
A Fate Keeper

After a virus spreads around the entire world, 70% of the human race population has been killed. And from the dead rise beings that are not alive, yet not entirely dead yet. Charles Morgan, a man who worked for everything in his life finally decided, after being destroyed by his ex-wife that he would do whatever to get his son back, but he didn't expect that either it is a coincidence or fate would help him. (A/N: Not really all that sure the second part of the synopsis is all that accurate, but I'll keep it unless the story changes beyond what the synopsis recognizes.) {Updates every Tuesday}

CounselOfFate · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Log 3: Fate's Intimidation

Charles waited as each of the thugs turned to him. His son with one swollen eye turned to look at him as well, "D-dad?" Charles could see a tear coming to his eye, and his gaze softened a little as he let out another sigh.

The front thug that was beating up Roman seemed to have come to a certain realization as a smile came to his face, "Oh? Your this guy's old man, huh? No wonder he has such guts, I guess he gets them all from you, right? Old man, look around and see what your up against," he spread his arms wide and even his eyes seemed to smile.

Charles seemed to have guessed he had picked up a new habit as all he could do was sigh, "Kids these days read way too many Manga, and watch too much Asian chick porn," he said as chuckled a little, "Kid if I had no assurance of kicking your asses, do you really think I would be here alone? I hate these kinds of storylines where the guys act all tough, then get their asses handed to them, and end up begging for mercy." Charles began to walk forward as he talked.

"So when you get your asses handed to you on a silver platter, please be quiet about it," A shadow seemed to have passed over his face as he walked with his hands in his pockets. Though he couldn't use his spear mastery, Charles knew Krav maga, as well as simple hand-to-hand combat after spending a few years in Israel and then the army respectively.

A sudden sense came over everyone there and the lead thug began to back away slowly as a specific type of fear began to creep over him, the fear of being the prey hunted by a predator. He backed away a few more steps before finally turning and running. The rest of his gang followed.

Charles's expression fell as one of tiredness took its place as the last of the gang left. Even though he had a few assurances of being able to handle the group, he had just used his ability, and mentally he was pretty tired. Charles walked to his son as he looked at him and slowly shook his head, "Can you walk?" He asked as he crouched in front of Roman.

"Dad," He said before he completely blacked out. Charles picked him and placed him on his back. For a nineteen-year-old, Roman was actually pretty light. Charles walked quickly as he made his way back to his car which was now streets away. As he was moving he remembered the Sage's Way skill. As he thought about it, he realized it was better to try it when his son was on his back, just in case something went wrong.

Suddenly a notification popped up in his face.

[Skill has been acquired: Fate's Intimidation -Skill allows the user to give the same level or weaker foes an oppressive feeling as if the user were always superior to his opponent.

Duration: 10 seconds

Main Mission Acquired: A Sage of Fate's Abode

Objection: Find a place that you will consider from now on your base of operations.

Rewards: Skill: Sage's Arcane Tower, 10 Fate Points

Failure: Another Penalty from Fate's Selection List]

Charles closed the screens as he looked forward again just in time to see a man attack another man. An undead it seemed. The undead tore at the man and ate him like a wild animal. Blood began to bloom across the road like Red Spider Lilies. The scene was gruesome, yet Charles kept walking until he saw a violent scene as he walked back to where he was supposed to die.

The ground was burnt to crisp, many bodies were strewn around the concrete, A few undead were here and there, but what upset Charles was that the front of his car had a body on it and both the left side tires were blown out. He decided that maybe it was time to use his skill, and so he held out his hand as if he were grabbing a doorknob, "(Sage's Way)."

He turned the "knob" and there was a click heard as if he had just turned a key in a lock. And then the air was swung open as if a door in a doorframe was there. he looked through the doorway and saw his apartment. He sighed as he went through easily. The door closed behind him and the frame fazed back into the air like a pop-up being pushed back into place.

He moved to his bedroom and laid Ramon on his bed as he moved to sit at the foot of the bed. After using the skill: (Sage's Way), Charles felt like he had been hit by not one, not two, but three trains one after another. He rubbed his head as he moved to the couch and laid down. As soon as his head hit the throw pillow he passed out.


When Charles woke up he saw Roman sitting on the single-seat couch at his feet. he was sitting staring at the ground, wringing his fingers. He was washed and wearing Charles's clothing, a plaid shirt, and a pair of khakis. When he felt someone looking at him, he lifted his eyes and looked Charles in the eyes. His right eye was swollen shut and his lip was busted. A few purple patches littered his face here and there.

Charles groaned as he sat up, "One, you look like an idiot. Two, are you okay?" He sat up fully as he grabbed Roman's chin. Roman snatched his chin away with a scowl.

"How did you find me?" He asked as he stood up. He walked to stand near the front door with his arms crossed. Charles ran a hand through his salt and pepper hair as he stood and walked to the kitchen ignoring Ramon. Ramon moved from his place at the front door to follow his father to the kitchen.