
Coral and Diamond

'I recycle' Ace wrote back before cursing under his breath. That was so stupid!

His soulmate seemed to think so too based on her response. 'Is that really the best you can think of?'

'Don't tell me you never blank on answers when people are asking you things'

'Fair enough. But that answer is pretty pitiful'

'Yeah, I know'

Ace thought of something but it was treading close to dangerous territory. He didn't want to talk about Drew with her but… 'I'm a good brother'

'That's a lot better than recycling!' she replied. He couldn't tell if she was making fun of him or not. That was the problem with writing. Tone could get lost in a way it didn't in person.

'I feed a stray cat that lives near my apartment too if that helps'

'It does'