
A Much Better Attitude

As promised, Vanya found a replacement for herself but it took longer than expected considering her usual efficiency. She was there to help Molly conduct the interviews and was surprisingly picky about things she wouldn't have even considered.

But the time came for the new housekeeper Kari to start and for Vanya to go take care of her family things full time. Seeing her go was more emotional than Molly had expected. She actually cried, to her great mortification.

"I'm really going to miss you," she sniffled as she hugged her friend.

Vanya patted her back comfortingly. "I can't guarantee I'll always be able to respond quickly but you know my number."

Molly watched her white hair stream behind her as she walked out the front door overwhelmed with a wave of nostalgia, appreciation, and loss. Change was an inevitable part of life but that didn't mean she had to like it. At all.