
If Only He Was So Lucky

Once Drew calmed down slightly, he realized how exhausted Mila seemed. He wanted to reach out and comfort her but knew he didn't have the right. Instead, he asked if she was okay. 

Her reply was a simple and resolute "no." Of course she wasn't. She had to see two of her least favorite people at once today and one of them essentially attacked her in the elevator. If he hadn't gotten there exactly when he did…

He sighed. "I'm sorry, Mila. You shouldn't have to deal with that."

"I'm used to it," she said bitterly.

The truly sad part was that Drew knew she was used to it. It wasn't something she should have to get used to though. She deserved so much better than the people around her kept giving her.

He said as much and stupidly invited her to dinner despite figuring he would get shot down. She needed cheering up and he really wanted to spend time with her on his birthday even though he knew it wouldn't be the same as it was on hers.