
A Fateful Encounter

The air was crisp with an autumn chill. Orange and red leaves danced around me, almost playfully as I walked to my favorite bench at the park. Sitting down, I looked out over the lake as the sun was setting. Yes, this was my getaway, peaceful compared to the hell hole I had to call home. I come here everyday before work, to clear my mind from the horrors of home and to get ready for the fake smile I'd have to front for work. At this time of the day, it was common to see couples holding hands and walking to wherever they were going. Coming here everyday was a routine, there was the old fisherman putting away his fishing pole with his one daily catch. The young athlete running around the park, the few girls giggling up by the large tree watching the athlete. However, one thing caught my eye, he was different. His presence was dark and alluring but also a bit sad. He had a swimmers physic, lean muscle that wasn't overly bulky. He was standing on the edge of the pier looking out over the lake, the sun caught his shoulder length black hair showing hints of blue and purple, like ravens feathers.

Eek! One of the girls at the tree screamed. From the sounds of it a spider had crawled onto her. It was enough to catch the attention of the man, I watched as he turned, and our eyes caught.

My breathe caught it my throat, he was a good twenty feet from me, but it was easy enough to tell that he was the most beautiful man I had ever seen. It wasn't fair, really. He had a strong nose and jawline. A full mouth that as he watched me, watch him, turned into a sly smile.

Warning bells sounded in my head. I should run but my heart fluttered, wanting me to stay. To see what this stranger would do. Then he moved. The next thing I know he was standing right in front me. As I gazed up I noticed that his eyes were gold! Not brown, or amber but gold, like jewelry, and framed by long dark lashes that I was instantly jealous of.

"Do you like what you see?" The stranger asked in a deep voice. Deeper then what I would have thought, he looked to be about late twenties.

"I could ask you the same, since you've been staring at me this whole time too." I responded and automatically stood up.

"What's a pretty little thing like you doing out here by yourself? It'll be dark soon and that's when the monsters come out to play. " he said with a devilish smirk.

His arrogance annoyed me," monsters don't scare me. I can handle myself. " I turned and left leaving the mystery man behind me.

What nerve! I may be on the smaller side but I am more then capable of handling myself, the gall of some people!

A few minutes later I was walking into work. An old book store, my favorite place besides the lake bench. It had its own charm. Two stories just filled with books, a spiral staircase towards the back corner wrapped in lights led to the second story which housed a small cafe and seating along with more books.

"Hello dear. It's a slower night so just put the books away and dust." Old Miss Dee said. She was more of a mother then my own. With a nod I did as I was told.

My mind kept going back to the stranger. I knew I'd probably never see him again but a small part of me hoped we would cross paths again.

With a sigh I went back to work when the door bell chimed. I didn't think anything of it until I heard a scream. Miss Dee!

Forgetting the books I ran to the front. Where Dee was with two men, one had her by the throat the other sitting on the counter laughing.

Miss Dee caught my eye and then looked at the bookcase. Signaling me to hide. I did as I was told and peeked over the books, watching and listening.

"So I heard some interesting news, Dee." The one sitting on the counter said. "You are guarding something I need. A young woman with dark auburn hair and mist grey eyes. "

My face paled. They were talking about me. What did these men want with me?

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Dee said straight faced.

"Don't lie to me. Is she here?"

"I'm the only one here."

"You know I can torture you, I'm trying to be civil. " the man said annoyed now.

Before I realized what was happening Dee was enveloped in white gold light and then she had white feathered wings with gold flecks coming out of her back. There was a snap and the man who had her by the throat went flying into the wall at the end of the room. The man on the counter let out a growl, horns like a ram grew from his head, fangs grew were none had been. What is this!


Listening to Miss Dee's order, I ran. I didn't get far, as soon as I ran out the front door I ran into a wall. Well what I thought was a wall but was actually a well muscled chest of a man.

"Hello again, pretty little thing. Funny to run into you here."

I knew that voice, and as I looked up I was met with gold eyes and a devilish smirk.