
You Really Are Doing Fine

Isaac was not prepared for Whitney to be so assertive about what she wanted. Or that what she wanted happened to be him. 

She was always the one to make the first move. Kissing him on the cheek. Inviting him over repeatedly to read after the first time. He needed to do better so he was the one who suggested they go on a real date on Saturday when they had the time. She seemed pretty happy about that. 

"At least you're not completely hopeless," Tazonor muttered after that happened. 

He tried to keep his commentary to himself while the two of them were together so he wouldn't mess things up because he wanted this as badly as Isaac did but sometimes it was too much for the little demon to resist. 

Isaac did his best to ignore it whenever it did happen. He couldn't look weird in front of Whitney. At least no weirder than he already did.