
I Would Expect Nothing Less From You

Cora happened to mention she had been assaulted in the doorway of her childhood home where there was a security camera when the police asked if there were any further witnesses. She had no doubt they would look into it further. Her work here was done.

That worked out a lot better than she expected it to. She would gladly take some stitches and a broken wrist to gain her freedom and punish the man that made her childhood a living hell.

The police told her they would be in touch and she gave them her contact information and the address of her new apartment in Indianapolis after explaining she was supposed to move there tomorrow and only came into town to see her dad on her way.

The apartment she would be moving into was furnished and she didn't want to do such a long drive so she packed what little she owned into three suitcases and a carryon and flew there after selling her car. She could get a new one when she arrived and start over completely.