
A Different Story: Hephaestus.

A change in history, no matter how small it may seem, could lead to the destruction of the line traced by the destiny. Hephaestus, the Ugly and Pathetic God of Olympus. The Greek God of Fire and Forge. A highly underrated and somewhat forgotten god, that is Hephaestus. But as mentioned before, a simple action can change the course of history. In this case, a series of events that culminated with the love of a mother overcoming the momentary anger and frustration. How much will history change because of this? That is a question no one can answer. ---------------------------------------------------------- English is not my mother tongue, nor do I have a mastery of its grammatical and syntactical rules, so some people who place great importance on those aspects may not find the story entirely enjoyable to read. I warn from the beginning so that there is no misunderstanding with that fact.

TheXVoid · Anime und Comics
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List of the Harem.

This will not be surprising to those people who have read the old version of the story, and this is something I do not plan to change in this new version.

Greek Goddesses.

1. Aphrodite.

Yes, I know, before you say something I know, believe me I know, but it must be said that this will be an alternate universe and therefore this Aphrodite will be somewhat different from the one we know. Besides, I have always loved stories where Aphrodite and Hephaestus have a good relationship and both love each other.

2. Athena.

Yes, I also know, one of the three virgin goddesses, but there's no way that's going to stop me. Because honestly speaking, the couple she would form with Hephaestus would be one of the most powerful in Olympus. Plus, from my perspective, I consider their domains to be very complementary with each other.

3. Hera.

First of all, let's remember that this is a fictional story and secondly that it is a story based very much on Greek mythology, so it should come as no surprise that there is incest. Also, honestly speaking, Hera is my second favorite goddess in all of Greek mythology despite everything she did, and I just couldn't leave her out.

Fate Series.




As I mentioned before, I would take certain elements and characters related to the Nasuverse. So, it was more than obvious that this was going to happen (At the end of the day, Fate is a waifu factory and whoever denies it is either lying or is stupid).

Anyway, the members of this franchise will remain unknown because that's what I have decided. As they appear in the story I may or may not add them to the list, I will see in the future.

DC Comics.




Well, finally we will have the members of DC Comics. Frankly speaking, the harem wouldn't be complete without them. Although, like the Fate members, they will remain unknown until I decide to reveal them.

As you may have counted, that would give a total of 9 harem members. It's not a small number, but it's not a very large one either, I think it's fair enough.

Anyway, the number may increase or even decrease as the story progresses and develops, but for the time being the number will remain at 9 members.

Now with nothing more to say, it's time for A Different Story: Hephaestus to begin.