
He Wasn't Crazy

Isaac's relational bliss peaked on his birthday but the day started on a rough note. He had gotten into the habit of leaving his mother flowers on his birthday because one of his nannies as a child had helped him do it. 

He never really got much acknowledgement on his birthday. His father bought him presents and a cake and sent him out to do something fun with his nanny at the time, not wanting to deal with it himself. He had never wanted his son to be born in the first place so it made sense. 

Whitney knew his mom was dead anyway so he figured she wouldn't mind the brief stop on the way to the amusement park but he hadn't expected her to be worried about him. He should have though. She was a very caring person. 

"I'm fine," he said truthfully. "It's really not a big deal, which is why I didn't say anything before now. It's not like I miss her or anything."