
A Fallen Knight-Lost art of necromancy

Severus, a handsome lad with a shy nature. He lived a life that could be called 'non-exisistent, his interaction with the opposite sex was more or less 'non-existent' as well, except for the crown prince's fiancée, Melanie. That too because both of them were childhood friends. But this didn't last long, because Severus— was killed. Previous life ----- Severus was the ex-general and Shadow Knight of the Rivera kingdom. He was a loyal and charming knight who performed his duties very well. Despite his looks, he lived in the shadow of Crown Prince; Maverick, but destiny turned its wheel and the Crown prince's fiancée fell in love with Severus. Betrayal, heartbreak, and jealousy surged inside him and Maverick planned an assassination for his best friend Severus. Severus died in pain. He felt betrayed and cheated by his own sworn brother but he accepted his fate and closed his eyes to accept death. The next moment he heard something earth-shattering. Nobody knows what Maverick told Severus but whatever it was, it questioned Severus's existence. “No, this can’t be true—” “Who am I?” “What am I?” “Who are my parents?” “What was the reason behind my existence?” Severus died while these questions remained unanswered. ——Present life—— Severus found himself resurrected, to his surprise, in his original body and within the same timeline. "It's only been a few days since I was assassinated, and I've been resurrected," he muttered to himself. As he contemplated his situation, he discovered newfound powers within him. He raised an eyebrow in amazement and questioned, "What are these powers?" Looking around, he noticed a bird perched nearby and couldn't help but wonder, "A bird? Why is there a bird here?" He observed the black raven and inquired, “This black Raven is known as Noworry, huh?” With this unexpected second chance at life, Severus was determined to unravel the unsolved mysteries from his previous existence. He made a solemn vow to exact his revenge. *********************** A new character is introduced in his new life; Noworry, a funny bird who becomes his pet, sent by Hades to help him. In this life, he will have no shortage of women who wish to accompany him. Starting from ghosts and mortals to gods, Severus will entertain visits from every existence. However, Severus didn’t ask for women. He was a man who believed that love can happen only once. Since his first love was unsuccessful, the word 'love' disappeared from his life. Will there be any girl who would bring love back into his life? Or will he remain as a monk for his entire life? Witness Severus's growth and troubles, on his way to unfold the various mysteries of the world and becoming a great necromancer. --- [I don’t hold any copyrights of the image above, it’s just a random image I chose. If you own this picture and want it to be taken down, just dm me. I will do it.]

_Daulla · Fantasie
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236 Chs

Chamber of Secrets

" To believe or not to believe was the hardest question mankind ever faced."


[Let us leave] Noworry ordered.

"Okay master"

Severus very cleverly came out of the garden. This time noworry did not fly away instead he shrank his size and hid inside Severus' coat.

[Wow, you are good at strategies and navigation punk. This layout is pretty great] Noworry wasn't short of praises and he happily praised Severus for his talent.

[Sigh, only if you had used one-tenth of this brain while dealing with Melanie and crown prince]


Forget it, this bird had a habit of nit-picking everything.

[So, where are we going?] noworry asked while scratching his wings.

"Nowhere", Severus replied straightforwardly"

[WTH....what do you mean by nowhere?]

"I know some birds have a short memory, but I never thought that the divine bird Noworry would also be having a small brain", Severus said in sarcasm.

Noworry [....]

Noworry had no words to describe this idiot man.

"Have you forgotten that I am dead for everyone? I don't have any place to go so I will wander. If you know any place, then you can suggest."

Noworry [....]

[Measly mortal, how dare you to outspeak me...]

Noworry and Severus argued to and fro.

"Ouch.... What a heartless person here. Che, not even apologizing while they hit an old and frail man…. tch tch"

Severus was arguing when he stumbled against someone.

"Holy lord. Aye kids these days", he snorted.

"I am sorry sir. Did you get hurt anywhere?" Severus asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I am hurt. My whole body is paining, and it seems like I am having difficulty breathing. Hold me, Hold me…. I might die next second…."



[What a FOOL] the bird screamed.

" I am sorry if you are hurt anywhere because of me but I don't think I pushed you so hard that you could have a problem while breathing", Severus replied calmly.

"What do you even know? I am an old man with old bones. I might die any second due to any injury. It doesn't matter if the injury is small or big"

"Is it so?"

"It is"

"Okay, then let me take you to the medical hall. There you can fill in your details and do the verification. Don't worry I will pay the whole bill, come with me" Severus politely invited him.

As soon as Severus said about verification, all the colors from the man's face drained.

"No, no need. No need to compensate", with that the old man scurried away.

[I am encountering different species every day] Noworry commented.

Severus and Noworry roamed the whole day in the market. They gathered various important news from locals. Severus was thoroughly amazed when he heard the 360-degree turn of events from them.

[Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots] Noworry advised.

Soon the night arrived.

[Are we ready] Birdy asked in a hushed voice.

"We are more than ready. You hide inside my pocket", Severus suggested.

[You want me, the heavenly Raven to hide in your sweaty pockets]

[Dream on]

[Since when did I, The Great Noworry need the help of a mere mortal to sneak inside a palace] Noworry disdained.

"My bad, Oh heavenly Great Noworry"

"Bless this mere mortal and agree to help this poor Severus", Severus calmly said.

Although his words made him seem like he was pleading but his attitude was the total opposite.

[Lead the way. I will conceal my presence] Noworry replied.

The night was shrouded in mist.

A perfect night for sneaking.

Severus agilely crossed various hurdles. He was like a ninja, running and climbing places.

Soon they entered a dark hallway inside the main palace.

Severus used his telepathy for communication.

[So, where are we?]

"We are inside the secret hallway which is usually empty at this hour"

[What's a secret hallway? Do they store treasure here?]


"No, no treasures. It is a hallway that leads to the chamber of secrets."

[What's a chamber of secrets?]


"Are you kidding me birdy?"

[Do I look like I am kidding?]


"Are you sure you didn't 'get the punishment for being dumb Noworry?"

Noworry [....]

[I can burn you here for disrespecting me. A mere mortal, but since I am curious to know what the chamber of secrets is, I will not burn you]

[Now quick. Tell me what the chamber of secrets is?]


"Chamber of Secrets is a room locked by spiritual energy barriers where the most important secrets of the nation are stored. Since Rivera is famous for Necromancy, I am sure that I am going to find some earth-shattering secrets there and my answers too", Severus replied with a grin.

[How are we going to cross the spiritual energy barrier] Noworry frowned.

"Who said we are going to cross the barrier?"

Noworry [....]

[Then how are we supposed to enter inside the chamber of secrets?]

"We will sneak. I know a way to break the barrier for five minutes, but after five minutes if we remain there, even if we are a second late. We will be killed instantly. The holy power that guards the chamber of the secret is a no joke. So, I want your help. Use your divine power to Shield me from the curse that will befall upon me as soon as I will enter"

Noworry shrieked [Holy Lord, Are you an idiot? Curses are not easy to lift. Why are you doing this?]

"I believe in you", Severus replied seriously.