
A end is just a new beginning

666_Lucifer_666 · Fantasie
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4 Chs

A new sword

Lucifers expression brightened hearing hell het 9 copper more than he expected for tear one beast he gladly accept it and thank the girl before asking " do you sell sword or wepoms by chance maybe arrows? " she sighs " yea yea we have it all just look around ill tell you the price " lucifer ig ores the tone and goes and finds a sword a little shirt but is still in decent condition he finds a proper backpack and goes to the shopkeep " the sword is 4 copper itself and the bad 2 " lucifer hands her 6 copper taking his three putting the bag on and leaving " thank you madam " lucifers looks around seeing a small spice shop he goes there spending his last copper on 2 spices he walks back towards his little cave ariving a couple hours before noon before leaving the back pack with spices in it going deeper into the woods slowly listening to his surroundings before climbing a tree and waiting there lucifer spends his time till late noon till he finally sees a small beast it being a bore at rank 2 lucifer smirks to himself finally seeing some good meat jumping down his sword slashing at the bore lucifers eyes widen when the book simply steps to the side moving only getting a small graze on its side the boar gets angry swiping his giant husks lucfer steps back doing them swinging his sword with a wide ark hitting the jaw slicing through it the boar wails in pain before charging straight at him he braces the sword and the board rams straight into the point killing it lucufer pants slightly catching his breath thinking " maybe i should have gotten minor realm 5 first " he drags the boar back towards the river he cuts its neck letting the blood drain in the river then brings it to the cave starting a fire then slicing off its back leg before skining it then adding seasoning roasting it and eating it he feels the vital energy flow into his body and instantly starts cultivating braking through to rank 5 quickly he stretches feeling the energy run through his body smirks " 5 more minor realms and ill be able to use qi skills of course I need to learn them first " he puts the boar skin in the bag and resta for a small amount of time its already late so he falls asleep waking extremely early he starts a fire stays inform of it enjoying the warm orange redish flame coming off of it before cutting the boars other hind leg skimming it seasons it lightly them roasts it his mouth watering at the scent he digs in devouring the leg quickly he starts meditating and slowly moves up in his realms " with meditating three or four more meals like this and ill be rank six " he goes into the cave and meditating intill its late making major progress but still disappointed " I really need a better qi source eather a formation higher density when I reach the spirit establishing tier ill make no progress in a month " he starts a umfure getting quicker at the prices he then cuts off both front legs them being less in meat skins both legs and seasons them roasting them above the fire the aurora so enticing he digs in eating both legs just as quick as the hind leg storing the skin in his bag he then mediating using the beast meat as his source reaches the 75% mark for rank six " tomorrow ill reach rank six and go to town hopefully not to late " he meditates late and falls asleep walking a little earlier then yesterday runs to the stream washing his face and clothes from the blood " new clothes and a sharpening stone " he walks back to camp in damp clothes starting a fire he stands near it for a bit drying off then goes and skims the boar with his sword then cuts the boar in three pieces " breakfast dinner and bait " seasons the juicy slab of meat and roast it above the fire before eating it he mediated till noon reaching rank six he stands and stretches after storing the rest of the pelt he goes and walks towards town leaving the two pieces of meat in the cave after ariving in town nit many people look at him as the first time as he is clean he goes to the same shop the shopkeep looks at lucufer in a new light seeing him clean but still in tatered clothes " maybe your not a barbarian after all " she smiles slightly lucifer smiles back " I have a rank 2 beast boar type pelts and bone " the girls jaw drops " did you hunt this? " lucifer nods in acknowledgment the shopkeep speaks " you hunted a spirit beast at rank 6 in the body refining realm " lucifer was about to correct her that he did it at rank 5 but didn't seeing her surprise as it is " I did hunt it and skinned it would you buy it from me" she nods quickly " yes can I see the pelt " she takes the pelt and examines it slightly " I can give you two silver for the pelt and one for the bones " this time its lucifers turn for his jaw to drop he quickly asks " why so much uts just a boar " she smiles on town we don't have anyone willing to hunt and only the mayor is in the spirit establishment rank realm 7 i belive " lucifer is now feeling luck he got in such a small place " ill take two of the silver and spend the last on clothes from you " she nods and lucufer graves 2 sets of clothes " do you have and sharpening stone for the sword i bought " she smiles and points towards the far wall lucufer walks there and sees all low level but decent sharpening stones he picks one up and goes to the counter " 1 silver 10 copper leaving you with 1 silver and 90 copper " lucifer nods and takes it putting it in the bag and leaving the store.