
A Fatal Attraction

When Dani finds out that the arrogant and rude man whom she insulted just few minutes ago was her boss her job flashed right in front of her eyes and is willing to kiss it goodbye but to her utmost surprise, her boss had taken an odd obsession to her and she must do everything it takes to avoid him. He saw her for the second time today and his heart seemed to stop because she bore an almost unrealistic resemblance to the woman whom he loved with all his heart but abandoned him. To save himself from looming heart ache he must do everything in his power to avoid the seductive waitress, but doesn't understand what he's doing when he finds himself in front of her house talking to her five years old son

Samy_Davis · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter Two

Dani's POV

Of all the many people that came in here this night, why did I have to be assigned to him?

Sitting in front of me is the man from earlier. 

The man who called me ugly

I'm not picky, but it If I were to hate anyone, it would be him without a doubt

I just don't like this guy's attitude! And I definitely do not like his tongue.

"Don't just stand there, you can come and sit beside me baby" He purred, seductively tapping the chair next to him as if he didn't know me.

And then it struck me. Of course he doesn't recognize me, I look different. I'm wearing thick makeup which covers my innocent face and my clothing is far different from how I was dressed earlier.

This is good. This is very good

Two can play that game.

I sat down next to him planting a seductive smile on my lips.

"I came to this place for the first time today and I must say I'm impressed with the beautiful sights." He said, looking at my body from down to up, his eyes lingering on my breasts. "It's nice to meet you miss…? He smiled, waiting for me to introduce myself.

"You go first" I urged

"Uh, okay. I'm Logan"

"It's nice to meet you Logan" I breathed biting my lip as I tossed my hair to the side, exposing my bare shoulder.

I know this is the weakness of men.

"Shit. You look so perfect." He was staring at my neck with obvious lust

"What's your name?" He asked me still not tearing his gaze his gaze from my collar bone.

"I'm Dani". I answered simply

"But you can call me, whatever you want." I purred, edging closer to his seat

To my surprise he quickly dragged his chair closer to mine and brought his face closer.

"I don't know about you, but I want to get to know you better, Ms. Dani." He whispered softly into my ears sending light tingles down my spine.

His breath is very fragrant, it could intoxicate literally anyone.

I looked up into his icy blue eyes darkened with depths of desire and almost got lost in them,

NO. A big NO.

I shouldn't have looked into those captivating eyes of his.

He should be the one attracted to me and not the other way around.

I mentally shake my head, getting rid of all the nonsense thoughts and replied still smiling "I feel the same way too."

"Great then! Let's do one night stand." He whispered into my ear and I immediately shot up from the seat next to him, getting away from him.

"What? Do you have a problem with that?" He asked with surprise registered in his face as if he was wondering why I reacted the way I did

"I'm sorry. But I don't do that" I responded as politely as I could despite my rising anger.

I was only trying to flirt with him so I could get a higher tip, what does he think I am?

He laughed and I stared hard at him

"I don't believe you. You work in a club, it's practically impossible that you don't have experience when it comes to bed here." He said still laughing and I just wanted to smack the laughter out of his mouth.

I could feel my blood boil and my rage rising to a dangerous level.

"Mr. Logan, I would appreciate it if you differentiate me from the women here. Yes, I work here to earn a honest income, but it doesn't mean you can get whatever you want from me and it definitely doesn't give you the right to talk to me anyhow you fucking please". I hissed at him with raised eyebrows.

I bent down and pulled his tie, bringing his face close to mine, our lips were just inches apart.

"And next time, if you're going to make such ridiculous proposals make sure the person you're talking to is at least attracted to you. Arrogant bastard!"

I let go of his shirt and stormed off, leaving him astounded