

Molly sighed and leaned more heavily against him. "I suppose we are. I feel like you're caving into me all the time though because you never express your opinion first. Are you sure you're happy doing that, Evan? You do so much for me and I want to do things for you too."

"Of course I'm happy! I'm happier with you than I've ever been with anything or anyone else so you never have to worry about that. You do so much more for me than you could possibly know," Erevan insisted.

"Oh yeah? Like what?"

Hmm. He couldn't mention most of the difference she made in his life because of the secrets he was keeping. There was one small detail he might be able to use though…

"I feel at peace when I'm with you," he admitted. "Touching you is very relaxing. I'm used to being in a state of constant vigilance so not having to do that around you is nicer than I can say."