
A happy home

Every person in life deserves to be happy at all times. No one can wish to be sad and lonely. Even the Bible says, "a joyful heart is good melody but a broken spirit stears trouble".

In a home of 3, Mr Sitali, Angelina (daughter) and Mrs Anita Sitali, there was always joy and happiness. The father and mother loved there daughter very much. They did for her whatever she requested from them. She was a princess who lacked nothing . Mrs Anita Sitali always made sure that Angelina took home prepared food at school in order for her to remain health .

Angelina was a very strong brave and intelligent girl. Academically, she never gave her parents the chance to complain about it. She was determined to become a doctor one day. She was indeed very brilliant.

They say, "charity begins at home" and it's true. Angelina was trained by her mother at home and the teachers always gave her as an example to other learners.

In other words Angelina was smart, physically and mentally. The love of her parents never made her weak but instead gave for reasons to aim higher in her education.

Love strengths the soul, it will never even a day make anyone weak. It sharps the brain and gives joy to people, just like in the house of the Sitali family.