
This Is Just How Things Are For Us

Ginger's head went around in circles for nearly a year as she tried to get more used to Dane's lifestyle to see if she could handle it on a permanent basis. There were a lot of things she had to get used to. 

One that she hadn't expected was needing to Photoshop all her pictures. Her coworkers were suspicious that her boyfriend even existed because she never had any to show. 

She had been a bit worried that Dane would be offended but he was simply curious when he saw what she was doing. She explained a bit sheepishly. She had been taking plenty of pictures since he no longer had to hide what he was so all she had to do was edit a select few for the curious horde and put them in a separate album on her phone so she wouldn't accidentally scroll to one no one else should see when showing them to people. 

"I look exactly like my glamour," he said in surprise when he saw the finished product on her first attempt.