
A fake Fiance : Love or Revenge

All Tatiana wanted was to stop her arranged marriage so she asked a handsome strange to pretend to be her boyfriend to convince her mother and leave the marriage. "Will you marry me ?" he asked, she could hear her mother in the background telling her to say yes. What was going on, how did her fake boyfriend turn this dinner into a proposal? And where the hell did he get that ring? A lot of questions and no time to think about anything. "Yes," she answered. And now she had a fiance, just after jumping out of an arranged marriage with her childhood friend Mark. Thinking they would not meet again his ring doesn't want to leave her finger and his now appearing at her place of work too. Without holding back she was falling for him, but just as she thinks they are in love a dark secret about him appears breaking them apart. Will she be able to choose their love over his betrayal and move on with their marriage or choose revenge for hurting her?

jandralitto · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
174 Chs


Tatiana was laying in her bathtub soaking her still-hot body in the cold water. She bit her lip remembering what had happened earlier.

They had pulled away and it was then she realised she had let her emotions control her. Having yearned for his touch again had driven her to that extent. She had pulled away and ran off not looking back.

"I knew it was a bad idea," she said, "but it's my fault not his, he told me to pull away if I didn't want it but I didn't" biting her lower lips she groaned.

Getting out of the tub later she dried dressed and lay in bed, checking her phone which was still charging. She had left it behind to charge.

Missed calls from Patricia and Steve.

She first called Steve.

"Hi," he said.

"Hello, sorry I missed your call the phone was charging and I was out".

"It's okay, wanted to hear your voice" he chuckled

She sighed feeling guilty about what she had done behind his back.

"Well you heard it now how are you feeling"

"Happy, get back soon"

"I will".

"Okay go to sleep now and I will see you tomorrow"

"Thanks, the good night too"

After she hang up she laid down on her bed thinking of what to tell Steve when she got back. Was he going to hide it and keep it a secret or tell him everything?

"It was just a kiss, a small kiss" she repeated but then yelled, "whom am I lying. It was more than small it was..." she stopped turning back to her phone.

"Hello, missed my call. What were you doing" Patricia asked.

"Out on a date," Tatiana said.

"Date, but Steve is on this side so who did you..."Patricia's eyes widened "No, you didn't"

"Yes I did and the worst thing is that I let him kiss me"

"You What?" Patricia shouted.

"We kissed and things got a little steamy but I stopped myself before it got to the good.....no no.....I mean the bad part" she said.

Patricia sighed, "you're in big trouble bestie. What are you going to tell Steve think about Jack, he might now think he has a chance now"

"Patrica don't yell I know what I did was wrong but it happened. I just feel guilty, how am I going to tell Steve" she frowned.

Patrica scoffed, "Well I guess it's time he gets his heart broken. You need to tell him and let him choose to stay or leave"

"But I can't. Since the argument we had he been trying to make this time work I can't break his heart like that"

"Then you should have thought about it when you agreed to the date" Patrica smiled, "so tell me more about this kiss"

Tatiana groaned and hang up, she was in trouble and she knew it.


Jack was on the phone with Eric who was still at work.

"You messed up, why did you have to kiss her?" he said.

"I don't know I just missed it so much that could not resist her anymore," he said.

"She must be confused now, Steve has been putting in too much in their relationship he doesn't deserve to get his heart broken again," Eric said.

Jack sat back with a frown on his face, "Am confused now, who's friend are you, his or mine"

"You broke her heart you deserve all the hate your getting but Steve loves her and is sincere to her. So if he finds out about what happened between you two he will be broken much worse than last time" Eric expressed.

Jack inhaled thinking about what he was going to do the next day when he saw Tatiana.