
A dream unfulfilled

A love yearned but never received

SallyAudrey · Teenager
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9 Chs


Where is your sister, Nicole? Still sleeping I guess. I went to wake her up but she sent me running out of her room with threats of putting worms in my backpack if I dare come back to disturb her sleep again. Get out of my way Nicole, Emma shouted at her 10 year old sister. She nearly pushed her away as she dashed for the washroom. No sooner had she entered than she came out wiping water from her hair. Nicole as well as Mrs. Nina stared at her in bewilderment. "What did you do in there Emma?" asked Nicole. "What would I do in the washroom if not shower?" quipped Emma. But you spent less than a minute there. "Enough of your silly questions, Nicole" barked Emma.

Meanwhile, in the streets of Ashvin, Maria was having a hard time thinking of what would become of her if Emma decided to penalize her for being the reason behind her losing her friends. As soon as she got ready to leave, she heard her brother call her name. Take care of yourself Maria, he said as Maria turned to face him. As if by chance, all four newly made friends, met right at the entrance of the school. "Wow, this has got to be a coincidence," said Fernanda. How was your day guys? Cool, said Valeria. Awesome, said Leslie. Mine was incredible, said Maria. And mine was super incredibly unexplainable, said Fernanda. All four girls burst into laughter. "You seem to be having a pretty fun time together already," said a voice which all four girls turned to confirm its owner. Carmem! They all exclaimed. Hi guys. You really surprised us, said Leslie. Guys, we've got a Math test after English class, let's get going. Yeah, let's get going. Surprisingly, Emma was pretty late for school that day. She came in the middle of English class so Miss Lisa had her skip class and promised she would be in for detention the next time she came in that late. Right after the bell rang, Carmem dashed out to where Emma was. Emma, Carmem called out. What? Emma retorted. What kept you so long? Why don't you mind your own business and get the hell out of here? This is my business, Emma. Absolutely not. This can't be your business when you walk with my enemy. Who is your enemy, Emma. Maria of course. Wait, Emma. Is Maria your enemy because she is good looking, when as the hottest girl in school, you should have had her looks? Nonsense! Did I just hear you call her good looking, or were my ears betraying me? I'm afraid not because you heard me right. You call this bonnie monster good looking? Have you lost your sense of attraction, Carmem or are you blind now? I just don't get it why you all are calling her good looking. I wonder if she has you under some spell that makes you not see what she appears like. Enough of this drama, Emma. I'm out of here. Let's go guys. Maria, you've not touched your food. Well guys, I think you haven't been fair with Emma. Forget it Maria. If she can't be friends with you, she can't be friends with us either. Oh no! What's wrong? It's five minutes left to math class. Alright then, let's be on our way. I must say that none of us wants to be in Mr. Daniel's bad books.