall we?"

"Uh.. Oh.."




{Thanks for reading~! And yes, i characterlise Tina, the fox!

Also, Spoiler: "Episode 3: Date evening~!" will be filled with dates and lovey dovey stuffs but it was family-friendly..! Of course, there's gotta a third role in every relationship! But that's all~!}

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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