
A Dragons Beginning

A dragon hatches from an egg in an unfamilliar place, with only his bloodline inheritance to guide him in a direction, its up to himself to choose what he wants to do with his life be that conquer countless solar systems, create and undefeatable empire that strikes fear into the hearts of thoes who hear its name, or simply swallow an entire star just because he could, and maybe along his journey he'll find a couple of badass wives who like him more than he might believe, though that will take some time since hes just hatched. overall this story is about a dragon born for greatness and a craving for conquest, most know him as a villain but thoes that truly know him, know its only for the survival of the fittest. (This is my first time writing a novel so constructive criticism is appreciated) (also just read like the first 5 chpyer to tell of its good or not, i have nobidea how to write a synopsis)

yung_Ericsef · Fantasie
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48 Chs

11. Heading out

Osiris didn't feel the need to use the toilet as his body didn't produce any waste, always converting any impurities he might consume into mana his body could use perfectly.

Though he wasn't completely covered in dirt and grime, it was still there in small amounts.

Wanting to start his day clean, Osiris decided to try out the primitive shower which seemed to only be able to shoot cold water out, but beggars can't be choosers as he washed his entire body from head to toe.

While he was in the shower, Osiris suddenly heard Adam shout from outside the bathroom door.

"Osiris, I noticed you didn't have any real clothes to use so I took the liberty of bringing you some of our fathers old clothes that might fit you".

"Thank you, just leave them by the door and I'll try them on when I'm out the shower".

He replied with a shout, responded to by a simple.


Osiris then finished up thoroughly washing his hair and got out, drying off with a towel he found in a stack placed on a shelf within the bathroom next to the door.

Osiris then opened the door and reached down to grab the short stack of clothes on the floor.

But as he grabbed them, he heard a door open across the hallway parallel to the bathroom, and when he looked up he noticed Aria standing in the doorway to what Osiris assumed was her bedroom with an expression of shock at the sight that greeted her first thing in the morning after leaving her room.

As Osiris stood up, Aria was greeted to the sight of his muscular body, still damp after the morning shower, in full glory.

She was broken out of her revere however when she heard him greet her.

"Goodmorning, enjoying the view?".

Which made her usually expressionless face break out into a raging blush as she realized she was gawking at his body for way too long.

She didn't scream or shout however, and simply continued to blush and turn her head away from him and slowly walked past him down the hallway, replying with a simple.


Refusing to answer his earlier question.

Osiris only smiled at her reaction before closing the door and trying on the new clothes which surprisingly barely fit him.

He knew probably only a few humans on this planet could match his human-form's stature.

But what made them barely fit was what the material the white shirt and black pants combo where made of seemed to be quite stretchy to some degree, and made it seemed quite form fitting on Osiris.

However it didn't look bad and simply pronounced the muscles and contours of his body without showing anything.

He soon got out of the bathroom and made his way down the hallway and into the dining area where Adam and Aria were already sitting while waiting for their food and having a light conversation, with Adam doing most of the talking.

As he stepped in, all three siblings turned to look at him, both Eris and Aria breaking out into a blush for different but similar reasons.

Adam didn't seem to notice their blushes however, and only commented on his clothes.

"It seems to be a nice fit, maybe slightly too small for you though but we can go make a custom order for larger clothes at the seamstress layer maybe".

"Yeah it's a little too small but they will do for now, thank you for them though".

Osiris replied, to which Adam waved it off with a dismissive hand gesture and said.

"Not at all, they were sitting in a closet taking up space anyway".

Osiris simply nodded and sat down at the table and after a couple minutes of waiting, breakfast was read.

It was a light spread of bread, along with some fruit they picked from the forest and a glass of apple juice that was made in the village.

They ate their breakfasts while having a light conversation about what they planned to do for the day.

"So Osiris, what do you plan to do for the day".

Adam asked as the sister's ears perked up to listen to his response.

"I think I'm going to head deeper into the forest to hunt more powerful beasts and try to improve in my cultivation, and you?".

"I think after yesterday's encounter, we're going to stick to the more outer areas of the forest to forage, though we might struggle to find prey for tonight's supper since andimas and beasts tend to stay further within the forest".

Adam replied, to which Osiris quickly said.

"I can take care of tonight's food, I'll bring back something good, promise".

He smiled and said, to which Adam nodded and replied.

"Thank you, we really appreciate that".

Osiris nodded and then headed out for the day, walking to the west of the village where it met the forest before heading in.

Along the way to the forest however, Osiris noticed quite a few stares that came his way while he was walking, mostly women gawking with infatuated eyes at how handsome he was and some men who seemed to respect the strength that Osiris exuded.

Once outside, Osiris ran about a mile into the forest in a couple minutes before finding a clearing big enough for him to transform into his dragon form before spreading his wings and flying into the sky, leaking a tornado of dirt and wind in his wake.

Flying further into the forest, which seemed to go on for eternity and the only indication of its end was the miniscule sight of the ocean thousands of miles away, Osiris combed through the forest for suitable beasts in the body realm.

And indeed the further Osiris flew in towards the center of the forest, the stronger the realm of beasts.

The reason being it that the further towards the center Osiris flew the higher concentration of mana there was, almost like the forest was a natural mana gathering array.

idk there might be some time skips or sum in the next chapter as he gets stronger as its probably pretty boring to read him hunting abimals until he levels up then repeat.

anyway gn fellas

yung_Ericsefcreators' thoughts