
A Dragon's Otherworldly Journey

[WILL BE REWRITTEN] Zephyr, a skilled doctor, tragically loses his life in a car accident, only to be reincarnated as a dragon in a foreign world. Despite his expertise and knowledge from his past life, he finds himself abandoned due to his perceived lack of potential. Determined to prove his worth and to survive in a world where magical beasts are nothing but slave of human race, Zephyr, now a dragonborn, embarks on a journey to become stronger and unlock his true abilities. ============== I'm not a professional writer. So don't expect too much. I wish to improve along with my writing. There might be a few plot holes. Please bear with it. English is not my main language. So correct me if there are any grammatical errors. The cover picture is not mine. Thank you for reading... :)

MOONshadow_ · Ost
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7 Chs

Prologue - Zephyr

"Thank you Doctor, you saved my brother's life." A man bowed to him after Zephyr had closed the patient room. He was still wearing his white robe with name plate.

Zephyr smiled wearily at the bowing man, "No need to thank me, Mr. Smith, it is my duty as doctor. Your brother just need rest for next three days before being able to leave the hospital." Zephyr replied modestly.

He was used to people thanking him, since he was one of the best doctors in this country.

In his mid-20s, Zephyr has an unassuming appearance. His slightly unkempt chestnut hair often falls into his hazel eyes, giving him a studious look. His complexion bears the faint traces of late nights spent studying and long shifts at the hospital. Though not conventionally handsome, his genuine smile and gentle demeanor make him approachable and trustworthy to his patients.

Returning to his office, Zephyr sat down in front of computer after taking off this white rope and looked at time shown in lower right corner of the screen. It shows 10:30 PM.

The patient he treated today was someone important that's why he treated him personally even though he had been working non-stop for past ten hours. He wanted finish his work soon so he could return home as soon as possible.

Just when Zephyr started typing report, Alice, his secretary, came into the office. She had a serious look on her face which made Zephyr frown. His secretary never barge into office without knocking unless there was something serious happening.

Alice put stack of paper files on Zephyr's table. Looking at the topmost paper file, Zephyr understood why she suddenly came here. There written big bold words 'Emergency Patient' on it.

Zephyr opened file and started reading about the patient. According to file, around 10 o'clock tonight, a person has been brought into ER by ambulance.

"The patient is a middle aged woman who was, according to the police, returning home but unfortunately got hit by drunk driver while crossing road. Currently her condition is unstable due to severe bleeding caused by the crash and internal injuries. We have managed to stop bleeding and currently doing surgery to repair damaged organs." The beautiful secretary solemnly reported.

Zephyr read rest of the file. After finishing it, he asked the secretary, "What are patient chances of surviving?"

The beautiful secretary hesitated before replying with heavy tone, "It is very low, doctor..."

Sighing in helplessness Zephyr said, "Prepare operating room no. 3, I am going there now."

His secretary nodded her head before leaving the office while Zephyr took his white robe from the chair and went towards emergency operating theater.

After arriving operating theater no. 3, Zephyr found two nurses standing near entrance waiting for him.

Entering inside operating theater, Zephyr washed his hands thoroughly before wearing surgical mask and gloves.

The operation took nearly six hours before ending successfully. Even though Zephyr succeeded in saving patient life but he couldn't help frowning behind surgical mask.

The middle aged woman had lost her legs below knees due to crash and also suffered severe brain hemorrhage. The odds of woman waking up are close to zero.

Zephyr sighed helplessly. He couldn't save patients legs but he managed to keep her alive.

Finishing all the post operation procedures and checking woman's condition once more time Zephyr finally returned to his office.

Looking outside window, he saw faint light coming from horizon meaning that it was dawn already.

Sighing helplessly and exhaustedly, he finally left the hospital and went for the parking lot located nearby.

Just when Zephyr reached his car parked near the hospital, he heard sudden loud noise coming from behind startling him. Turning back he saw a speeding truck losing control and coming towards him while honking loudly.

He did not even have time to evade before truck hit him resulting in flying like a rag doll!

Zephyr body crashed on hard wall of hospital causing his bones to break and rupture veins. Blood spurted out from his mouth as his vision blurred.

He could not feel his lower body anymore. Zephyr lay on the ground feeling incomprehensible pain.

Form the corner of his eyes, he could see some figures running towards him while shouting something. But he couldn't hear them clearly as if hearing through cotton balls.

His vision was slowly turning dark as Zephyr felt coldness spreading through his body. He tried moving his hand but it didn't respond.

As a doctor how could he not understand what it meant? He was dying...

Is this how I die? Is this the end?

As darkness slowly engulfed his vision, Zephyr felt regretful that he wouldn't able to see family again.

Ah! How unfortunate, what a short life I lived...

I wish I could have lived little longer....

Unbelievable, departing the world without ever been put to use… my 'son' must be gone right now....

Alice always joked about how she will destroy my hard drive to protect my data if something happens to me.... I hope she will completely wipe the data clean….

Zephyr thoughts turned hazy as everything turned completely black.

Endless darkness engulfed Zephyr mind as last breath escaped his lips.

Everything turned dark as sound and pain all faded away...

However, unknown to anyone, strange phenomenon was happening inside Zephyr's soul!

And at that instant, Zephyr's "soul" linked with a monstrous creature in another world!