
A fae's tale

During the 23rd century humans began scientific experiments causing in the creation of Fae's half humans half magical creatures that were made to protect mankind, but as time passed we began to evolve and started fighting for our rights and became a part of society. This didn't set well for some humans and they started a war against us we were forced to run and hide for our own safety. We found an island, a safe haven, a place we could call home. Welcome to ZAGOROTH! My name is Talon and I'm a blue fae. Growing up all i wanted was to be part of the project until i was told about the truth, about the horror it held behind the name. i soon learned about the prophecy and made it my duty to find this chosen one even if it meant having to leave my safe heaven. But i believe in the prophecy, it says a fae will be born from blue eared parents and will have the Colours of all the colonies. I have made it my mission to find the chosen one for that fae will be the one to lead us to peace.

Mahnoor_Rashid_ · Fantasie
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17 Chs

The Vision Of Azova

"Sima, can you hear me?"

I open my eyes to see a strange man looking at me with a worried expression. Somehow my lips moved and said, "yes father." I was shocked as I had no idea who that was nor did I want to say those words that had just come out of my mouth.

I raised my hands and rubbed my eyes, blinking a few times. I felt as if I was seeing the world through the eyes of someone else, as if someone was guiding my motions, they were doing their own thing and before I realized it, I was going towards a large brown door.

I tried to stop my feet from taking another step, but it felt like they had a mind of their own and kept walking.

I stopped in front of the door eyeing it from top to bottom before taking a big yawn and proceeding to twist the handle.

The door opened, and sunshine poured in, as if it had been caged and was now free. Inside, it gleamed, and I turned to see where I was.

Because of the bed sheet colors, the room felt like a girls' room, complete with pink decor and posters of renowned Fae singers.

I had no idea where I was or what I was doing and soon came to the conclusion that I was in someone else's body…. In another fae's body.

I tried to blink but my eyes wouldn't follow my orders. I tried my best to get control of my hand but it was useless, I wasn't just inside, I was trapped.

"Sima?" "Are you okay?" I hear a faint voice. I glance to my left and see a toddler, "I'm OK, Leo, don't worry." I place my hand on his head and bend in to kiss his forehead.

Where am i? I try to shout out but again to no avail.

My feet began to move in front of a mirror, and the moment my hand touched the hair brush, I stared at myself, speechless, I was in a girl's body.... She had beautiful blue eyes that resembled sea blue when the sunshine caressed them, her hair was likewise a strong blue hue, and she appeared to be around my age; I later discovered she was also set to turn 18 in a few days. Exactly like me. I saw on her calendar that her birthday was on June 12th.

It took me around fifteen minutes to regain my composure. In amazement, I began to touch my head but soon realized I couldn't, so I simply sat there while fae caressed my hair... her hair.

As I sat powerless, the fae rose. I had the impression that I was inside her mind, or that I was her consciousness, unable to influence her actions but able to watch all she did. She opened the door and I saw the impossible... I was waiting to see what she does or simply get a clue of where it goes.

It was a village, and what I saw there stunned me to my core. My heart began to beat quickly not from fear, but from delight as I saw a community full of fae and humans living happily together.

I watched as this fae went out of what appeared to be her residence and conducted a few pleasantries with a few other fae before walking around the streets going from store to store taking money and exchanging morning greetings; from what it looked like, she appeared to be a tax collector. Smiles and fist bumps greeted this fae wherever she went.

She kept going, and I observed as she passed by highways with a few automobiles driving by; this couldn't be Zagoroth; this wasn't Zagoroth.

The streets were very clean, the currency was unique, the streets were broad and wide, and it wasn't overcrowded and busy like Zagoroth. This location was nothing like Zagoroth, I thought as I glanced at the massive gate in front of which I, or she, stood. "Greetings from Azova!" It stated...

"Azova City!"


Was it a dream? I wondered as the sun seeped through the entrance of the tunnel. But the City appeared so real.

"Azova," I murmured softly.

"Are you looking for Azova city?" I turned to see a tall figure. All cover in a black tunic. From her clothes I could tell it was a girl.

I couldn't tell which colony she belonged to because her face was covered in a mask, but her eyes shone brightly. I rubbed my eyes to clear the image and as my eyes finally focused, I saw her eye color, a beautiful lilac color as the sun shone through them. She placed her hand out for me to grab, " I can get you there." Her gentle voice made my ears perk up.

"And you are?" I gave a huff as to how I didn't need any help. "I'm your only ticket out of this dump." she said, taking her hand back and crossing her arms. " The gates open in an hour, are you ready to get out of this colony?"

"I'm sorry. Do I know you?" I gave her a confused look.

"No your highness but I do."

Her reply shocked me, my heart began beating so fast I felt as if it would burst out.

"Wha…what did you call me?" I hesitated to hear her reply. How could she have possibly known who I was?

"I observed your little escape from your window last night and thought you'd be more careful so the king wouldn't find out." she continued, "Plus, I took a peak at your bag," pointing at my bag I had right then clenched tightly. "it is costly, and I questioned why someone who could purchase a bag made of skinsilk would sleep beneath a tunnel at night,"

I immediately dug in my bag. I unzipped it and put my hand inside without looking or feeling about the contents of my bag. I honestly couldn't care less about anything but my pouch...

I needed my small pouch of gold coins... The only way out was via the gates. I knew they wouldn't let anyone under the age of 18 pass through the gates without a parent present, and because I still had a few days till I turned 18, I wouldn't be able to leave without bribery.

If I don't leave within the next hour, my mother will notify the guards, and they will shut this area down. This girl appeared to be the only fae who understood what she was doing, and having a companion and someone to chat to on my journey to the project couldn't do much harm.

"So, Azova City? What do you know about that place?" I asked as I held her hand and got on my feet, she continued to talk and explain about the Rumors that had spread around.

"Have you never heard of Azova City?" she looked shocked but continued, "It's said that beyond the walls of Zagoroth, passed the Blood Moon Grove, after you cross the GrathMoor Woods and if you survive that, you end up on the mountain of tears, there is a river called the mermaid river, if you cross it there is a city, known to have a large land where humans and fae's live in harmony."

"Do you believe this place really exists?" I questioned in a low voice.

"It does it too, and that's why my friends and i are going to leave Zagoroth in search of it."

"But, " I tried to say but she cut me off, " I know they're just rumors but I'd rather be eaten by the creatures outside the walls than become part of the project."

The fae had her head held high, while I kept mine down and glanced at the pathway we were traveling, not daring to tell her that my initial objective was to join the project and locate Eleanor.